Individual oyster results from an oyster reciprocal transplant experiment conducted at two sites in an estuary in NE Florida between August 2019 and May 2020 | date on which the samples were processed in the lab. Dry weights were obtained 3 days after this date
| process_date |
Individual oyster results from an oyster reciprocal transplant experiment conducted at two sites in an estuary in NE Florida between August 2019 and May 2020 | date the sample was collected in Florida, USA
| sample_date |
13C-productivity measurements and rates from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W) from August 2007 (C-MORE project) | date
| date |
15N uptake rates from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project) | Date
| Date |
N2-fixation rate measurements from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W) from August 2007 (C-MORE project) | date
| date |
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequence links and metadata from microbial mesocosms spiked with 2-heptyl-4-quinolone (HHQ) experiments, Bergen, Norway, May 2017 | Date sample was collected formatted as dd-Mon-yyyy
| collection_date |
GenBank accession numbers for microbial 16S rRNA sequences collected at the East Pacific Rise by DSV/Alvin during R/V Atlantis research cruises (Jan. 2004 - June 2006) (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents project) | date that panels were deployed
| date_deployed |
16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats; collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-08 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge in 2011 | Year, month, and day of sample collection.
| collection_date |
16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater samples collected in the Florida Keys and the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2019-2020 | Date of sample collection; format: YYYY-MM-DD
| collection_date |
17D and isotopic ratios from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station in 2013 and 2014 | Date of sampling formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| date |
Analyses of nitrate reference solutions in 18O-labeled water with the denitrifier method (Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation project) | Date of the experiments; yyyy-mm-dd
| Date |
18s DNA sequences of planktonic animals that are potential prey of siphonophores in water off California USA from 2016-2020 | The date when the sample was collected
| Collection_Date |
Growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from an experiment at two temperatures and three pH levels, Feb-Mar. 2015 | Date krill molted for second time; under treatment conditions; bottle pulled from experiment on this date; ISO formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| Second_Molt_Date |
NOAA SEAMAP 2015 Cruise Stations collected from the R/V Oregon II during the 2015 NOAA Seamap Fall Groundfish Survey in the Gulf of Mexico (OtolithHypoxia project) | date (UTC) of trawl in format "mm/dd/yyyy"
| date_utc |
DIC, TA, pH, DO from nGOM cruises conducted aboard the R/V Pelican throughout 2017, 2018 and July 2019. | Date in format yyyy-mm-dd
| Date |
Environmental observations and infected host and dinospore counts in Salt Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA from 2018 through 2019 | date of sampling
| Sampling_Date |
Dissolved iron concentrations and stable isotope ratios from water column samples collected during four Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises EN631, AE1909, AE1921, AE1930 in the Western Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre in 2019 | Sampling date
| Start_Date_UTC |
Dissolved iron speciation results from 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises EN631, AE1909, AE1921, AE1930 in the Western Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre from March to November 2019 (BAIT Project) | GMT date when rosette cast or towfish sampling was started, in format YYYY-MM-DD.
