Parameter: accession number

Short Description: accession number
Short Name: accession_number
Official Name: accession number
Units: unitless
No Data Value: nd


Database identifier assigned by repository and linked to GenBank or other repository.

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequence links and metadata from microbial mesocosms spiked with 2-heptyl-4-quinolone (HHQ) experiments, Bergen, Norway, May 2017NCBI BioProject identifier bioproject_accession
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequence links and metadata from microbial mesocosms spiked with 2-heptyl-4-quinolone (HHQ) experiments, Bergen, Norway, May 2017NCBI BioSample identifier biosample_accession
Sequence accession numbers of 16S rRNA and hydrazine oxidoreductase genes (hzo) from the RRS James Cook cruise JC18 in the Montserrat, Caribbean, and from a UNCW 20-ft Center Console Boat in Cape Fear River Estuary, NC from 2007-2009Unique sequence accession number and link out to GenBank. accession_number_link
NCBI Accessions for 16S rRNA clone libraries made with bacterial 8F and 519R primers collected on R/V Knorr KN192-05 in the South Atlantic subtropical gyre and Benguela upwelling region from November to December 2007 (CoFeMUG project)NCBI Accession linked to GenBank. NCBI_Accession
16S rRNA gene and particulate monooxygenase diversity from R/V Atlantis AT15-68, AT18-10, AT15-44, AT15-59 off Costa Rica and USA, Pacific Ocean, 2009-2011 (Authigenic Carbonate Ecosystems project)NCBI accession number accession_number
16S rRNA gene clones and accessions from bacterioplankton in the NE Pacific Ocean from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN268 in the Northeast Pacific from August to September 2011 (Sulfur Oxidizers project)link to NCBI GenBank NCBI_accession
16S rRNA gene (from DNA) from samples collected on cruise Chikyu-331 in the Okinawa Trough, Japan from September to October 2010MG-RAST accession ID number MGRAST_Accession_ID
16S rRNA gene sequences accessions from iron mats sampled during the R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN293 in the Loihi Seamount, Hawaii from March to April 2013 (Ecology of Vent Mats project)Accession number at NCBI accession_id
16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria including members of the Arctic96BD-19/SUP05 Clade of marine to NCBI GenBank NCBI_Accession
GenBank accession numbers for microbial 16S rRNA sequences collected at the East Pacific Rise by DSV/Alvin during R/V Atlantis research cruises (Jan. 2004 - June 2006) (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents project)NCBI BioProject accession number BioProject
GenBank accession numbers for microbial 16S rRNA sequences collected at the East Pacific Rise by DSV/Alvin during R/V Atlantis research cruises (Jan. 2004 - June 2006) (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents project)NCBI sequence accession number NCBI_accession
GenBank accession numbers for microbial 16S rRNA sequences collected at the East Pacific Rise by DSV/Alvin during R/V Atlantis research cruises (Jan. 2004 - June 2006) (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents project)SRA experiment accession number SRA_experiment
16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats; collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-08 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge in 2011NCBI BioProject accession number. bioproject_accession
16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats; collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-08 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge in 2011Hyperlink to NCBI BioProject. bioproject_link
16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats; collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-08 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge in 2011Hyperlink to NCBI BioSample. biosample_link
16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats; collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-08 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge in 2011NCBI BioSample number. biosample_number
515F-926R 16S rRNA gene sequencing accessions from seawater and sediment samples from R/V Falkor FK141109 and R/V Thompson TN309 from the Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project)NCBI BioProject accession number and link to associated NCBI web page Bioproject_link
515F-926R 16S rRNA gene sequencing accessions from seawater and sediment samples from R/V Falkor FK141109 and R/V Thompson TN309 from the Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project)NCBI BioSample accession number and link to associated NCBI web page Biosample_link
GenBank BLAST results of copepod nauplii gut contents analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project)GenBank accession number of BLAST hit GenBank_id
Accession numbers and characteristics of 33 microsatellite loci developed for Gracilaria vermiculophyllaGenbank accession number. accession_num
GenBank accession numbers for algae species sequenced in Antartica, California, and Fiji.Accession number and link to information at NCBI accession_number
GenBank accession numbers for algae species sequenced in Antartica, California, and Fiji.NCBI Accession Number accession_number_text
Accession numbers and characteristics of 33 microsatellite loci developed for Gracilaria vermiculophyllaHyperlink to Genbank for the accession number. accession_URL
Accession numbers for genetic sequences of virus-enriched field samples and P. carterae viruses from laboratory cultures at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Maine from 2015-2016NCBI identifier accession_id
