Dataset: Physical and optical measurements from Wirewalker profiling moorings WW_M19, WW_WQM2, and WW_ESP in the Continental shelf offshore of Huntington Beach, California in 2012 (SoCalPlumeEx2012 project)

Final no updates expectedVersion 21 January 2015 (2015-01-21)Dataset Type:Unknown

Principal Investigator, Contact: Andrew J Lucas (University of California-San Diego Scripps)

Co-Principal Investigator: Raphael M. Kudela (University of California-Santa Cruz)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Stephen R. Gegg (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012)

Physical and optical data from 3 wave-powered profiling moorings (WireWalkers) (.mat files)

Data are collected onboard the profilers. Those data were collected by a CTD with additional channels. The data are provided as vectors (upcast only). The .idx field indicates the start and end of each individual profile. The channels are, as follows:

Upcast only time series:
T = Temperature, degrees C (Seabird 49 CTD or Seabird 52 for ww_esp)
P = Pressure, meters (Seabird 49 CTD or Seabird 52 for ww_esp)
time = Time (matlab datenum format)
C = conductivity (milliSiemens per meter) (Seabird 49 CTD or Seabird 52 for ww_esp)
S = salinity (PSU) (Seabird 49 CTD or Seabird 52 for ww_esp)
F_chla = Chlorophyll fluorescence (Relative Fluorescence Units) (Turner Designs Cyclops 7 chlorophyll fluorometer)

or  for ww_esp:
C3_chla: Chlorophyll fluorescence (Relative Fluorescence Units) (Turner Designs C3 fluorometer)
C3_cdom: Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Material (Relative Fluorescence Units) (Turner Designs C3 fluorometer)
C3_turb: Turbidity (Relative Fluorescence Units) (Turner Designs C3 fluorometer)

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