Dataset: Velocity fields from turbulence tanks, with analysis performed to describe its turbulence characteristics analyzed at University of California - Berkeley (DiatomTrajectories project)

Final no updates expectedVersion 2015-07-31 (2015-07-31)Dataset Type:experimental

Principal Investigator: Lee Karp-Boss (University of Maine)

Principal Investigator, Contact: Dr Evan Variano (University of California-Berkeley)

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr Peter Jumars (University of Maine)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Trajectories and spatial distributions of diatoms at dissipation scales of turbulence (DiatomTrajectories)

This dataset is available as a file (1.8 GB compressed; 3.5 GB uncompressed) available for Download (WARNING: LARGE FILE). Each folder represents a different experiment. In the folders are:

1) A series of txt files, each of which describes 1 independent sample of a 3D velocity vector field measured in an x-y plane in the turbulence tank. The data is 5-column tab-delimited data:
Column 1 is x-location of velocity measurement (in mm, and defined relative to origin at the tank’s geometric center)
Column 2 is y-location (in mm)
Column 3 is x-component of velocity vector (in m/s)
Column 4 and 5 are y- and z-components of velocity vector, respectively (in m/s)

2) A *.mat file, including the same data as above, but arranged into an LxMxN matrix, in which L is x-location, M is y-location, and N is number of independent samples.  Velocity components are called UU,VV, and WW.  The x- and y- values are called xvals and yvals.  This file is constructed from the *.txt files using the *.m file found in the root directory “view_and_organize_vectors_from_Darling.m”

3) Eight *.png figures that summarize the turbulent features of velocity fields.

4) A *.dat file giving some key statistics describing the turbulent features of velocity fields.  This file is constructed from the *.mat files using the *.m file found in the root directory “analyze_vectors_from_Darling.m”

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