Project: Participation in October 2011 US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section Continuation Cruise

Acronym/Short Name:NAT_Continue
Project Duration:2011-06 - 2013-06
Geolocation:North Atlantic: Lisbon to Cape Verde Is. (2010) and Woods Hole to Bermuda to Cape Verde Is. (2011).


The U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal section cruise was scheduled for 15 October through 5 December 2010. Because of a major irresolvable mechanical failure of the ship's propulsion system, the expedition had to be terminated in the Cape Verde Islands on 4 November after completing about one third of the planned track. This required on-the-spot changes in return travel for all sea-going investigators as well as in shipping arrangements for all their samples and equipment. The funds requested in this proposal address the PI's need to cover a graduate student and purchase supplies associated with his participation in the continuation of the North Atlantic section cruise scheduled for autumn 2011. The additional funds for the graduate student would cover the effort to prepare for a second cruise whereas the supply request is to replace those lost during the first cruise. The proposed research would significantly improve our knowledge of cross margin exchange of trace elements, as well as the impact of atmospheric inputs on ocean chemistry. (From award abstract)


Lead Principal Investigator: Alan M. Shiller
University of Southern Mississippi (USM)