Parameter: genus

Short Description: genus
Short Name: genus
Official Name: genus
Units: unitless
No Data Value: nd


taxonomic genus of organism

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Acartia tonsa mortality collected from a plankton net with associated CTD data from 5 day-trips in mid-Chesapeake Bay from August to October 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project)Genus or least specific identifier of organism in sample Genus
Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin bottles and associated CTD data from R/V Hugh Sharp HRS1316, HRS1317 in mid-Chesapeake Bay, Aug-Sept. 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project)Genus or least specific identifier of organism in sample Genus
Putative taxonomic information for ARISA bins as generated from clone libraries, 2014 (Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity project, Marine Viral Dynamics project)Clone 1 Greengenes Genus Genus
Putative taxonomic information for ARISA bins as generated from clone libraries, 2014 (Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity project, Marine Viral Dynamics project)Clone 2 Greengenes Genus SecGenus
Organism counts from photo-transects collected during quantitative benthic surveys in Southwest Puerto Rico at 20m during 2013-2014 and 2018-2019.Genus Genus
Proximate biochemistry of sponge species collected in 2017 and 2018 across the Caribbean Basin in Curacao, Belize, Grand Cayman, St. CroixSponge genus Genus
BLASTp homology data from genes obtained in samples collected on the Gould (LMG1411) cruise in the Western Antarctica Peninsula during 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project).Genus analyzed genus
Genotypes of symbionts in Muricea atlantica, M. elongata, and Plexaurella dichotoma across the 2015 Bleaching event (May 2015-August 2017) in the Florida KeysSymbiont genus based on cp-type (comma delimited if more than one Genus) Genus
Results of cluster analysis and gene ontology: carbonate Organic Matrix (COM) proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin; analyzed in the Falkowski lab at Rutgers from 2010-2014 (CROA project)Genus name. genus
Sampling information from community megafauna collected from different seep sites off the Costa Rica margin. Collections taken aboard R/V Atlantis in 2017 and 2018 using DSV Alvin. The 2019 collections were made aboard R/V Falkor, using the ROV Subastian.Genus Genus
Community composition of corals in Palau determined by quantitative transects sampled in April 2023Genus Genus
Density of coral colonies of different coral species measured in Palau in 2017 using weight and displacementTaxonomic genus name of coral genus
Rates of coral growth accumulated from a meta-analysis of the scientific literatureTaxonomic genus name of coral genus
Growth and mortality rates of small corals in St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1996-2018taxon assigned to coral Genus
Physiological parameters of eight corals species surveyed from six locations around O'ahu, HI from August to November of 2015Genus name of coral genus
Cyanobacteria cultures used to generate DNA reference library from samples collected from sites in Alpena and Monroe, Michigan and Palm Coast, Florida between May and June 2022.Genus name Genus
Diatom amplicon sequencing variants (ASVs) from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA from 2008-2014Taxonomic genus Genus
Diatom cultures used to generate DNA reference library from samples collected from sites in Alpena, Michigan and Palm Coast, Florida between July 2021 & 2022.Genus name Genus
Table of taxonomic hierarchy and the sampling method for organisms collection in Aleutian Island kelp forests, June 2016 and July 2017 (Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss project)taxonomic genus Genus
The frequency of distances to the nearest Milleopora for coral species found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.Genus sampled Genus
Weekly survey of fish sold by the roadside in Moorea, French Polynesia in 2014 and 2015 (Coral reef fishery project)Genus of fish observed; Some fish were identified only to family. In such cases the family name was entered in the genus column with the suffix _fam. So Carangidae_fam indicates the fish was in the family Carangidae but the genus could not be identified from the photo. Some fish could only be identified as one of two or more genera. In these cases the following codes were used: Acan_Cten = either Acanthurus or Ctenochaetus; Calo_Scar = either Calotomus or Scarus; Chlor_Scar = either Chlorurus or Scarus genus
Fish species code key for data collected along the shore of Monterey and Carmel from 1999-2015 (Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish project)Genus of organism identified. genus
Body stoichiometry of coral reef fishes collected from the Indo-Pacific in 2016-2017Genus of fish genus
Growth measurements over time of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.Coral taxon Genus
