NSF Award Abstract:
Marine microorganisms are among the most abundant life forms on the planet, playing a key role in ocean nutrient cycling. Though predation on these microorganisms is critical to nutrient cycling, little is known about their interactions with predators - specifically the direct interaction between microorganism cell surfaces and predator capture surfaces. This project examines how cell surfaces may influence the predation of marine microorganisms. Cell surface modification is a recognized strategy for predator avoidance among terrestrial microorganisms, but its application in the ocean is largely unexplored. By examining microbial prey with varying surface characteristics and predators with a range of feeding strategies, this research is providing foundational knowledge for future ocean food web models. This project engages public audiences through exhibits and workshops at museums (e.g., Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) and coastal aquariums with a focus on predator-prey interactions in the ocean from small microbial prey to larger predators. A large-scale art installment emphasizes these food web interactions. These 'Eco Murals' focus on ocean ecosystems and involve participation from community members, especially underrepresented minorities. This project is training the next generation of scientists by involving graduate and undergraduate students in research, professional development, and scientific communication. This research includes independent graduate student research as well as capstone projects in Bioinformatics and Genomics. Undergraduate students participate in this research following the previously successful NSF REU Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast model. Finally, by leveraging initiatives aimed at promoting the persistence of historically underrepresented and underserved populations in STEM fields, this project recruits, supports, and retains female, first-generation, and underrepresented minority students.
The differential selection and rejection of microbial prey alters our understanding of carbon fate and nutrient cycling in the ocean. This project directly tests the effects of microbial surface properties on particle selection by globally abundant suspension feeders. Cell surface properties are known to be a fundamental aspect of predation avoidance in terrestrial microbes, but the role of microbial surface properties in avoiding or enhancing predation is a research frontier in ocean science. This knowledge gap limits understanding of microbial mortality, microbial loop function, and prediction of ecosystem response to future climate scenarios. This research links specific particle properties with ecologically-relevant trophic interactions through experiments with widespread suspension feeders representing major feeding strategies by copepod nauplii, pteropods, appendicularians, and echinoderm larvae. First, this project quantifies the surface properties of major marine microbial groups to inform feeding incubations with artificial prey. Second, artificial microspheres with varying surface properties are used in controlled laboratory feeding incubations to determine selectivity and third, to quantify particle fate from released fecal pellets and pseudofeces. Finally, the major marine microbial taxa in the guts of wild-caught suspension feeders are quantified using qPCR. This research forms an integrative approach, yet the results of each objective have scientific impact which can be applied to diverse fields beyond the ocean.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Lead Principal Investigator: Kelly Rakow Sutherland
University of Oregon
Principal Investigator: Anne W. Thompson
Portland State University (PSU)
Co-Principal Investigator: Terra C. Hiebert
University of Oregon
DMP_Sutherland_Thompson_OCE-2419056.pdf (92.01 KB)