Environmental observations and infected host and dinospore counts in Salt Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA from 2018 through 2019 | Direction of wind as compass direction converted to degrees
| Wind_Direction |
Subsurface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | wind direction (degrees True) at Bodega Marine Laboratory sensor (boon.bml.edu)
| dir |
Surface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | wind direction (degrees True) at Bodega Marine Laboratory sensor (boon.bml.edu)
| dir |
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruise LMG1110 in the Southern Ocean in 2011 | Wind direction (true, port windbird). Name changed from "True wind direction" to "wind_dir" during data processing.
| wind_dir |
Alongtrack data from ship's Data Acquisition System (DAS) from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN277 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean in 2012 (POWOW project) | True wind direction.
| wind_dir |
Ship sensor data collected along the track during R/V Seward Johnson cruise SJ9505 in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank in 1995 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (GB project) | wind direction reports as compass degrees, using meteorologic convention of "from" not "to"
| wind_dir |
Alongtrack data from R/V Polarstern ANT-XXIV_1 from October to November 2007 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project) | true wind direction, computed value
| wind_dir_true |
Wind data along the track from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean from April 2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project) | true wind direction
| wind_dir |
Biology and chemistry in Arctic surface microlayer and subsurface waters from R/V Oden cruise ASCOS2008 from the High Arctic Ocean in 2008 (87degs N, 1-6degs E) (Marine Microgels project) | True wind direction
| true_wind_direction |
Cassidy International Airport weather station data on Kiritimati in the Northern Line Islands sampled between 2006-2015 (RAPID Kiritimati project) | Angular mean wind direction (from hourly values)
| wind_direction |
Underway pCO2 from GO System from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Absolute (true) wind direction in degrees
Wind data from June to October 2012; recorded near the MBL Dock, Woods Hole, MA, USA (Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence project) | Wind direction.
| wind_dir |
CTD files (netcdf format originally) from NOAA/PMEL FOCI cruises from multiple cruises in coastal Gulf of Alaska, Northeast Pacific, CGOA, SE Bering Sea from 2001-2004 (NEP project) | Direction from which the wind blows.
| wind_dir |
Uncalibrated data from the ship's Data Acquisition System (DAS) from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | Wind Direction
| WindDirection |
Deployment, environmental, and larval behavior information from drifting in situ chamber (DISC) deployments in Southwater Caye, Belize between June and August of 2016 | The direction (angle) the wind was blowing from during the deployment
| wind_dir |
Spiny dogfish and rare earth metals from F/V Survivor NEC-ST2006-1 in the Gulf of Maine from 2007-2008 (NEC_ProjDev project) | wind direction reported as compass direction, using meteorologic convention of 'from' not 'to'
| wind_dir |
Weather Station data from University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor WA, Cantilever Point from 2006 to 2021 | Wind direction; averaged over 15 minutes; sampled every 30 seconds
| Wind_direction |
Field conditions during grazing experiments in Kaneohe Bay, HI during 2012-2013 (EAGER: Copepod nauplii project) | wind direction: N=north; S=south; E=east; W=west
| wind_dir |
Physico-chemical data from winter 2012, 2013, and 2016 from USCGC and CCGS vessels from the Laurentian Great Lakes (mainly Lakes Huron, Michigan, Erie and connecting waterways) (Lake Erie Ice project) | Wind Direction True
| Wind_Direction |
MAPCO2 buoy data deployed on NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project) | Wind Direction
| Wind_Direction |
Meteorological data from the Tudor Hill Marine Atmospheric Observatory, Bermuda in 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 | Vector wind direction
| ResultantMean_WD |
Meteorological data from the Tudor Hill Marine Atmospheric Observatory, Bermuda in 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 | Vector mean wind direction standard deviation
| StdDev_WD |
Shipboard Meteorology from R/V Atlantis II cruises AII-119-4, AII-119-5 in the North Atlantic in 1989 (U.S. JGOFS NABE project) | wind direction reported as compass degrees
| wind_dir |
MIDAS data from R/V Pelican cruises PE03-NGOMEX, PE04-NGOMEX, PE06-NGOMEX, PE07-NGOMEX, PE09-05, PE11-06 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 28-30N 89-94W; 2003-2010 (GoMX NGOMEX project) | Raw Wind Direction
| Wind_Direction_Raw |
MIDAS data from R/V Pelican cruises PE03-NGOMEX, PE04-NGOMEX, PE06-NGOMEX, PE07-NGOMEX, PE09-05, PE11-06 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 28-30N 89-94W; 2003-2010 (GoMX NGOMEX project) | True Wind Direction
| Wind_Direction_True |
Cross shelf undulating towed vehicle (Acrobat with MIDAS) survey data from R/V Pelican PE08-54, PE10-01, PE09-12 in the Northwest Florida shelf off Panama City, FL. from 2008-2009 (BenDiM project) | True Wind Direction
| wind_dir |
IKMT samples and underwater video recordings collected in the Drake Passage from R/V Laurence M. Gould (LMG1504, LMG1509, LMG1410) from 2014-2015 | Wind direction at time of sampling
