Project: DeepCCZ

Acronym/Short Name:DeepCCZ
Project Duration:2016-11 - 2020-08
Geolocation:Western Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (~5N 142 W to ~11N 154 W)


GBMF Grant Name: Closing Gaps in Knowledge About Biodiversity and Ecology of the Deep Sea to Better Assess the Impacts of Deep-Sea Mining

GBMF Grant Statement:  To generate a better understanding of the biodiversity oand ecology of a large deep-sea ecosystem prior to mining

Expected Measurements:  

  • ​Shipboard underway data:  meteorological data, navigation data, and processed multibeam mapping data,
  • processed CTD water-column environmental data (e.g., water temperature, pH, salinity, light),
  • raw ROV video records and associated environmental sensor data
  • raw free vehicle baited video and still imagery
  • specimen capture records (ROV and trap - location, date, time, and all body measurements)
  • processed DNA sequence data for captured animal specimens
  • processed metagenomic DNA sequence data for microbial assemblages in sediment and water samples
  • sediment community respiration and nutrient regeneration data
  • isotopic data for sediment infaunal organisms

Anticipated Derived Data Products:

  • Biodiversity, abundance, and species composition of benthic megafauna, mobile scavengers, and sediment microbes at each study location
  • Sediment community function (respiration, nutrient regeneration, detrital processing) at each study location
  • Genetic connectivity at species and population levels for key megafaunal and mobile scavenger species between study locations.

Project Home Page


Lead Principal Investigator: Craig R. Smith
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Co-Principal Investigator: Matthew J. Church
University of Montana

Co-Principal Investigator: Thomas Dahlgren
NORCE Norwegian Research Center AS (NORCE)

Co-Principal Investigator: Jeffrey C. Drazen
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Co-Principal Investigator: Adrian Glover
Natural History Museum (London)

Co-Principal Investigator: Erica Goetze
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Co-Principal Investigator: Andrew Sweetman
Lyell Centre for Earth and Marine Science and Technology (Heriot-Watt University)

Co-Principal Investigator: Eric Vetter
Hawaii Pacific University (HPU)

Contact: Craig R. Smith
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Data Management Plan

DMP_Smith_Drazen_Church_Sweetman_Glover_Dahlgren_Vetter_GBMF5596.pdf (107.00 KB)