32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | Macronutrients (PO4) - dissolved phosphate concentration in micromoles - analyzed in UCSB MSI Analytical lab
| PO4 |
Seawater properties and biogeochemical parameters of bottom boundary layer samples collected aboard the R/V Oceanus during ten cruises from 2017-2019 from the Oregon shelf and slope. | Orthophosphate (phosphate, reactive phosphorus)
| PO4 |
Depth profiles in the euphotic zone of nitrate, silicate, and phosphate concentrations and profiles of silicic acid uptake rates from EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | dissolved phosphate (PO4) concentration in micromoles; analyzed in UCSB MSI Analytical lab
| Phosphate |
32Si data from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | Macronutrients (PO4) - dissolved phosphate concentration in micromoles - analyzed in UCSB MSI Analytical lab
| PO4 |
Dissolved Fe and Sc concentrations, chlorophyll, nutrients from a scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I R/V Oceanus cruise 1905B in the California Current System in 2019 | Phosphate concentration
| PO4 |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Average water column values for PO4 3-
| avg_waterColumn_PO4 |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of average water column values for PO4 3-
| avg_waterColumn_PO4_SE |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | PO4 3- concentration in the water column of site East; location of site is 30.253347, -87.724729
| East_waterColumn_PO4 |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of PO4 3- concentration in the water column.
| East_waterColumn_PO4_SE |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | PO4 3- concentration in the water column of site Mouth; location of site is 30.243683, -87.738407
| Mouth_waterColumn_PO4 |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of PO4 3- concentration in the water column.
| Mouth_waterColumn_PO4_SE |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | PO4 3- concentration in the water column of site West; location of site is 30.247181, -87.767856
| West_waterColumn_PO4 |
Physical environmental data from Little Lagoon, Alabama collected from 2012-2013. | Standard error of PO4 3- concentration in the water column.
| West_waterColumn_PO4_SE |
Microbial abundance, activity, and nutrient concentrations in Delaware Bay from R/V Hugh R. Sharp HRS090706DK in the Delaware Bay from July 2009 (Active bacteria in surface waters project) | phosphate concentration
| PO4 |
Nutrient concentrations and microbial counts from Niskin bottle collections on R/V Atlantic Explorer A1620 in the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site from Sept 2016 | ortho-Phosphate concentration by flow injection autoanalyzer (Lachat QuikChem 8000)
| PO4 |
Nutrient concentrations and microbial counts from Niskin bottle collections on R/V Atlantic Explorer A1703 in the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site from Mar/April 2016 | ortho-Phosphate concentration by flow injection autoanalyzer (Lachat QuikChem 8000)
| PO4 |
Water column phosphate data from RV/Atlantic Explorer AE1812, May 2018 | Soluble reactive phosphorus measured by magnesium induced co-precipitation.
Macronutrients and dissolved and particulate trace metals collected from the R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1913 in the Sargasso Sea in June of 2019 | dissolved phosphate
| PO4 |
Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from sea water samples collected at coral reefs from equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018 | Phosphate, PO4
| Phosphate |
All bottle data collected from cruises W0306A, W0308C, AT11-17, AT11-30, TUIM14MV, TN200 from the Coastal Waters off Washington State and Vancouver Island; 2004-2006 (ECOHAB-PNW project) | Phosphorus
| H2PO4 |
Measurements of nutrient flux and denitrification in clam aquaculture sediments. | Concentration per hour
| PO4 |
Water column nutrient data from RV/Neil Armstrong cruise AR16, May 2017 | Phosphate concentration.Samples were NOT pre-concentrated with MAGIC; bdl = 0.014 umol per liter
| PO4 |
Phosphorus redox and water column phosphorus data from R/V Neil Armstrong AR16 in the Western North Atlantic from 2017-05-04 to 2017-05-20 | Soluble reactive phosphorus measured by magnesium induced co-precipitation (nd-not determined; bdl-below detection limit;bdl=1.25 nMol per Liter)
Phytoplankton and nutrients from R/V Sagar Kanya, R/V Sagar Sampada SK256, SS263, SS273, SS286 in the N. Arabian Sea from 2009-2011 (Arabian Sea Noctiluca project) | phosphate concentration
| PO4 |
Nitrogen fixation rates from samples collected in the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean near Barrow, Alaska in August of 2011 (ArcticNITRO project) | Phosphate concentration [PO4]
| Phosphate |
