Jennifer Prairie

Affiliation: University of San Diego (USD)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0001-8637-5345

Project: CAREER: Small-scale plankton-aggregate dynamics and the biological pump: Integrating mathematical biology in research and education (9 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Copepod density gradient experiments near Scripps Canyon in La Jolla, CA from August to September 2017

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-07-30Final no updates expected
Copepod gut pigment data from each of six experiments quantifying the ingestion by copepods of marine snow and phytoplankton at different phytoplankton growth phases

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-02-26Final no updates expected
Copepod ingestion rate as calculated through stable isotope analysis from experiments quantifying the ingestion by copepods of marine snow and phytoplankton at different phytoplankton growth phases

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-02-23Final no updates expected
Fluorescence per phytoplankton cell from each of six experiments quantifying the ingestion by copepods of marine snow and phytoplankton at different phytoplankton growth phases

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-10-04Final no updates expected
Observations of Copepod Reactions to Sinking Aggregates Experiments 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-09-13Data not available
Effect of Marine Snow Distribution on Copepod Ingestion of Marine Snow Experiments 2018

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-09-13Final no updates expected
Filmography data from a set of 3 experiments of copepod and phytoplankton aggregate micro-scale interactions using high-speed filmography in 2020

Role: Principal Investigator

2025-02-13Final no updates expected
Copepod track data from a set of 4 experiments quantifying the foraging behavior and ingestion by copepods within different distributions of marine snow

Role: Principal Investigator

2022-09-19Final no updates expected
Copepod gut pigment and tank water pigment data from a set of 4 experiments quantifying the foraging behavior and ingestion by copepods within different distributions of marine snow

Role: Principal Investigator

2022-09-20Final no updates expected