William J. Jenkins

Affiliation: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0001-9146-2064

Project: U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA03) (17 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Cruise tracks along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04, KN199-05 cruises in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2012-03-07Final no updates expected
Cruise tracks along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04, KN199-05 cruises in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2012-03-07Final no updates expected
Scientific sampling event log associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-07-25Final no updates expected
CTD and pump cast events associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-07-25Final no updates expected
GTC CTD cast sheets associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-07-26Final no updates expected
GTC CTD sample logs associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-07-29Final no updates expected
Cruise report associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-01-18Final no updates expected
ODF CTD cast sheets associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-07-29Final no updates expected
ODF CTD sample logs associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010(U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-07-29Final no updates expected
Pump sample logs associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04-01 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2011-07-29Final no updates expected
GTC CTD profiles along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2012-05-23Final no updates expected
GTC bottle data along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2013-02-13Final no updates expected
ODF CTD profiles along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2012-05-23Final no updates expected
ODF bottle data along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2013-02-13Final no updates expected
Helium, Neon, and Helium-isotope concentrations from R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-11-26Final no updates expected
Tritium concentration from R/V Knorr cruises KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-03-10Final no updates expected
Helium and Neon duplicates from station 1 of R/V Knorr cruise KN199-04 (GT10) in the Subtropical northern Atlantic Ocean in 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-03-05Final no updates expected

Project: Carbon Dioxide Dynamics in Mode Water of the North Atlantic Ocean (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
A compilation of dissolved noble gas and N2/Ar ratio measurements collected from 1999-2016 in locations spanning the globe

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2022-01-17Final no updates expected

Project: Tracers of Biological Productivity and Gas Exchange (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
A compilation of dissolved noble gas and N2/Ar ratio measurements collected from 1999-2016 in locations spanning the globe

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2022-01-17Final no updates expected

Project: Is There an Ocean Primary Production Paradox(OP3)? (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
A compilation of dissolved noble gas and N2/Ar ratio measurements collected from 1999-2016 in locations spanning the globe

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2022-01-17Final no updates expected