Richard C. Zimmerman

Affiliation: Old Dominion University (ODU)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0002-9399-4264

Project: Toward an Improved Understanding of Blue Carbon: The Role of Seagrasses in Sequestering CO2 (13 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Temperature, salinity, oxygen, and pH measured by SeapHOx sensors at two locations (Gulf coast of Florida near St. Teresa and VA Eastern Shore near Oyster, VA) and two heights in the water column (20 cm and 1.1 m)

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-08-08Final no updates expected
Sediment core sample metadata collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-10-15Final no updates expected
Sediment core sample metadata collected July 2017 in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Chemical analysis from sediment core pore water samples collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-10-15Final no updates expected
Chemical analysis from sediment core pore water samples collected in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore in July 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-10-15Final no updates expected
Chemical analysis from sediment core bottom water samples collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-08-06Final no updates expected
Chemical analysis from sediment core bottom water samples collected in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore in July 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-08-06Final no updates expected
Oxygen profiles from sediment core samples collected in the back barrier island bays on Virginia’s Eastern Shore in July 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-10-15Final no updates expected
Oxygen profiles from sediment core samples collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2018-10-15Final no updates expected
Carbon, nitrogen and their isotope composition of eelgrass from Virginia Coastal Lagoons and turtlegrass from St George Sound FL

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-10-10Final no updates expected
Reference carbon and nitrogen concentrations, and isotope ratios from alfalfa, nylon-6, bovine liver, and enriched alanine

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-09-11Final no updates expected
Summary of carbon and nitrogen concentrations and isotope ratios from samples of eelgrass from Virginia Coastal Lagoons and turtlegrass from St George Sound FL

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-10-10Final no updates expected
Bubble flux measurements and concentrations at two sites on the Virginia Eastern Shore, July 2017

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2019-07-11Final no updates expected