ITS2 amplicon sequences from Acropora hyacinthus samples collected at mutliple timepoints in Moorea, French Polynesia after the mass bleaching event of 2019NCBI accession number Accession
Scaffold-derived metaproteomic exclusive and total spectral counts associated with proteins from samples taken during R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1913 from the Sargasso Sea to Northeast US shelf waters in June of 2019Enzyme Commission identifer enzyme_comm_id
Scaffold-derived metaproteomic exclusive and total spectral counts associated with proteins from samples taken during R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1913 from the Sargasso Sea to Northeast US shelf waters in June of 2019Kegg identifier kegg_id
Scaffold-derived metaproteomic exclusive and total spectral counts associated with proteins from samples taken during R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1913 from the Sargasso Sea to Northeast US shelf waters in June of 2019Protein family ID number pfams_id
Accessions for clones of heterotrophic "helper" bacterium Alteromonas EZ55 grown at elevated and ambient CO2.NCBI BioProject accession number; a collection of biological data related to a single initiative bioproject_accession
Accessions for clones of heterotrophic "helper" bacterium Alteromonas EZ55 grown at elevated and ambient CO2.NCBI Accession ID bioproject_link_text
Accessions for clones of heterotrophic "helper" bacterium Alteromonas EZ55 grown at elevated and ambient CO2.NCBI BioSample accession number biosample_accession
The global proteome of replete laboratory cultures of Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002unique ID (typically the NCBI protein accession number) assigned to each protein name ncbi_id
Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and taxonomy of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. from Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, USA and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES-LTER transect) from 2018-2023GenBank accession number associated with an Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) NCBI_GenBank_Accession_Number
Sub-seafloor metatranscriptomes from anaerobic Peru Margin sediments collected on R/V JOIDES Resolution Leg 201 in 2002NCBI accession number.   accession_number
Sub-seafloor metatranscriptomes from anaerobic Peru Margin sediments collected on R/V JOIDES Resolution Leg 201 in 2002Hyperlink to NCBI accession. accession_URL
Sub-seafloor metatranscriptomes from anaerobic Peru Margin sediments collected on R/V JOIDES Resolution Leg 201 in 2002NCBI SRA accession number.   SRA_number
Sub-seafloor metatranscriptomes from anaerobic Peru Margin sediments collected on R/V JOIDES Resolution Leg 201 in 2002Hyperlink to NCBI SRA accession. SRA_URL
Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons from R/V JOIDES Resolution cruise JRES-339 in the West Iberian margin from 2011-2012 (Subseafloor Microbial Ecology project)NCBI BioProject ID number. BioProject_ID
Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons from R/V JOIDES Resolution cruise JRES-339 in the West Iberian margin from 2011-2012 (Subseafloor Microbial Ecology project)Hyperlink to NCBI BioProject. BioProject_URL
Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons from R/V JOIDES Resolution cruise JRES-339 in the West Iberian margin from 2011-2012 (Subseafloor Microbial Ecology project)NCBI SRA ID number. SRA_ID
Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons from R/V JOIDES Resolution cruise JRES-339 in the West Iberian margin from 2011-2012 (Subseafloor Microbial Ecology project)Hyperlink to NCBI SRA. SRA_URL
Elemental carbon and nitrogen data for Skeletonema species as analyzed in Anderson and Rynearson, 2020GenBank Accession Number associated with each strain GenBank
Thermal growth for Skeletonema species as analyzed in Anderson and Rynearson, 2020GenBank Accession Number associated with each strain GenBank
Putative taxonomic information for ARISA bins as generated from clone libraries, 2014 (Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity project, Marine Viral Dynamics project)NCBI accession number of clone1 Accession
Putative taxonomic information for ARISA bins as generated from clone libraries, 2014 (Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity project, Marine Viral Dynamics project)NCBI accession of clone2 SecAccession
Genome sequence for the virus ANMV-1 from the R/V Atlantis AT15-53 cruise in the Santa Monica Basin during 2009 (Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems project)Accession Id Accession
Assembled metagenome sequences collected on the R/V Melville (MGLN10MV) and R/V Atlantis (Alvin AT11-07) cruises in the Loihi Seamount, Hawaiian archipelago and East Pacific Rise from 2011-2013 (EPR and Loihi basalt genomes project)link to NCBI GenBank accession page NCBI_accession
Genetic accession numbers for viral and bacterial metagenomes from Asteroid sea stars including sea star wasting disease state and collection information from sites worldwide between 2013 and 2016 (Sea Star Microbiology project)Link to accession at NCBI Accession_number
Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) cDNA transcriptome and TSA accessions from specimens collected at Poquott Beach, New York in June of 2013 (Fishery Genome Changes project)Accession identifier at National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) accession_id
Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) cDNA transcriptome and TSA accessions from specimens collected at Poquott Beach, New York in June of 2013 (Fishery Genome Changes project)BioProject identifer at NCBI BioProject