Samantha B. Joye

Affiliation: University of Georgia (UGA)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0003-1610-451X

Project: RAPID Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Deep pelagic and benthic impacts of the oil spill (6 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Scientific sampling event logs from R/V Atlantis and R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises AT18-02 and WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2012-09-24Final no updates expected
Scientific sampling event logs from R/V Atlantis and R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises AT18-02 and WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)

Role: Chief Scientist

2012-09-24Final no updates expected
Bottle data (including temperature, salinity, density, O2) from CTD rosettes from R/V Atlantis and R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises AT18-02 and WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-09-24Final no updates expected
Bottle data (including temperature, salinity, density, O2) from CTD rosettes from R/V Atlantis and R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises AT18-02 and WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-09-24Final no updates expected
CTD data from R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in Nov-Dec 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-09-24Final no updates expected
CTD data from R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico Macondo wellhead area in May-June 2010 (DWH_Deep_Microbes project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2012-09-24Final no updates expected

Project: Collaborative Research: Microbial Carbon cycling and its interactions with Sulfur and Nitrogen transformations in Guaymas Basin hydrothermal sediments (12 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California in December 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-07-21Final no updates expected
Acetate and methanol turnover rates from sediment push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California in December 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-06-04Final no updates expected
Results from inhibition experiments conducted using sediment samples from push cores obtained using HOV Alvin dive 4869 during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California in December 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-06-04Final no updates expected
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (27 00.00 N, -111 20.00 W) in November 2018

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-07-02Final no updates expected
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California on RV/Atlantis AT42-05 Alvin dives, Nov. 2018

Role: Principal Investigator

2023-02-07Final no updates expected
CTD data collected in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California from R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in 2018 and R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2023-03-23Under revision
Sediment geochemistry summary from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in the Guaymas Basin from December 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-07-21Final no updates expected
Water column radiotracer methane oxidation rates in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California from R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in 2018 and R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2023-07-23Final no updates expected
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2023-01-20Final no updates expected
Geochemical measurements of porewater from sediment push core samples in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-08-21Final no updates expected
Porewater methane concentrations and d13C-CH4 values in Alvin pushcore samples from Guaymas Basin hydrothermal sediments collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in December 2016

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2021-03-11Final no updates expected
Porewater sulfate, sulfide, ammonia, phosphate, and silicate concentrations in Alvin pushcore samples from Guaymas Basin hydrothermal sediments collected on R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in December 2016

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2021-03-12Final no updates expected

Project: Collaborative Research: Degrading offshore permafrost as a source of methane on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (12 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) Drill Sites

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2011 - Master Data Sheet

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
2012 Arctic Sediment/Permafrost Master

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2012 - Sediment Gas Concentrations

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2012 - d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Composition

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Spring 2012 - Turnover Rates

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Fall 2011 - Station Information and Core Descriptions

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Fall 2011 - Sample Processing Log

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected
Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples

Roles: Lead Principal Investigator, Contact

2016-04-20Final no updates expected