Individual oyster results from an oyster reciprocal transplant experiment conducted at two sites in an estuary in NE Florida between August 2019 and May 2020 | longitude of sample collection (West is negative)
| longitude |
13C-productivity measurements and rates from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W) from August 2007 (C-MORE project) | longitude
| lon |
32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | longitude in decimal degrees
| Longitude |
Results of measurements of the oxidation of 15N supplied as ammonia, urea, putrescine or nitrite in samples collected from continental shelf waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula on cruise LMG1801 from January to February 2018 | Longitude in decimal degrees (negative values = West)
| Longitude |
15N uptake rates from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project) | Longitude (West is negative)
| Lon |
N2-fixation rate measurements from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W) from August 2007 (C-MORE project) | longitude
| lon |
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequence links and metadata from microbial mesocosms spiked with 2-heptyl-4-quinolone (HHQ) experiments, Bergen, Norway, May 2017 | sample collection longitude; east is positive
| lon |
16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence accessions collected from the R/V JOIDES Resolution (JRES-204) cruise in the Cascadia Continental Margin during 2002 (Methane-Hydrate Sediment Omics project) | longitude; east is positive
| lon |
16S rRNA gene clones and accessions from bacterioplankton in the NE Pacific Ocean from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN268 in the Northeast Pacific from August to September 2011 (Sulfur Oxidizers project) | Longitude; West is negative
| lon |
16S rRNA gene (from DNA) from samples collected on cruise Chikyu-331 in the Okinawa Trough, Japan from September to October 2010 | Longitude; positive values = East
| Longitude |
16S rRNA gene (from RNA) from samples collected on cruise Chikyu-331 in the Okinawa Trough, Japan from September to October 2010 | Longitude; positive values = East
| Longitude |
16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria including members of the Arctic96BD-19/SUP05 Clade of marine bacteria. | Longitude; West is negative
| lon |
GenBank accession numbers for microbial 16S rRNA sequences collected at the East Pacific Rise by DSV/Alvin during R/V Atlantis research cruises (Jan. 2004 - June 2006) (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents project) | longitude; east is positive
| lon |
16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats; collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-08 at the Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge in 2011 | Longitude of sample collection.
| lon |
16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater samples collected in the Florida Keys and the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2019-2020 | Longitude of sample collection
| lon |
17D and isotopic ratios from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station in 2013 and 2014 | Longitude of the site
| lon |
18s DNA sequences of planktonic animals that are potential prey of siphonophores in water off California USA from 2016-2020 | longitude, West is negative
| lon |
NCBI accession metadata for 18S rRNA gene tag sequences from DNA and RNA from samples collected in coastal California in 2013 and 2014 | Longitude of sample collection
| lon |
DIC, TA, calculated pH and carbonate saturation state in the summer bottom water in North Gulf of Mexico from 2006 to 2017 | Longitude, west is negative
| Longitude |
NOAA SEAMAP 2015 Cruise Stations collected from the R/V Oregon II during the 2015 NOAA Seamap Fall Groundfish Survey in the Gulf of Mexico (OtolithHypoxia project) | longitude; west is negative
| lon |
4Hz data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | longitude of the Wire Flyer
| Lon |
CTD data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | longitude
| lon |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | Longitude. This is either the ship or the flyer position, but it is the best position available. If the Flyer position was known, accounting for the tow cable, this is the value used here. If the flyer position was not known (e.g. maybe the winch cable counter failed), the ship position was recorded
| lon |
GPS data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | longitude of the towed vehicle, accounting for the distance behind the ship
| flyer_lon |
GPS data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | longitude of ship
| lon |
Oxygen data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from January to February 2017 | Longitude. This is either the ship or the flyer position, but it is the best position available. If the Flyer position was known, accounting for the tow cable, this is the value used here. If the flyer position was not known (e.g. maybe the winch cable counter failed), the ship position was recorded
| lon |
