Parameter: chl_a_tot

Short Description: sum of chlorophyll a like compounds
Short Name: chl_a_tot
Official Name: chl_a_tot
Units: various (see dataset)
No Data Value: nd


sum of chlorophyll a like compounds; CAUTION file dependent; list of compounds making up the sum total may vary; refer to data documentation for complete definition

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project)sum chla pick area (Ap) hplc_chla_sum
Niskin bottle basic hydrographic data, thorium-234, pigments and nutrients from VERTIGO cruises KM0414, ZHNG09RR from the Hawaiian Islands HOT Site, NW SubArctic Pacific Ocean K2 Site, 2004-2005 (VERTIGO project)sum of chlorophyll a like compounds chl_a_tot
Measured Chlorophyll a and Phaeopigment concentrations from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project)Total Chl a Chloro_Total
Size-fractionated chlorophyll-a data from samples collected during R/V Savannah cruises conducted in the South Atlantic Bight off the coast of Georgia from 2015-2017Total chlorophyll-a concentration Total_Chl_a
Physiological parameters of eight corals species surveyed from six locations around O'ahu, HI from August to November of 2015Chlorophyll a & c2 concentration chl
Core data from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715, KM0817, KM0704, KM0814 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, and from Suva Fiji to Honolulu to Port Hueneme CA from 2007-2008 (C-MORE project)chlorophyll a like compounds; sum of chl_a_tot
Core HPLC from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715, KM0814 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W), North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii from 2007-2008 (C-MORE project)chlorophyll a like compounds; sum of chl_a_tot
BULA HPLC pigment data from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM0704 along the transect from Suva, Fiji to Honolulu, Hawaii in April 2007monovinyl + divinyl chlorophyll a chl_a_tot
Phytoplankton diagnostic pigments from HPLC from samples collected on R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 in the tropical North Atlantic during May 2018total chlorophyll a; DV_Chl_a + MV_Chl_a + Chlide_a + Chl_a allomers + Chl_a epimers Tot_Chl_a
Phytoplankton diagnostic pigments from HPLC from samples collected on R/V Endeavor cruise EN640 in the tropical North Atlantic during June-July 2019total chlorophyll a; DV_Chl_a + MV_Chl_a + Chlide_a + Chl_a allomers + Chl_a epimers Tot_Chl_a
HPLC data from field sampling sites in the Neuse River Estuary, Pamlico Sound, and Onslow Bay in the coastal North Atlantic, offshore from North Carolina, USA, in 2021 and 2022Total chlorophyll a concentration derived from the sum of Chlorophytes, Cryptophytes, Cyanobacteria, Diatoms, and Dinoflagellates (all in µg L-1). This concentration should equal total chlorophyll a generated from HPLC analysis. TotalChla
HPLC pigments along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project)Total chlorophyll a CHL_A_DV_CHL_A
Pigment concentrations derived from High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis from samples collected during the Tara Pacific expedition from 2016-2018Chlorophyll a plus divinyl chlorophyll a plus chlorophyllide a (Chl a+DV chla+chlide a) determined by HPLC Chl_a_DV_chla_chlide_a
Sample HPLC pigments from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project)Total Chlorophyll a Total_Chl_a
Underway HPLC pigments from the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project)Total Chlorophyll a Total_Chl_a
Pigments from HPLC analysis of bottle samples collected aboard Oceanus from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-01, OC415-03 in the Sargasso Sea from 2004-2005 (EDDIES project)Total Chlorophyll a =chlide_a +allomer +epimer +MVa +Dva chl_a_tot
HPLC pigments, EDDIES WB cruises from R/V Weatherbird II WB0409, WB0413, WB0506, WB0508 in the Sargasso Sea from 2004-2005 (EDDIES project)Total Chlorophyll a =chlide_a +allomer +epimer +MVa +Dva chl_a_tot
An ocean productivity database using consistent, globally-acquired data from in situ primary productivity based on 14C assimilation, and including ancillary data, 1985-2008Divinyl chlorophyll a plus Monovinyl chlorophyll a plus chlorophyllide a chl_a_tot
Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River, North Carolina from 2008 through 2013Chlorophyll c1 and c2 concentration by HPLC analysis Chl_c1c2
Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River, North Carolina from 2008 through 2013Sum of chlorophyll a and chlorophyllide a concentrations by HPLC analysis . Concentrations below detection assumed to by zero for this calculation. TotalChla
Niskin bottle hydrography from the CTD rosette from cruises KN193-03, B4-2008, B9-2008, and B10-2008 from the subpolar North Atlantic and Iceland Basin in 2008 (NAB 2008 project)HPLC total chlorophyll a; (HPLC Chl_a + Chlide_a) chl_a_tot
Nutrients and pigments from HPLC analysis for fire ash deposition to coastal ocean study, southern California, December 2017Chlorophyll a from HPLC TChl_a
Phytoplankton HPLC pigment concentrations from samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018Total Chlorophyll a = MV_Chl_a + DV_Chl_a T_Chl_a