Dataset: Gene expression profiles from high through put Illumina sequencing of multiple long-term evolved lines of Trichodesmium, 2011-2013 (Trichodesmium in High CO2 project)

Final no updates expectedVersion (2013-07-30)Dataset Type:Unknown

Principal Investigator: David A. Hutchins (University of Southern California)

Co-Principal Investigator: Feixue Fu (University of Southern California)

Co-Principal Investigator: Eric A. Webb (University of Southern California)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Gene Expression Patterns in High CO2-Adapted Trichodesmium (Trichodesmium in High CO2)

NOTE: This dataset were released at NCBI on 2014-07-11.  For questions, please contact Eric Webb,

This EAGER funded dataset contains GenBank accession numbers for the gene expression profiles obtained from high through put illumina sequencing of multiple long-term evolved lines of Trichodesmium.  In these experiments transcriptome samples (labeled 750) were obtained from cultures grown in either projected year 2100 CO2 levels (~750ppm) or current 380ppm levels (labeled 380) for four years.  Additional files include the transcriptomic profiles from cells lines that were switched form their longterm conditions to either lower or higher CO2 conditions.  These samples are labeled 750-380 for the switch from high CO2 to low and 380-750 for the switch from low to high.

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