Parameter: sal2

Short Description: salinity calculated from the CTD secondary sensors
Short Name: sal2
Official Name: sal2


salinity, calculated from the CTD 'secondary sensors' of conductivity and temperature, Practical Salinity Scale, dimensionless. Depending on the input source, salinity from the secondary sensors can have a variety of names including s1, s2, s11, s22, sal1, sal2, sal22, sal_S.

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
CTD data from R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in Nov-Dec 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)Secondary salinity measurement. Originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
Bacterial abundance, thymidine & leucine incorporation from R/V Weatherbird II WB0409, WB0413, WB0506, WB0508 cruises in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project)salinity, from CTD, PSS-78 (PSU) (from secondary T1,C1 sensors) sal_S
Niskin bottle data, including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, etc, from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project)Salinity from the secondary sensor. Originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
Niskin bottle data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN524 along the continental shelf of New England in 2013 (OA, Hypoxia and Warming project)Salinity from secondary sensor; originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
Niskin bottle basic CTD hydrographic data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-01, OC415-02, OC415-03, OC415-04 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project)salinity, from CTD, PSS-78 (PSU) (from secondary T1,C1 sensors) sal_CTD_S
Salinity, nutrients, and and extracted pigments from R/V New Horizon cruise NH0007 in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project)Salinity calculated from CTD secondary temperature and conductivity sensors, PSU. Originally named 'sal11'. sal2
Bottle data (including temperature, salinity, density, O2) from CTD rosettes from R/V Atlantis and R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises AT18-02 and WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)Secondary salinity measurement. Originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
Rosette Bottle Data from R/V Wecoma and R/V New Horizon on cruises W0205A and NH0207 in the Northeast Pacific in 2002 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) salinity calculated from secondary CTD sensors of temperature and conductivity sal2
Niskin bottle data (including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, turbidity) from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project)Salinity from the secondary sensor. Originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
Processed CTD data from all sensors mounted on the rosette from R/V Knorr cruise KN210-04 in the Western Atlantic Ocean between Uruguay and Barbados in 2013 (Deep Atlantic DOM project)Salinity from secondary sensor on CTD. (Originally called 'sal11'.) sal2
One-meter averaged downcast profile data from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruises in the Ross Sea Southern Ocean (CORSACS project)salinity, calculated from the CTD 'secondary sensor' in Practical Salinity Units (PSU) sal_1
SOFeX project CTD profile data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle, USCGC Polar Star cruises COOK19MV, DRFT08RR, PS02_2002 from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)salinity, from CTD, PSS-78 (PSU) sal_S
CTD data from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG1110 in the Southern Ocean from November to December 2011 (Salp_Antarctic project)salinity from secondary sensor sal_2
Full resolution CTD profiles from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project)Salinity from Secondary sensor sal2
CTD data from the equatorial and north Pacific from R/V Knorr cruise KN195-03 in 2009 (Subseafloor Microbial Life project)Salinity (secondary). Originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
CTD data from R/V Knorr cruise KN223 in the North and West Atlantic Ocean in 2014 (AMOC Last Glacial Max project)Salinity (secondary). Originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
CTD station profile data from R/V Atlantis AT15-44 in the Pacific, off Costa Rica from February to March 2009 (Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II project)salinity from secondary sensor sal2
CTD profiles from R/V Oceanus OC461, OC455 in the South of Martha's Vineyard, MA, USA to 39 31.7N, 70 33.1W from 2009-2010 (Foram Dispersal project)salinity from secondary sensor sal2
CTD profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN524 along the continental shelf of New England in 2013 (OA, Hypoxia and Warming project)Salinity from secondary sensor; originally named 'Sal11'. sal2
One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from R/V Oceanus and R/V Weatherbird II cruises in the Sargasso Sea (EDDIES project)salinity, from CTD, PSS-78 (PSU) (from secondary T1,C1 sensors) sal_S
CTD profiles from GEOTRACES cruise KN193-06 for Intercalibration of sensors aboard R/V Knorr in the Sargasso Sea (GEOTRACES IC project)Salinity from Secondary sensor sal_S
CTD cast temperature, salinity, oxygen, and other measurements from R/V Oceanus cruise OC454-02 in the Mediterranean Sea (Pickled Protists project)salinity from CTD (PSU) (from secondary T1 and C1 sensors) sal_S
CTD data from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1409 in the Western Tropical North Atlantic in 2014 (P Processing by Tricho project)Secondary salinity, practical. sal2
CTD data from the Cruise CD-ROMS on ARSV Laurence M. Gould (LMG0201A, LMG0203, LMG0205, LMG0302, LMG0104) in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2003 (SOGLOBEC project) Salinity, calculated from secondary temp. and cond. sensors sal2
Processed CTD data from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1301 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean in 2013 (POWOW project)Salinity from secondary sensor in practical salinity units. sal2
Processed CTD data from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1312 in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean from 2013-2013 (POWOW project)Salinity from secondary sensor in practical salinity units. sal2
CTD Profiles from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project)Salinity in PSU measured by the secondary sensor. (Originally named 'Sal11'.) sal2
CTD profiles from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project)Salinity (in PSU) measured by the secondary sensor. sal2
Processed CTD data from six cruises of the DeZoZoo project from R/V Hugh R. Sharp in the Chesapeake Bay from 2010-2011 (DeZoZoo project)Salinity from sensor 2 sal2
Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from R/V Point Sur cruises PS1009 and PS1103 in the Santa Barbara Channel from 2010-2011 (SBDOM project, SBC LTER project)CTD Salinity1 (PSU) sal2
Tracer Injection Sled data profiles from R/V Oceanus cruise OC415-02 in the Sargasso Sea in 2005 (EDDIES project)salinity, secondary sensor pair sal1
Bottle data from R/V Kilo Moana KM1314 in the The North Pacific Ocean (Seattle to Honolulu, including Line P, Station ALOHA), Aug - Sept 2013 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project)Salinity from secondary sensor in practical salinity units. sal2
CTD data from R/V Kilo Moana KM1314 in the The North Pacific Ocean (Seattle to Honolulu, including Line P, Station ALOHA), Aug - Sept 2013 (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity project)Salinity from secondary sensor in practical salinity units. sal2
CTD profile downcasts from R/V New Horizon NEMO cruise NH1417 in the Eastern Pacific between San Diego and Hawaii from August to September 2014 (Phyto response to N substrates project)Salinity 2 from instrument PSS-78 sal2
Sampler Sled data profiles from R/V Oceanus OC415-02, OC415-04 cruises in the Sargasso Sea in 2005 (EDDIES project)salinity, calculated from secondary temperature and conductivity sensor pairs sal1
Sampler Sled cast 1 data profiles from R/V Oceanus cruise OC415-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2005 (EDDIES project)salinity, secondary sensor pair sal1
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from R/V Oceanus OC469-01 in the NW Atlantic, Woods Hole to Barbados from October 2010 (Trichodesmium project)salinity from secondary sensor sal2
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from R/V Oceanus OC471-01 in the NW Atlantic: Woods Hole to Barbados from April 2011 (Trichodesmium project)salinity from secondary sensor sal2
CTD data from R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in May-June 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)Salinity from secondary sensor. sal2
Hydromedusae and zooplankton abundance in Naragansett Bay timeseries from in the coastal northwest Atlantic from 2005-2006 (Hydromedusae trophic ecology project)bottom salinity sal_bottom