| wind_direction |
Underway data from R/V New Horizon NH1208 in the transect between 35 and 50N along CLIVAR line P17N from 2012-2012 (OAPS project) | true wind direction on starboard side of bridge top
| wind_true_2 |
Testing Raised-Webbing Gillnets to Reduce Bycatch of Cod While Targeting Pollock: haul data from F/V Lady Shannon, F/V Rachel T NEC-SE2005-1 in the Gulf of Maine from 2007-2008 (NEC_ProjDev project) | wind direction
| wind_dir |
Longtrack profile data using SAIL-loop system and SeaBird sensors from R/V Endeavor cruise EN198 in the North Atlantic in 1989 (U.S. JGOFS NABE project) | Wind Direction corrected for ship motion
| wind_dir |
Sea Ice data from ARSV Laurence M. Gould and RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruises LMG0106, LMG0205, NBP0104, and NBP0204 in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2002 (SOGLOBEC project; Sea Ice Microbes project) | wind direction in degrees
| wind_dir |
Shipboard Standard Underway from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1005 in the Amundsen Sea, South Pacific Sector of Antarctica, Southern Ocean 73 S 115 W from 2010-2011 (ASPIRE project) | True wind direction (azimuth)
| Wind_Dir |
Shipboard underway data from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP-96-4A, NBP-96-5, NBP-97-1, NBP-97-3, NBP-97-8, NBP-98-2 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1996-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | Wind direction
| wind_dir |
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI668, full water-column to the Wilkinson Basin, Gulf of Maine, May 2013 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project, GoME OA Pteropods project) | Wind direction. Name changed from 'WXWnd_dir' during processing.
| wind_direction |
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI700 to the Gulf of Maine, August 2013 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | Wind direction. Name changed from 'WXWnd_dir' during processing.
| wind_direction |
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI715 to the Gulf of Maine, October 2013 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | Wind direction. Name changed from 'WXWnd_dir' during processing.
| wind_direction |
Alongtrack data from R/V Tioga TI725 in the Gulf of Maine from January 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | Wind direction. Name changed from 'WXWnd_dir' during processing.
| wind_direction |
Alongtrack data from R/V Tioga TI729 in the Gulf of Maine from January 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | Wind direction. Name changed from 'WXWnd_dir' during processing.
| wind_direction |
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI746 to the Gulf of Maine, April 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project) | Wind direction. Name changed from 'WXWnd_dir' during processing.
| wind_direction |
Underway Data Acquisition System (UDAS) data from R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | Relative Port Wind Direction
| Rel_PORT_WD |
Underway Data Acquisition System (UDAS) data from R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | True Port Wind Direction
| True_PORT_WD |
Underway Data Acquisition System (UDAS) data from R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | True Starboard Wind Direction
| True_STBD_WD |
Underway MET data from R/V New Horizon cruise NH1008 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W); 2010 (GATEKEEPERS project) | True Wind Direction (Direction wind is coming from)
| TI |
Underway data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | $PSWDC Jackstaff True wind direction (deg; 1 minute average)
| JS_WndDirT |
Underway data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | $PSWDB Main Mast True wind direction (deg; 1 minute average)
| MM_WndDirT |
Underway data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | RMYoung True Wind Direction port (angular distance from 0 (North); clockwise through 360; 1 minute average)
| PortWndDirT |
Underway data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project) | RMYoung True Wind Direction starboard (angular distance from 0 (North); clockwise through 360; 1 minute average)
| StbdWndDirT |
Filtered, hourly underway data from shipboard acquisition system from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | True wind direction; Port WXT520 (WXTP_TD) - degrees Values are calculated from the Vaisala WXT520 Weather Transmitter raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with the ship's gyro heading and GPS SOG and COG values. Sensor is mounted on the bow mast; port side; at a height of 20m above the waterline.
| True_Wind_Direction |
Unfiltered underway data from shipboard acquisition system from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | True wind direction; Port WXT520 (WXTP_TD) - degrees Values are calculated from the Vaisala WXT520 Weather Transmitter raw data corrected for sensor alignment error and combined with the ship's gyro heading and GPS SOG and COG values. Sensor is mounted on the bow mast; port side; at a height of 20m above the waterline.
| True_Wind_Direction |
Underway MET data collected on multiple GLOBEC Long Term Observation Program (LTOP) cruises aboard R/V Wecoma in the Northeast Pacific from 1999-2003 | Wind direction measured on the port side in degrees from true North. Originally named 'wind_heading_port'.
| wind_dir_port |