Dataset: Microbial communities of corals analyzed using 454 Illumina pyrosequencing from Wonderland Reef, Florida in 2013

Release Date:2017-06-01Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.657866.1Version 1 (2016-08-30)Dataset Type:experimental

Principal Investigator, Contact: Robert van Woesik (Florida Institute of Technology)

Contact: Dr Carly J. Randall (Florida Institute of Technology)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Hannah Ake (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?)


Microbial communities of corals analyzed using 454 Illumina pyrosequencing from Wonderland Reef, Florida in 2013

Coral disease transmission experiments were completed for dark-spot syndrome on Sidereastrea siderea and yellow-band disease on Orbicella faveolata, as described in Randall et al. 2016. Following experimentation, microbial communities were extracted from tissue samples to determine whether any potential pathogen may have transmitted from healthy to exposed corals. Microbial communities on healthy corals were compared with diseased corals to identify any potential pathogens.

Experimental diseased and healthy corals were sampled and their microbial communities were analyzed using 454 Illumina pyrosequencing of the amplified 16S rRNA gene on the V1-V3 hypervariable region.

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Randall, C. J., Jordán-Garza, A. G., Muller, E. M., & van Woesik, R. (2016). Does Dark-Spot Syndrome Experimentally Transmit among Caribbean Corals? PLOS ONE, 11(1), e0147493. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147493