Project: Hydrography

Acronym/Short Name:Hydrography
Project Duration:1977-01
Geolocation:Northeast Atlantic


The Hydrographic project collects the following information:

opsid - Concatenation of year, vessel number, and vessel abbreviation

cruise_id - distinct cruise ID

Year -Year in which the cruise takes place

gear_type - (Bottle data, or type of CTD system deployed)

cast - Cast number (unique per gear_type per cruise_id)

purpose code - 2 digit program identifier for a cruise that is part of a larger Center of National program

gmt_yday1 - GMT Year day using the convention that Jan 1st at noon is 1.5 (null value=999)

gmt_date - GMT date

vessel_number - Vessel number for individual ship

sta_btm_depth - Station depth (m) ? Null value = 999

lat_dd --> lat - Latitude in decimal degree format

lon_dd --> lon - Longitude in decimal degree format

pres - Ctd pressure (db) or bottle depth (m)

temp - Temperature (deg C)

salt - Salinity


Principal Investigator: Jonathan Hare
Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Sandy Hook (NOAA NEFSC)

Contact: James P. Manning
Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Woods Hole (NOAA NEFSC)

Contact: Ms Maureen Taylor
Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Woods Hole (NOAA NEFSC)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Robert C. Groman
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)


National Marine Fisheries Service / Northeast Fisheries Science Center [NMFS/NEFSC]