Parameter: Neodymium isotope ratio

Short Description: Nd143_144
Short Name: Nd143_144
Official Name: Neodymium isotope ratio
Units: non-dimensional
No Data Value: nd


ratio of Neodymium isotopes 143:144.

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd from RRS James Cook JC-57 in the southwest Atlantic, Punta Arenas (Chile) to Las Palmas (Spain), March 2011 (GEOTRACES-SWAT project)143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratio Nd_143_144_D_Ratio
Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd from RRS James Cook JC-57 in the southwest Atlantic, Punta Arenas (Chile) to Las Palmas (Spain), March 2011 (GEOTRACES-SWAT project)Final 143Nd/144Nd normalized to 0.512638 in parts per 10000 Nd_D_Epsilon
Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes from the US GEOTRACES Arctic USCGC Healy cruise HLY1502 from August to September 2015Isotopic ratio of neodymium 143/144 from bottle samples Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE
Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes from the US GEOTRACES Arctic USCGC Healy cruise HLY1502 from August to September 20151-sigma error of Epsilon Nd from bottle samples Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE_SD
Neodymium (Nd) isotopes measured from dissolved seawater on Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018Ratio of 143Nd to 144Nd, given in epsilon unit notation: the 143Nd/144Nd of the sample relavtive to a bulk earth reference (CHUR) in parts per 10,000 Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE_x2epvg
Neodymium (Nd) isotopes measured from dissolved seawater on Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018One sigma standard deviation of external error of analyses, as given by long-term analyses of in-house standard (n = 55) SD1_Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE_x2epvg
Dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopes and concentrations of rare-earth elements (REEs) reported by LDEO in seawater samples collected during the GEOTRACES GP16 East Pacific Zonal Transect cruise (TN303) on R/V Thomas G. Thompson from October to December 2013Dissolved 143Nd/144Nd ratio normalized to 0.512638 in parts per 10000 Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE_6yxwln
Dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopes and concentrations of rare-earth elements (REEs) reported by LDEO in seawater samples collected during the GEOTRACES GP16 East Pacific Zonal Transect cruise (TN303) on R/V Thomas G. Thompson from October to December 2013Dissolved 143Nd/144Nd ratio normalized to 0.512638 in parts per 10000 Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_FISH_otveuu
Dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopes and concentrations of rare-earth elements (REEs) reported by LDEO in seawater samples collected during the GEOTRACES GP16 East Pacific Zonal Transect cruise (TN303) on R/V Thomas G. Thompson from October to December 2013Standard deviation of Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE_6yxwln. External 1 standard deviation of repeatedly measured JNdi standards during the analysis normalized to 0.512638 in parts per 10000 SD1_Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE_6yxwln
Dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopes and concentrations of rare-earth elements (REEs) reported by LDEO in seawater samples collected during the GEOTRACES GP16 East Pacific Zonal Transect cruise (TN303) on R/V Thomas G. Thompson from October to December 2013Standard deviation of Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_FISH_otveuu. External 1 standard deviation of repeatedly measured JNdi standards during the analysis normalized to 0.512638 in parts per 10000 SD1_Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_FISH_otveuu
Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes reported by OSU researchers from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 from November to December 2013Isotopic ratio of neodymium 143/144 from bottle samples Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE
Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes reported by OSU researchers from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 from November to December 20131-sigma error of Epsilon Nd from bottle samples Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_BOTTLE_SD
Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes reported by OSU researchers from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 from November to December 2013Isotopic ratio of neodymium 143/144 from GeoFish samples Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_FISH
Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes reported by OSU researchers from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 from November to December 20131-sigma error of Epsilon Nd from GeoFish samples Nd_143_144_D_EPSILON_FISH_SD
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed at LDEOStandard error of the mean using standard deviation divided by the square root of ratios in one measurement (e.g. UH used normally 378 ratios for one measurement) int_ND_143_ND_144RATIO
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed at LDEOFinal atom ratio of 143Nd/144Nd after correcting mass bias and instrumental offset ND_143_ND_144RATIO
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by UHawaiiStandard error of the mean using standard deviation divided by the square root of ratios in one measurement (e.g. UH used normally 378 ratios for one measurement) int_ND_143_ND_144RATIO
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by UHawaiiFinal atom ratio of 143Nd/144Nd after correcting mass bias and instrumental offset ND_143_ND_144RATIO
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by USCStandard error of the mean using standard deviation divided by the square root of ratios in one measurement (e.g. UH used normally 378 ratios for one measurement) int_ND_143_ND_144RATIO
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by USCFinal atom ratio of 143Nd/144Nd after correcting mass bias and instrumental offset ND_143_ND_144RATIO
Geochemical composition of sediment samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Neodymium isotope composition given in epsilon notation (deviation of 143Nd/144Nd ratio from CHUR; 2 s.d. std. dev. = 0.4) eNd
Geochemical composition of sediment samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Isotope ratio of Neodymium-143 to Neodymium-144 (2 s.d. std. dev. = 0.000021) Nd143_Nd144
Geochemical composition of sediment pore water samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Neodymium isotope composition given in epsilon notation (deviation of 143Nd/144Nd ratio from CHUR) eNd
Geochemical composition of sediment pore water samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Isotope ratio of Neodymium-143 to Neodymium-144 Nd143_Nd144
Geochemical composition of sediment pore water samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Two sigma standard deviation of 143Nd/144Nd integrated measurements SD2_int_1
Geochemical composition of sediment pore water samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Two sigma standard deviation of 143Nd/144Nd integrated measurements in epsilon notation SD2_int_2
Geochemical composition of water column samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Neodymium isotope composition given in epsilon notation (deviation of 143Nd/144Nd ratio from CHUR) eNd
Geochemical composition of water column samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Isotope ratio of Neodymium-143 to Neodymium-144 Nd143_Nd144_ratio
Geochemical composition of water column samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Two sigma standard deviation of 143Nd/144Nd integrated measurements SD2_int_1
Geochemical composition of water column samples collected in the Equatorial Pacific during October and November 2020 on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM2012Two sigma standard deviation of 143Nd/144Nd integrated measurements in epsilon notation SD2_int_2