Gareth Lawson

Affiliation: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Address: []

Project: Biological and Physical Determinants of Euphausiid Aggregation, Behavior, and Interaction with Higher Predators at an Abrupt Topographical Feature in the Gulf of Maine (14 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Zooplankton displacement volumes from MOCNESS tows from R/V Endeavor EN484, EN487 in the Gulf of Maine, 2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-02-06Final no updates expected
Event log from the Krill CT2010 cruise from R/V Connecticut CT2010 in the Southern New England Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2011-04-25Preliminary and in progress
Event logs from Krill Gulf of Maine cruises, R/V Endeavor EN487, EN484 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2010-11-10Final no updates expected
MOCNESS summary data from Gulf of Maine krill cruises from R/V Endeavor, R/V Connecticut EN484, EN487, CT2010 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Southern New England Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2010-12-29Final no updates expected
MOCNESS summary data from Gulf of Maine krill cruises from R/V Endeavor, R/V Connecticut EN484, EN487, CT2010 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Southern New England Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2010-12-29Final no updates expected
Event log from the Krill CT2010 cruise from R/V Connecticut CT2010 in the Southern New England Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2011-04-25Preliminary and in progress
MOCNESS summary data from Gulf of Maine krill cruises from R/V Endeavor, R/V Connecticut EN484, EN487, CT2010 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Southern New England Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2010-12-29Final no updates expected
Hand-written MOC-1 'flyer' notes, screen captures of tows, and taxonomic composition notes from R/V Endeavor, R/V Connecticut EN484, EN487, CT2010 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2011-04-07Final no updates expected
Hand-written MOC-1 'flyer' notes, screen captures of tows, and taxonomic composition notes from R/V Endeavor, R/V Connecticut EN484, EN487, CT2010 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2011-04-07Final no updates expected
MOCNESS CTD data from the Gulf of Maine collected on R/V Endeavor and R/V Connecticut from July to November 2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-02-29Final no updates expected
MOCNESS CTD data from the Gulf of Maine collected on R/V Endeavor and R/V Connecticut from July to November 2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-02-29Final no updates expected
MOCNESS CTD data from the Gulf of Maine collected on R/V Endeavor and R/V Connecticut from July to November 2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-02-29Final no updates expected
Event logs from Krill Gulf of Maine cruises, R/V Endeavor EN487, EN484 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2010-11-10Final no updates expected
Hand-written MOC-1 'flyer' notes, screen captures of tows, and taxonomic composition notes from R/V Endeavor, R/V Connecticut EN484, EN487, CT2010 in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Shelf and Slope Water from 2010-2010 (Krill GoME project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2011-04-07Final no updates expected

Project: Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Thecosome Pteropods in Relation to Carbonate Chemistry in the Northwest Atlantic and Northeast Pacific (11 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Reeve net cast log from R/V New Horizon NH1208 in the transect between 35 and 50N along CLIVAR line P17N from 2012-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-10-03Final no updates expected
MOCNESS logs from R/V Oceanus, R/V New Horizon OC473, NH1208 in the western North Atlantic, transect between 35 and 50N along CLIVAR line P17N from 2011-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2011-09-27Final no updates expected
Pteropod respiration rates from NW Atlantic and NE Pacific; OC473 (2011) and NH1208 (2012)

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-07-26Final no updates expected
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Oceanus, R/V New Horizon OC473, NH1208 in in the western N. Atlantic and eastern Pacific, 2011-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2011-09-23Final with updates expected
VPR cast data sheets from R/V Oceanus, R/V New Horizon OC473, NH1208 in the western N. Atlantic and eastern Pacific, 2011-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2011-09-27Final no updates expected
CTD data collected from MOCNESS hauls on R/V Oceanus and R/V New Horizon in the western North Atlantic from 2011-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-02-08Final no updates expected
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from R/V Oceanus OC473 in the western North Atlantic, 35-50 degrees North in 2011 (OAPS project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2012-04-09Final no updates expected
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Oceanus, R/V New Horizon OC473, NH1208 in in the western N. Atlantic and eastern Pacific, 2011-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2011-09-23Final with updates expected
Reeve net cast log from R/V New Horizon NH1208 in the transect between 35 and 50N along CLIVAR line P17N from 2012-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2012-10-03Final no updates expected
CTD data collected from MOCNESS hauls on R/V Oceanus and R/V New Horizon in the western North Atlantic from 2011-2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-02-08Final no updates expected
P17N Ocean Acidification Pteropod Study: Carbonate chemistry system and hydrography samples from R/V New Horizon NH1208 from a transect 35-50 degrees North, Pacific Ocean, Aug-Sep 2012 (OAPS project)

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2016-08-09Final no updates expected

Project: Canyon Krill (6 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Zooplankton biovolumes from R/V Connecticut, SSV Corwith Cramer, CT2010, C223A, C230A, C235A, C241A from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, Atlantic Ocean from 2009-2012 (Canyon Krill project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-04-02Final no updates expected
Zooplankton biovolumes from R/V Connecticut, SSV Corwith Cramer, CT2010, C223A, C230A, C235A, C241A from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, Atlantic Ocean from 2009-2012 (Canyon Krill project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-04-02Final no updates expected
Zooplankton biovolumes from R/V Connecticut, SSV Corwith Cramer, CT2010, C223A, C230A, C235A, C241A from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, Atlantic Ocean from 2009-2012 (Canyon Krill project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-04-02Final no updates expected
Zooplankton biovolumes from R/V Connecticut, SSV Corwith Cramer, CT2010, C223A, C230A, C235A, C241A from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, Atlantic Ocean from 2009-2012 (Canyon Krill project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-04-02Final no updates expected
Zooplankton biovolumes from R/V Connecticut, SSV Corwith Cramer, CT2010, C223A, C230A, C235A, C241A from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, Atlantic Ocean from 2009-2012 (Canyon Krill project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-04-02Final no updates expected
Zooplankton biovolumes from R/V Connecticut, SSV Corwith Cramer, CT2010, C223A, C230A, C235A, C241A from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, Atlantic Ocean from 2009-2012 (Canyon Krill project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2013-04-02Final no updates expected