Parameter: Depth_Loc

Short Description: Depth_Loc
Short Name: Depth_Loc
Official Name: Depth_Loc
Units: dimensionless
No Data Value: nd


BAMS - Alphanumeric string describing depth at which a sample was collected (Surf, Deep). No actual depth (m) of collection provided.

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Putative taxonomic information for ARISA bins as generated from clone libraries, 2014 (Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity project, Marine Viral Dynamics project)Category of depth from which that clone was isolated: surf =500m; nd = unknown DepthCat
Bacterial Productivity and Photosynthesis Rates from R/V Cape Henlopen BAMS-multi in the Chesapeake Bay from 2001-2004 (BAMS project)Alphanumeric string describing depth at which a sample was collected (Surf, Deep). No actual depth (m) of collection provided. Depth_Loc
Bacteria cell counts and virus-like particle abundances from Espelandsvegen Fjord, Bergen Norway, May 2017depth of sampling: surface = ~1 m; deep = ~5 m Depth_description
Dissolved nutrients from Espelandsvegen Fjord, Bergen Norway, May 2017depth of sampling: surface = ~1 m; deep = ~5 m Depth_description
Nutrients and Pigments from R/V Cape Henlopen BAMS-multi in the Chesapeake Bay from 2000-2004 (BAMS project)Alphanumeric string describing depth at which a sample was collected (Surf, Deep). No actual depth (m) of collection provided. Depth_Loc
Phosphorus uptake kinetics by microbes to whole communities from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1206, AE1319 in the Sargasso Sea; Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station from 2012-2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project)description of sample collection depth Depth_Loc