Parameter: investigator

Short Description: investigator
Short Name: investigator
Official Name: investigator
Units: unitless
No Data Value: nd


This is the person who has some responsibility for the data.  Can be the ultimate responsibility, i.e. Principle Investigator or Chief Scientist, or can be a scientist who is responsible for one kind of data, or data collection or analysis or identification.  This is not  the person who wrote the numbers or observations in the log. That is 'recorder'. Some of the previously labelled 'person' designations are now 'investigators'.

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2004Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
AVHRR Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) from NOAA Satellites in 2005Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2006Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
AVHRR Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in 2007Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2008Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2009Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2010Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2011Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2012Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2013Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2014Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2015Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images collected by NOAA satellites in 2016Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images from 2017 collected by satellites NOAA-18 and NOAA-19Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images from 2018 from NOAA Satellites NOAA-18 and NOAA-19Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Western North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images from 2019 from NOAA Satellites NOAA-18 and NOAA-19Name of the investigator providing the processed images. contributor
Benthic coverage data collected from 2012 to 2014 in the Federated States of Micronesia and the Caroline Islands (Disturb Impacts Coral project)Researcher that collected the data researcher
Benthic survey of Looe Key and Wonderland Reef conducted in 10-15 December 2023Names of the people who conducted the benthic survey Surveyors
Fluorometric chlorophyll from SCUFA underway sampling apparatus from R/V Melville cruise COOK19MV from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)scientist responsible for data from an event person
Fluorometric chlorophyll from Niskin and TM bottle samples from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises COOK19MV, DRFT08RR from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)scientist responsible for data from event person
Behavioral observations of lionfish at native Pacific and invaded Atlantic locations (Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Guam, Philippines) from 2009-2012 (Lionfish Invasion project)Initials of person who observed lionfish. person
Percent cover of coral and other sessile invertebrates at Caribbean reefs determined using the point-intercept method along transects in 2009 and 2011Initials of the scientific investigator. person
Broad-scale hydrography from CTDs deployed from 30 cruises on the R/V Albatross IV, R/V Endeavor, and R/V Oceanus in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank from 1995-1999 (GB project)name of scientist responsible for data si
Oxygen Isotope data from 37 R/V Albatross IV, R/V Endeavor, R/V Oceanus, and R/V Parizeau (Canadian) cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf from 1994-1999 (GB project)name of contributing scientist(s) si
Coral species sample collection log from the Emerald Reef during 2014-2015 (Reef coral symbioses project)person who collected coral collector
Meteorology and sea surface (MET) 15 minute averaged data from eleven R/V Endeavor cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1995 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 15 minute averaged data from six R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1996 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 15 minute averaged data from fourteen R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1997 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 15 minute averaged data from eight R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1998 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 15 minute averaged data from twenty R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1999 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and?SST 15 minute averaged data from non-GLOBEC cruises from 11 R/V Oceanus and R/V Endeavor cruises in the North Atlantic, SE of New England, Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank from 1996-1998 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 1 minute data from eleven R/V Endeavor cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1995 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 1 minute data from six R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1996 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 1 minute data from fourteen R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1997 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 1 minute data from eight R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1998 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 1 minute data from twenty R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1999 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and?SST 1 minute data from non-US GLOBEC cruises from eleven R/V Oceanus and R/V Endeavor cruises in the North Atlantic, SE of New England, Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank from 1996-1998 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface (MET) 60 minute averaged data from eleven R/V Endeavor cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1995 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from six R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1996 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from fourteen R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1997 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from eight R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1998 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and sea surface temperature (MET) 60 minute averaged data from twenty R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area during 1999 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Meteorology and?SST 60 minute averaged data from non-GLOBEC cruises from 11 R/V Oceanus and R/V Endeavor cruises in the North Atlantic, SE of New England, Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank from 1996-1998 (GB project)scientific investigator responsible for this cruise si
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Knorr cruise KN210-04 in the Western Atlantic Ocean between Uruguay and Barbados in 2013 (Deep Atlantic DOM project)Name of person that recorded the event. author
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Cape Hatteras, R/V Endeavor, R/V Oceanus cruises CH0511, EN494, OC471-04 from the Atlantic Ocean, off the Outer Banks near Bermuda (LatMix project)name of person entering the event Author
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-14 in the Eastern Mediterranean; 35.3 N 21.7 E (Pickled Protists project, DHAB Metazoans project)name of person entering the event author
Scientific sampling event logs from R/V Endeavor and R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises EN501, EN502, AE1211, EN513, EN520 in the Bermuda Rise from 2011-2012 (BaRFlux project)Name of person entering the event. author
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project)Name of person entering the event. author
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project)Name of person entering the event. author
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Endeavor cruise EN524 along the continental shelf of New England in 2013 (OA, Hypoxia and Warming project)Name of person entering the event. author