Dataset: Improving the Size Selectivity for Northern Shrimp Through Use of a Combination of a Modified Nordmore Grate and Square Mesh Cod End: shrimp catch data, from the F/V Jeanne C. NEC-KP2003-1 from the Gulf of Maine, 2003-2004 (NEC-CoopRes project)

Final no updates expectedVersion 16 Jan 2009 (2009-01-16)Dataset Type:Unknown

Principal Investigator: Kelo Pinkham ()

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr Daniel Schick (Maine Department of Marine Resources)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Program: NorthEast Consortium (NEC)

Project: Northeast Consortium: Cooperative Research (NEC-CoopRes)

Improving the Size Selectivity for Northern Shrimp Through Use of a Combination of a Modified Nordmore Grate and Square Mesh Cod End

final report, by Daniel Schick, Kelo Pinkham and Lessie White.

This dataset pertains to the large and small shrimp catch data for the various trawl modifications. See also:
*shrimp_nord_tows - listing of all trawl modifications and dates
*shrimp_nord_sumry - summarizes the test results for the various trawl modifications, with statistical analysis.

gear code description of gear
qtr_grate 1/4-length small bar space section
half_grate 1/2-length small bar space section
std standard Nordmore grate with a diamond mesh cod end
mbbg with small mesh bag attached behind the small bar space grate
mbeh with small mesh bag over escape hole
no_grate no grate
StdDD standard Nordmore grate/cod end
716DD 7/16" bent grate Diamond lengthener, Diamond mesh cod end
716DS 7/16" bent grate Diamond lengthener, Square mesh cod end
716SD 7/16" bent grate Square mesh lengthener, Diamond mesh cod end
716SS 7/16" bent grate Square mesh lengthener, Square mesh cod end
TapDD Tapered, bent grate was placed in a diamond lengthening piece and fished with a Diamond mesh cod end
TapDS Tapered, bent grate was placed in a diamond lengthening piece and fished with a Square mesh cod end
TapSD Tapered bent grate Square mesh lengthener, Diamond mesh cod end
TapSS Tapered bent grate Square mesh lengthener, Square mesh cod end


Comparative tows with a trouser trawl were conducted to test improved release of small shrimp and fish and retention of large shrimp using various configurations of a compound Nordmore grate and diamond or square mesh in the lengthening piece and cod end. The forward (upper) grate section had small bar spacing (7/16") sized to allow small shrimp to flow between the bars and escape. The aft (lower) section had ¾" bar spacing to allow large shrimp to flow between the bars and into the cod end mounted behind this section. Two sizes of small bar space section, ½ and ¼ of the total length were tested. The ½ length section released more small shrimp but also retained less large shrimp than the ¼ length section compared to a standard Nordmore grate/cod end. The large shrimp were flowing out the escape hole at the bottom of the compound grate. The aft section was lengthened for better retention of large shrimp and the small bar space section was tilted (bent) another 10 degrees to improve small shrimp release. A small bar space section with tapered openings was added to the test series as was square mesh in the lengthener and/or cod end. The two modified compound grates with the four mesh combinations produced eight test series where each gear type was judged for finfish release, shrimp weight retained, small shrimp release and large shrimp retention. The best combination was the 7/16" bar space bent grate with diamond lengthener and square mesh cod end.

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