Parameter: tagid

Short Description: tagid
Short Name: tagid
Official Name: tagid


Animal tag identification, e.g. flipper tag

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Hydroacoustic tracking data from blue crabs released in receiver arrays along the Atlantic coast from May 2019 to Feb 2020Animal's VEMCO tag ID Crab_ID
Clownfish collection log including such as depth, species, and size from coastal reefs of Ormoc Bay, Leyte, Philippines, 2012-2018tag number (including city) of PIT tag injected into fish tag_id
Data on lionfish juvenile growth patterns from tagged lionfish in the Bahamas, Guam, and Philippines from 2009-2012 (Lionfish Invasion project)Describes combination of letters used to identify elsatomer tag placement along body (e.g. L-GM means tag is on the left side with green color and in the mid region). tag_code
Data on lionfish juvenile growth patterns from tagged lionfish in the Cayman Islands from 2010-2011 (Lionfish Invasion project)Describes combination of letters used to identify elsatomer tag placement along body (e.g. L-GM means tag is on the left side with green color and in the mid region). tag_code
Sample log of coral biopsy specimens for genetic analysis of algal symbionts collected from Galapagos and Panama by divers, 2014-2017 (Response of ETP to ENSO)sample tag number Tag
Coral colony photographs taken at four time points between April of 2015 and April of 2016 during and after a bleaching event on Ofu Island, American Samoa.Coral colony identifier (tag ID) TagID
DEPRECATED: Optical properties of Orbicella faveoalta fragments (chl-a, Symbiodinium density, absorbance, and absorbance efficiency) from Rosaria and Varadero reef sites, Colombia, 2016 and 2017 (Varadero Reef project)fragment tag color Fragment_tag_color
DEPRECATED: Optical properties of Orbicella faveoalta fragments (chl-a, Symbiodinium density, absorbance, and absorbance efficiency) from Rosaria and Varadero reef sites, Colombia, 2016 and 2017 (Varadero Reef project)parent colony tag color Parent_tag_color
Spiny dogfish discard mortality using commercial hook gear from F/V Riena Marie NEC-ST2005-1 in the Gulf of Maine and off Cape Cod, July 2006 (NEC-CoopRes project)fish identification tag number tagid
Lengths of oysters in focal clusters from the oyster reefs along Southeastern Atlantic Bight (SAB) from North Carolina to Florida in 2011 (Oyster Trophic Cascades project)Tag on clam tag
Counts and weights of live, gaping and spat of oysters focal clusters from the oyster reefs along Southeastern Atlantic Bight (SAB) from North Carolina to Florida in 2011 (Oyster Trophic Cascades project)Tag on clam tag
Groundfish tag data from Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area and surrounding areas from F/V Ellen Diane NEC-HH2000-1 in the Western Gulf of Maine from 2002-2003 (NEC-CoopRes project)tag identification number tagid
Time-at-depth data (to generate histograms) from tagged jumbo squid from R/V R4107, R/V Pacific Storm, Chartered Vessels, R/V cruises in the Monterey Bay vicinity and Gulf of California from 2004-2009Unique tag identifier. tag_id
Time-at-temperature data (to generate histograms) from tagged jumbo squid from R/V R4107, R/V Pacific Storm, Chartered Vessels, R/V BIP XII cruises in the Monterey Bay vicinity and Gulf of California from 2004-2009Unique tag identifier. tag_id
Record of lionfish collected near Eleuthera, Bahamas during reef surveys in 2012 (Lionfish Invasion project)Number on T-Bar tag. tag_num
Record of lionfish collected near Eleuthera, Bahamas during reef surveys in 2012 (Lionfish Invasion project)T-Bar tag colors (if tag given to lionfish): First letter is color of tag closest to lionfish body and second letter is color of tag farthest from lionfish body.Y= yellowB=Blue G=greenR=redW=whiteP=Purple tag_tbar
Record of lionfish handled/collected during surveys near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas from 2009-2011 (Lionfish Invasion project)Subcutaneous paint tag given for identification purposes.L- Left SideR- Right Side After the dash:O = ORANGER = REDB = BLACKG = GREENE = BLUEY = YELLOWUM = UPPER MIDDLEUC = UPPER CAUDALLC = LOWER CAUDAL tag_elastomer
Record of lionfish handled/collected during surveys near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas from 2009-2011 (Lionfish Invasion project)Tag number. tag_num
Record of lionfish handled/collected during surveys near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas from 2009-2011 (Lionfish Invasion project)Alphanumeric number on the anterior streamer identification tag. tag_streamer1
Record of lionfish handled/collected during surveys near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas from 2009-2011 (Lionfish Invasion project)Alphanumeric number on the posterior streamer identification tag. tag_streamer2
Record of lionfish handled/collected during surveys near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas from 2009-2011 (Lionfish Invasion project)Color code of the identification T-bar tag:BL = bluePU = purpleGR = greenYL = yellowWH = whiteRD = red tag_tbar
Results of field experiment testing for density dependence in lionfish growth, immigration, recruitement, and loss; conducted at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas in 2011 (Lionfish Invasion project)Unique elastomer tag given to each fish. R or L for right or left side of body. R = red; Y = yellow; B = blue; G = green; O = orange. UC = upper caudal; LC = lower caudal; UM = upper middle. tag