HADES-K Specify Export 201305190833 final from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN309 from the Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand; 2014 (HADES project)Genus Genus
Records and metadata for deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species reported in published literature. If known, the current accepted genus of the host from World Register of Marine Species [accessed 2022-04-15]. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not reported in original publication) HOST_GENUS
Records and metadata for deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species reported in published literature. If known, the current accepted genus of the parasite or other symbiont from World Register of Marine Species [accessed 2022-04-15]. Missing data identifier NR (not reported in original publication) PARASITE_GENUS
Identity and heights of Octocoral species found on transects at 6 sites on the south shore of St John, U.S. Virgin Islands in 2021 and 2022Genus of Octocoral Genus
Jellyfish Database Initiative: Global records on gelatinous zooplankton for the past 200 years, collected from global sources and literature (Trophic BATS project)Taxonomic genus name. rank_genus
Larvae collected near Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents in 2010Genus for the scientificName in the World Register of Marine Species Genus
Whole genome sequence data from bacterial isolates from venting fluids at NW Rota Seamount, collected on R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana cruises TN232 and KM1005 in the Mariana arc of the western Pacific in 2009 and 2010Taxonomic genus. genus
Lobate ctenophore in situ swimming velocities and morphometrics sampled off of Woods Hole, Massachusetts and the Kona coast of Hawaii, USA from 2019 to 2022Genus of ctenophore collected for data Genus
Data describing every diseased coral record from surveys in the Caribbean during 2012 (Contagious coral diseases project)Genus of coral sampled. genus
Epifauna species list use for a benthic community survey at 17 sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica from 2002 to 2014Genus Genus
Metadata for studies from meta-analysis investigating covariance between genetic and environmental (CovGE) effects in phenotypic results genus of study organism genus
Microbial 16S OTU annotation information from staghorn coral health experiments with treatment with and without antibioticsOTU genus name genus
Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP) location information on samples obtained on Gould (LMG1411) in the Western Antarctica Peninsula during 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project)Genus genus_max
Species composition via MOCNESS and associated CTD information collected on R/V Hugh R. Sharp (HRS1316, HRS1317) in the Chesapeake Bay from August to September in 2013.Genus or least specific identifier of organism in sample genus
Estimated thermal traits for phytoplanktontaxonomic classification, genus name genus
Mussels and associated organisms sampling information collected in the Pacific margin of Costa Rica.The collections were made aboard R/V Atlantis in 2017 and 2018 using DSV Alvin. The 2019 collections were made aboard R/V Falkor, using the ROV SubastianGenus Genus
Species composition via niskin and associated CTD information collected on R/V Hugh R. Sharp (HRS1316, HRS1317) in the Chesapeake Bay from August to September in 2013Genus or least specific identifier of organism in sample genus
Nudibranch accession numbers from a global sample set (Neuston Phylogeny project)genus name genus
Species metadata associated with the NWACS CAMEO databaseGenus genus
Octocoral species abundance during transect surveys at four sites on the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands from November to December 2017Genus name Genus
Octocoral recruitment surveys on transects at 5 sites on the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 2014-2019.Genus of each individual colony Genus
Octocoral Recruitment surveys on transects at 6 sites on the south shore of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands in 2021 and 2022Genus of the coral colony Genus
Octocoral colony heights measured during transect surveys at four sites on the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands in June-August 2018.Taxonomic genus of octocoral. 'nd' indicates no corals present in quadrat. Genus
Voucher summary of invertebrates and barcoded OTU's with field identifications, collected from Palau marine lakesGenus assigned by taxonomic expert Genus
Parasite taxonomic and life cycle information from literatureIf known, the current accepted genus of the parasite species or morphogroup from World Register of Marine Species [accessed 2022-04-15]. Missing data identifier: NA (unknown). PARASITE_GENUS
Parrotfish bite rates, volume of substrate removed, and estimates of erosional scars for each species observed in surveys at Palau, Yap, the Federated States of Micronesia, Majuro, and Kiritimati from 2017 to 2019Genus Genus