Seawater properties and biogeochemical parameters of bottom boundary layer samples collected aboard the R/V Oceanus during ten cruises from 2017-2019 from the Oregon shelf and slope. | longitude, in decimal degrees, East is positive, negative denotes West
| Longitude |
DIC, TA, pH, DO from nGOM cruises conducted aboard the R/V Pelican throughout 2017, 2018 and July 2019. | Longitude, west is negative
| Longitude |
Water column properties and carbon geochemistry from R/V Blackbeard and R/V Neil Armstrong cruises in coastal North Carolina in 2018 and 2019 | Collection longitude
| Longitude |
Radiocarbon and 13C of sediment from cores collected pre- and post-hurricane Harvey at the Aransas and Anahuac National Wildlife Refuges, Texas on January 2018 | longitude; east is postiive
| lon |
Environmental observations and infected host and dinospore counts in Salt Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA from 2018 through 2019 | longitude of sampling location with negative values indicating West
| lon |
Bulk sediment physical and geochemical properties for cores collected post-hurricane Harvey at the Aransas and Anahuac National Wildlife Refuges, Texas on January 2018 | longitude; east is postiive
| lon |
4Hz data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | longitude of the Wire Flyer
| Lon |
CTD data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | longitude
| lon |
ECOpuck Fluorometer data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | Longitude. This is either the ship or the flyer position, but it is the best position available. If the Flyer position was known, accounting for the tow cable, this is the value used here. If the flyer position was not known (e.g. maybe the winch cable counter failed), the ship position was recorded
| lon |
GPS data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | longitude of the towed vehicle, accounting for the distance behind the ship
| flyer_lon |
GPS data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | longitude of the ship
| lon |
Oxygen data from 8 Wire Flyer deployments conducted on R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018 | Longitude. This is either the ship or the flyer position, but it is the best position available. If the Flyer position was known, accounting for the tow cable, this is the value used here. If the flyer position was not known (e.g. maybe the winch cable counter failed), the ship position was recorded
| lon |
Dissolved iron concentrations and stable isotope ratios from water column samples collected during four Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises EN631, AE1909, AE1921, AE1930 in the Western Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre in 2019 | Longitude of sampling location
| Start_Longitude |
Dissolved iron speciation results from 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises EN631, AE1909, AE1921, AE1930 in the Western Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre from March to November 2019 (BAIT Project) | position when sampling cast was started in decimal °E (2 m sample = underway sample collected typically on approach to station).
Total dissolved, dissolved labile, and soluble nickel concentrations determined in water column samples collected on the 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises in the Western Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre | Position when sample was collected in decimal degrees East
Particulate trace element concentrations measured during four cruises in 2019 at locations around the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station | Longitude, degrees E
All 234Th measurements made during this study, collected on R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) in 2013 and 2014 | Longitude of the site
| lon |
234Th (dpm/L) from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | Longitude at bottle trip (West is negative)
| Lon_BtlTrip |
234Th flux in epipelagic waters at Station ALOHA and the Equatorial Pacific from R/V Kilo Moana cruises KM1407, KM1418, & KM1515 during 2014-2015 | Longitude
| Longitude |
All 234Th data pertaining to the upwelling velocity calculations from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) in 2013 and 2014 | Longitude of the site
| lon |
Results from nutrient limitation assessments quantifying the level of Si, N, and Fe stress being experienced by phytoplankton in samples collected on EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | longitude (positive values = East; negative values = West)
| Longitude |
Depth profiles in the euphotic zone of nitrate, silicate, and phosphate concentrations and profiles of silicic acid uptake rates from EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | longitude (positive values = East; negative values = West)
| Longitude |
32Si data from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | longitude in decimal degrees
| Longitude |
515F-926R 16S rRNA gene sequencing accessions from seawater and sediment samples from R/V Falkor FK141109 and R/V Thompson TN309 from the Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project) | longitude; east is positive
| lon |