Description from NSF award abstract:
Anthropogenic CO2 enters the ocean in the high latitudes, from where it spreads into the deep ocean interior. Because carbonate ion saturation at greater water depth is generally reduced in the deep ocean, deep-sea corals may be particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification. Efforts are needed to determine the effects of changing seawater chemistry on these ecosystems, and in particular reconstructions of past pH-variations experienced by these corals may help to implement long-term management plans for deep-sea coral reefs. This project will provide new insight into the effect of changing seawater carbonate chemistry and anthropogenic ocean acidification on deep-sea coral reefs. The researchers will calibrate the boron isotope and B/Ca paleo-pH proxies in several species of modern and cultured deep-sea corals. The resulting proxy calibrations will be used to interpret the boron isotope composition of live collected and fossil deep-sea corals with regard to past ocean pH changes. Live collected corals from the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean will provide ultra-high resolution temporal records of anthropogenic CO2 invasion at intermediate depths. Radiometrically dated corals from the same locations will be used to document pH changes in the deep ocean over the last deglaciation. Comparison of paleo-pH with already established changes in coral species composition will allow interpretation of coral sensitivity to ocean acidification. The project will also improve paleo-pH reconstructions by cross- calibrating the principal techniques of boron isotope analysis.
Related Reference:
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
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Locations and original references for studied bamboo corals from 1879-2009 (Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes project) | 2014-12-17 | Final no updates expected |
Radiocarbon dates on calcite and organic material (gorgonin) in bamboo coral skeletons Keratoisis (Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes project) | 2014-12-17 | Final no updates expected |
Principal Investigator: Dr Baerbel Hoenisch
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
Contact: Jesse Farmer
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)