| DATE |
Total dissolved, dissolved labile, and soluble nickel concentrations determined in water column samples collected on the 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises in the Western Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre | Hydrocast recovery date (GMT)
Particulate trace element concentrations measured during four cruises in 2019 at locations around the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station | Date of sample collection
| DATE |
All 234Th measurements made during this study, collected on R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) in 2013 and 2014 | Date of sampling formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| date |
234Th flux in epipelagic waters at Station ALOHA and the Equatorial Pacific from R/V Kilo Moana cruises KM1407, KM1418, & KM1515 during 2014-2015 | Sampling final date (UTC); format: yyyy-mm-dd
| Date_final |
234Th flux in epipelagic waters at Station ALOHA and the Equatorial Pacific from R/V Kilo Moana cruises KM1407, KM1418, & KM1515 during 2014-2015 | Sampling initial date (UTC); format: yyyy-mm-dd
| Date_initial |
All 234Th data pertaining to the upwelling velocity calculations from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) in 2013 and 2014 | Date of sampling formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| date |
Experimental results describing Pseudodiaptomus marinus gut area measured in pixels from San Francisco State University in 2013 | experiment data
| date |
Experimental results describing Pseudodiaptomus marinus gut minimum fluorescence thresholds that were analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 | experiment data
| date |
Laboratory results on Copepod gut fullness index measured in pixels from San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project) | experiment data
| date |
515F-926R 16S rRNA gene sequencing accessions from seawater and sediment samples from R/V Falkor FK141109 and R/V Thompson TN309 from the Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project) | sample collection date
| Collection_date |
57Fe Wall Loss Experiment data collected as part of a method development study investigating the precipitation and wall loss of labeled 57Fe when added to M9 Minimal Media | Date (UTC) when media was filtered and experiment initiated (t=0), in format YYYYMMDD
| DATE |
Field collection data for taxa detected in Copepod nauplii guts analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project) | collection date
| date |
Identification of copepod gut contents analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project) | tow date
| date |
All 7Be data pertaining to upwelling velocity calculations from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) in 2013 and 2014 | Date of sampling formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| date |
Proportion of time the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii spent in different behaviors related to diet and energy storage (Cannizzo et al, (2018) Ecol & Evol.) | Day of observation/collection formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| ISO_Date |
Clutch size of the mangrove tree crab A. pisonii from three habitats: mangrove, saltmarsh and mangrove | Date in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
| ISO_Date |
Physiological parameters derived from dissection of mangrove crabs, A. pisonii, from three habitats along Florida's east coast in 2015 and 2016 | Date in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
| ISO_Date |
Thermal readings from under a dock and in a nearby salt marsh (Cannizzo et al, (2018) Ecol & Evol.) | Date of thermal reading formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| Date |
Energy content of mangrove crab, A. pisonii, eggs from three habitats along the Florida eastern coast, 2016 | Date in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
| ISO_Date |
Lipid and glycogen content of A. pisonii eggs from three habitats along the Florida eastern coast, 2016 | Date in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
| ISO_Date |
Proportion of time that mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii spent in sun and shade in three habitats, 2015-2016. Cannizzo et al, (2018) Ecol & Evol. | Date in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
| ISO_Date |
Thermal condition of A. pisonii in three habitats: under dock, mangroves, saltmarsh | Day of observation/collection formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| ISO_Date |
Amino acid compound-specific isotope analysis (AA-CSIA) of tissue samples from four distinct trophic groups across the food web in the pelagic eastern tropical Pacific Ocean; samples collected on NOAA cruises from July to December 2006 | Date on which AA-CSIA analysis of corresponding sample was begun; formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
| date_analyzed |
Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by Aanderaa at Isla Natividad, Mexico | Time Stamp (LT; local standard time); formatted as yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
| Date_Time_LT |
Abalone recruitment data from Baja California and Baja California Sur, Mexico in 2019 | date when the survey was done. Date in ISO 8601 format.
| date |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Month and day that samples were taken; MMM-DD
| Date |
Subsurface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | Date of deployment YY-MM-DD
| Deployment |
Surface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | Date of deployment YY-MM-DD
| Deployment |
Bulk isotopic composition (d15N and d13C) of abyssal megafauna and macrofauna from Stations M and Aloha | Last date of collection for pooled samples; format: YYYY-MM-DD
| End_date |
Bulk isotopic composition (d15N and d13C) of abyssal megafauna and macrofauna from Stations M and Aloha | First date of collection or only date if sample was collected at a single point in time; format: MM-DD-YY
| Start_date |
Amino acid compound specific isotope analyses of abyssal deposit feeders, gut contents, and surrounding surface sediments collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-10 and R/V Western Flyer Pulse 72 in the eastern North Pacific in 2019 | Final sampling date UTC (yyyy-mm-dd)
| ISO_Date_final |
Amino acid compound specific isotope analyses of abyssal deposit feeders, gut contents, and surrounding surface sediments collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-10 and R/V Western Flyer Pulse 72 in the eastern North Pacific in 2019 | Initial sampling date UTC (yyyy-mm-dd)
| ISO_Date_initial |