Nitrogen fixation rates from samples collected in the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean near Barrow, Alaska in August of 2011 (ArcticNITRO project) | Phosphate concentration [PO4] standard deviation
| Phosphate_SD |
Sediment geochemistry summary from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in the Guaymas Basin from December 2016 | Phosphate; method detection limit = 0.1
| PO4 |
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (27 00.00 N, -111 20.00 W) in November 2018 | Pore water concentrations of phosphate; method detection limit = 0.1
| PO4_uM |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California on RV/Atlantis AT42-05 Alvin dives, Nov. 2018 | Water column phosphate concentration; detection limit=0.1
| PO4 |
Bacterial and viral cell counts, and nutrients from 5 cruises on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, 2014-2016 (Coastal Bacterial Growth Rates project) | Phosphate concentration
| PO4 |
Discrete bottle samples collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea from October 1988 through December 2023 | Phosphate
| PO4 |
Seawater biogeochemistry inshore and offshore the Bermuda coral reef from the Bermuda coral reef platform and adjacent Sargasso Sea extending to Bermuda Atlantic Time Series-station from 2014-2018 | dissolved phosphate (LOD=0.02) reported as zero if < LOD+B48
| phosphate |
Benthic dissolved oxygen and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations conducted aboard the R/V Oceanus and R/V Robert G. Sproul during nine cruises from 2018-2022 from the Oregon and Washington shelf | The measured phosphate benthic flux of the incubated core
| PO4 |
Benthic fluxes collected in August 2018 and July 2019 in northern Gulf of Mexico shelf on R/V Pelican | sediment phosphate (PO4) flux
| PO4_flux |
Dissolved nutrients from Espelandsvegen Fjord, Bergen Norway, May 2017 | orthophosphate concentration; bd = below detection
| Orthophosphate_uM |
Biogeochemical and biological data from Niskin bottle samples from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1102, AE1118, AE1206, AE1219 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station from 2011-2012 (Trophic BATS project) | Phosphate concentration by AutoAnalyzer (umol/L).
| PO4 |
Biogeochemistry Data from R/V Atlantic Explorer X0606, X0705, AE0810 in the Western Sargasso Sea roughly 38-20N and 66-43W from 2006-2008 (ATP3 project) | autoanalyzer phosphate concentration
| PO4 |
Biogeochemical data collected during the Flower Garden Banks Rapid Response Cruise, FGB-RR16, on R/V Manta in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary from July to August 2016 | phosphate
| HPO4 |
Biogeochemistry and microbiology from the R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 to 2015 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program) | Phosphate
| PO4 |
Algae, bacteria, DOC, inorganic and organic nutrients collected from the Richard B Gump Research Station at Moorea LTER from 2010-2011 (MCR LTER and Coral DOM projects) | Ortho-Phosphate concentration in micromolar units by flow injection autoanalyzer (Lachat QuikChem 8000). Glass fiber filtrate type GF/F (Whatman).
| PO4 |
Nutrients, nitrate isotopes, and DON isotopes data from samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in May 2017 and May 2018 | Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus
| PO4 |
Hydrographic Data: temperature, salinity, nutrients from Niskin bottle samples from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | phosphate (reactive phosphorus)
| PO4 |
Merged hydrographic, nutrient and Carbon/Nitrogen data from R/V Atlantis II cruises AII-119-4, AII-119-5 in the North Atlantic in 1989 (U.S. JGOFS NABE project) | phosphate by Williams
| PO4 |
Temperature, salinity, nutrients from CTD/Niskin casts from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | phosphate
| PO4 |
Niskin bottle data from R/V Pelagia 64PE325 in the subtropical Atlantic from October 2010 (Basin-scale Protists project) | phosphate
| PO4 |
Bottle sample data and water processing samples from CTD casts from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | Phosphate concentration
| PO4 |
Bottle data including phosphate, nitrate, total nitrite and nitrate, ammonium, silicate, chlorophyll, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC, PON), and biogenic silica from multiple cruises to the southern Ross Sea, 2001-2006 (IVARS project) | Phosphate concentration
| PO4 |
CTD Bottle Data from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Seward Johnson KM0703, SJ0609 in the tropical and subtropical Southwest Pacific, and tropical North Atlantic from 2006-2007 (DIAZOTROPHS project) | phosphate
| PO4 |
Bottle Data from multiple cruises in the Gulf of Maine, NA4, 43 30N, 69 00W, Gulf of Maine, Mass Bay to Bay of Fundy, Cape Cod Bay, 2003-2010 (ALEX-GoME project) | phosphate
| PO4 |
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project) | Phosphate concentration
| PO4 |