Kerry J. Nickols

Affiliation: California State University Northridge (CSUN)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0003-3476-4247

Project: Collaborative Research: RUI: Building a mechanistic understanding of water column chemistry alteration by kelp forests: emerging contributions of foundation species (17 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Nighttime surface chlorophyll-a concentrations at the MBARI OA1 Buoy (36° 37.373’ N, 121 ° 54.000’ W) from June to October 2018

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-08-29Final no updates expected
Surface irradiance measured on the roof of the Monterey Bay Aquarium (36.62 °N, 121.90 °W) from June to October 2018

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-08-29Final no updates expected
Number of new fronds recorded at the kelp forest mooring (36° 37.297’ N, 121° 54.102’ W.) at Hopkins Marine Station recorded from July to August 2018.

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-08-29Final no updates expected
Data from moored instruments (pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, PAR, pressure) at 9 depths outside and inside the kelp canopy at Hopkins Marine Station, recorded between June and October 2018.

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-09-02Final no updates expected
Cross-shore and alongshore velocity outside the kelp forest at Hopkins Marine Station (36° 37.342’ N, 121° 54.049’ W) recorded between June and October, 2018.

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-09-02Final no updates expected
Kelp forest mooring DIC, TA, pCO2, and aragonite saturation state estimations inside the kelp canopy (36° 37.297’ N, 121° 54.102’ W.) at Hopkins Marine Station, recorded between June and October 2018.

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-09-02Final no updates expected
pH measured in situ over depth in the kelp forest (36° 37.3’ N, 121° 54.1’ W) recorded in July 2018.

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-10-07Final no updates expected
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon measured in situ over depth in the kelp forest (36° 37.3’ N, 121° 54.1’ W) recorded in July 2018.

Roles: Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator

2020-10-07Final no updates expected
Discrete seawater samples collected at the surface, 1 m below the surface, and 1 m above the bottom two times a week at each mooring (Kelp and Outside) from June 12, 2018 to August 3, 2018.

Roles: Project Coordinator, Principal Investigator

2020-10-12Final with updates expected
Cross-shore and alongshore velocity inside the kelp forest at Hopkins Marine Station (36° 37.297’ N, 121° 54.102’ W) recorded between June and October, 2018.

Roles: Project Coordinator, Principal Investigator

2020-10-13Final no updates expected
CTD casts paired with bi-weekly water sampling events at instrument mooring sites near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-10-19Final no updates expected
Nitrate and phosphate from various depths throughout the water column inside and outside a kelp forest near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-10-20Final no updates expected
Dissolved oxygen and temperature from PME miniDOT sensors recording at 1-minute intervals at various depths on instrument moorings inside and outside of kelp forests near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-11-04Final no updates expected
Water level and seafloor temperature from Onset HOBO U20L loggers deployed on the seafloor adjacent to instrument moorings inside and outside of kelp forests near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-11-12Final no updates expected
Temperature data from Onset HOBO U22 loggers deployed at various depths on instrument moorings inside and outside of kelp forests near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-11-15Final no updates expected
Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from PME miniPAR loggers deployed at the seafloor near instrument moorings inside and outside of kelp forests near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-11-16Final no updates expected
Temperature data from SeaBird SBE56 sensors deployed at various depths on instrument moorings inside and outside of kelp forests near the Monterey Peninsula, California, USA from June to August 2018 and 2019

Role: Principal Investigator

2021-11-17Final no updates expected