Results of manipulative field study and controlled lab experiment on growth rates of juvenile lionfish on reefs with controlled abundances of Nassau grouper; Bahamas, 2010 (Lionfish Invasion project)Indicates the side (L = left; R = right); Color (B = blue; R = red; G = green; Y = Yellow; O = orange); and location on the lionfish (C = caudal; UM = upper middle; UC = upper caudal; LC = lower caudal) tag_elastomer
Record of lionfish sighted and/or collected near Little Cayman Island, 2010 (Lionfish Invasion project)Description of tag location: elastomer tag code = side of body - tag color + position. (e.g. L-RUC = left side - red tag on upper caudal); streamer tag code = tag color + ID number (e.g. Black 005) tag_num
Monkfish tagging methods - survival rates from F/V Miss Fitz NEC-AR2005-1 in the Woods Hole MA (NEC_ProjDev project)tag identification number tag_id
Condition index for bivalves recovered at the end of the cage experiment from oyster reefs along Southeastern Atlantic Bight (SAB) from North Carolina to Florida in 2011 (Oyster Trophic Cascades project)Tag on clam tag
Shell length data for planted bivalves collected from oyster reefs along Southeastern Atlantic Bight (SAB) from North Carolina to Florida in 2011 (Oyster Trophic Cascades project)Tag on clam tag
Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve (P-E) raw data for coral Orbicella faveolata from Varadero and Rosario reef sites, Colombia, Oct. 2016 and May 2017 (Varadero Reef project)fragment tag color Fragment_tag_color
Photosynthesis-Irradiance curve (P-E) raw data for coral Orbicella faveolata from Varadero and Rosario reef sites, Colombia, Oct. 2016 and May 2017 (Varadero Reef project)parent colony tag color Parent_tag_color
Absorbance at 3 wavelengths from pigment extractions of coral Orbicella faveolata from Rosaria and Varadero reef sites, Colombia, 2016 & 2017 (Varadero Reef project)fragment tag color Fragment_tag_color
Absorbance at 3 wavelengths from pigment extractions of coral Orbicella faveolata from Rosaria and Varadero reef sites, Colombia, 2016 & 2017 (Varadero Reef project)parent colony tag color Parent_tag_color
Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags scan log from the west coast of Leyte, the Philippines in the municipalities of Albuera and Bay Bay City, 2014-2018.Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag id number tag
Red Crab stock assessment project, Northeast US slope waters, 2004-2005: sex, size, condition, 100-600 fathoms, from the Canadian border (Hague Line) to approximately Hudson Canyon from 2004-2005 (NEC-CoopRes project)Tag identification number tagid
Tagging data from the Red Crab stock assessment project: 100-600 fathoms, from the Canadian border (Hague Line) to approximately Hudson Canyon from 2002-2005 (NEC-CoopRes project)Tag identification number tagid
Tag return data from the Red Crab stock assessment project: 100-600 fathoms, from the Canadian border (Hague Line) to approximately Hudson Canyon from 2002-2005 (NEC-CoopRes project)Tag identification number tagid
General information relative to Crabeater Seals collected during the ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruises LMG0104, LMG0106, LMG0203, and LMG0205 in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2002 (SOGLOBEC project) seal tag identification, flipper tag tagid
Crabeater Seal morphometrics from ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruises LMG0106 and LMG0205 in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2002 (SOGLOBEC project; Crabeater Seal Foraging project) SealTagID = Flipper Tag tagid
Crabeater Seal physiology collected on ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruises LMG0104, LMG0106, LMG0203, and LMG0205 in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2002 (SOGLOBEC project; Crabeater Seal Foraging project) SealTagID = Flipper Tag tagid
Crabeater Seal predicted mass from ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruises LMG0104, LMG0106, LMG0203, and LMG0205 in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2002 (SOGLOBEC project; Crabeater Seal Foraging project) SealTagID = Flipper Tag tagid
Diving behavior of harbor seals, specifically the duration of dives made by seals, determined by satellite-linked time-depth recorder (TDR) and GPS receivers, near Protection Island, WA, 2009 (Seal_response_to_prey project)PTT tag number. pttno
Diving behavior of harbor seals, specifically the proportion of time spent per depth range, determined by satellite-linked time-depth recorder (TDR) and GPS receivers, for dives made by seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009PTT tag number. pttno
Diving behavior of harbor seals, specifically the proportion of time spent per temperature range, determined by satellite-linked time-depth recorder (TDR) and GPS receivers, for dives made by harbor seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009PTT tag number. pttno
Diving behavior of harbor seals, specifically the number of dives per depth range made by seals, determined by satellite-linked time-depth recorder (TDR) and GPS receivers, near Protection Island, WA, 2009 (Seal_response_to_prey project)PTT tag number. pttno
Locations of satellite-tagged harbor seals in the San Juan Islands, WA from 2007-2009PTT tag number. pttno
Kelp plant size, holdfast size, and depth from five transects at three sites in Santa Barbara Channel, 2015 to 2017A unique tag number identifying an individual kelp plant Tag_id