Hannah Ake

Affiliation: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0002-8153-7031

Project: Physiological and genetic responses of the deep-water coral, Lophelia pertusa, to ongoing ocean acidification in the Gulf of Mexico (11 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Water samples from CTD casts and vehicle-mounted bottles from the R/V Atlantis, R/V Ronald Brown, R/V Falkor, & E/V Nautilus in the Gulf of Mexico & Florida from 2010 to 2014 (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-16Final no updates expected
Dissolved oxygen and potential density measurements from the R/V Atlantis, R/V Ronald Brown, & E/V Nautilus in the Gulf of Mexico & Florida from 2010-2014 (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-19Final no updates expected
Mortality of L. pertusa specimens exposed to different DO levels collected on R/V Ronald Brown in Florida from October to November 2010 (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-19Final no updates expected
Mortality of L. pertusa specimens exposed to different temperatures collected on R/V Ronald Brown in Florida from October to November 2010 (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-19Final no updates expected
Net calcification of L. pertusa specimens exposed to different pH treatments collected on R/V Ronald Brown in Florida from October to November 2010 (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-19Final no updates expected
Feeding records for pH experiments conducted on Lophelia pertusa specimens collected in the Norwegian Skagerrak and the Gulf of Mexico (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-20Final no updates expected
Calcification rates from pH experiments on Lophelia pertusa specimens collected from the Norwegian Skagerrak and the Gulf of Mexico (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-20Final no updates expected
Respiration rates for pH experiments on L. pertusa specimens collected in the Norwegian Skagerrak and the Gulf of Mexico (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-20Final no updates expected
Tank conditions for pH experiments on Lophelia pertusa specimens collected in the Norwegian Skagerrak and the Gulf of Mexico (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-20Final no updates expected
Sample logs from R/V Atlantis (AT26-14) Alvin dives in the Gulf of Mexico during 2014 (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-20Final no updates expected
Sample log for R/V Atlantis (AT26-14) Alvin dive A4703 in the Gulf of Mexico during April 2014 (Lophelia OA project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-09-21Final no updates expected

Project: The ecophysiological basis of the response of coral larvae and early life history stages to global climate change (7 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Demography of coral in the future and various physical parameter predictions.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-18Final no updates expected
Field observations from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-18Final no updates expected
Seawater data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-18Final no updates expected
Coral growth on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-18Final no updates expected
Physiological data from coral sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-18Final no updates expected
Fecundity of coral size classes sampled at Nanwan Bay, Taiwan.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-18Final no updates expected
Transect information on studies conducted in Nanwan Bay, Taiwan.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-18Final no updates expected

Project: Do Parallel Patterns Arise from Parallel Processes? (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Isotopes from B. gymnorhiza mangroves in Palau during 2013

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-07-19Final no updates expected

Project: LTREB Long-term coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 1987-2019 (33 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Data from surveys of Eunicea flexusa colonies on St. John, VI National Park from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-24Final no updates expected
Data describing Gorgonia ventalina interactions on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Data describing interactions between colonies on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Data describing interactions between neighboring coral colonies on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Scleractinia, macroalgae and octocoral surveys describing species abundance and distribution, in St. John, USVI in 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Octocorals surveys 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Rainfall and seawater temperature in St. John, USVI in 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Storm record from St. John, USVI in 1987–2011 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Symbiodinium algae in foraminifer and corals in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Environmental data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth and mortality of corals on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
OTU, sequences, and accessions from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Coral cover data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Coral taxonomic data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth measurements over time of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth of individual coral species on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Realized and potential growth of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Long-term juvenile coral density data from St. John USVI starting in 1994.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Long-term coral percent coverage data from photoquadrats recorded at random sites in the USVI starting in 1992.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Long-term mean daily seawater temperature data from USVI starting in 2003.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Long-term percent coverage data of coral in photoquadrats in St. John USVI starting in 1987.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Long-term coral recruit spat counts from USVI starting in 2009.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Location, abundance, and size of various octocoral species in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Mean density of coral and the percentage of encrusting coral on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The frequency of distances to the nearest Milleopora for coral species found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The number of coral colonies found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI during 2014 and 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Nearest neighboring octocoral data from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Size frequency of octocorals along long-term transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Mean wave direction at long-term coral sampling sites in St. John, USVI from 2011 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Sedimentation at long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Rugosity of long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Light intensity at various times along long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Distribution of octocoral colonies from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected

Project: Pivers Island Coastal Observatory (2 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Environmental and physical data associated with ocean acidification microbe adaptation from 2012-2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-05-25Final no updates expected
16S rRNA gene NCBI ID numbers from the PICO project

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-13Final no updates expected

Project: Killer Seaweeds: Allelopathy against Fijian Corals (13 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Benthic cover data from six sites in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Biomass and density data from in and outside of an MPA in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Rates of grazing by parrotfishes and macroalgal browsing in Fiji during 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Density of coral recruits in and out of MPAs in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010 to 2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Biomass of fish feeding groups on reefs in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Biodiversity of fish feeding groups in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Herbivore grazing rates in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Species richness in and out of MPAs in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012 (Killer Seaweeds project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-01-06Final no updates expected
Acanthaster count data collected in protected and fished areas from Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-23Final no updates expected
GPS location coordinates of Acanthaster individuals used in a tagging study in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-23Final no updates expected
Movement distance and direction data of tagged Acanthaster in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-23Final no updates expected
Behavioral observation data of tagged and untagged Acanthaster in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-23Final no updates expected
Benthic data collected in and out of MPA borders in Viti Levu, Fiji from 2010-2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-06-23Final no updates expected

Project: Impacts of size-selective mortality on sex-changing fishes (8 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Fish observations corresponding to one fish or a group of conspecific fish taken in Point Lobos, California between 1997 and 2007.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected
Catch data conducted on hook and line along Pt. Lobos shore in California from 2007 to 2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected
Sex ratio and GSI data for M. beryllina collected offshore of Pt. Lobos, California from 2009 to 2010.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected
Peak gonadsomatic index (GSI) in female M. beryllina collected in Suisun Bay, California from 2009 to 2010.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected
Sex ratio averages by location in M. beryllina collected in Suisun Bay, California from 2012 to 2013.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected
Sex, length, and mass of adult M. beryllina collected in Suisun Bay, California from 2012-2013.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected
Identifications of M. beryllina individuals collected in Suisun Bay, California and used in trials for spawning experiments conducted from 2012 to 2013.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected
The number of fertilized and unfertilized eggs produced by M. beryllina individuals collected in Suisun Bay, California in spawning experiments.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-04Final no updates expected

Project: Microbial Regulation of Greenhouse Gas N2O Emission from Intertidal Oyster Reefs (9 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Measurements of nutrient flux and denitrification in clam aquaculture sediments.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-05-23Final no updates expected
Oyster density and size distribution from the coast of North Carolina in 2010

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-06Final no updates expected
Sediment fluxes of dissolved gasses and nutrients from the coast of North Carolina in 2010.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-06Final no updates expected
Change in denitrification due to oyster reefs from the coast of North Carolina in 2010

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-06Final no updates expected
Live oyster counts and shell heights (grouped by size class) for 4 field sites in Bogue Sound, North Carolina from 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-14Final no updates expected
Temperature and salinity from 4 field sites in Bogue Sound, North Carolina from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-14Final no updates expected
Dissolved oxygen from 4 field sites in Bogue Sound, North Carolina from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-14Final no updates expected
Dissolved N2O and aquatic nutrient concentrations from 4 field sites in Bogue Sound, North Carolina collected from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-14Final no updates expected
Water level data collected adjacent to subtidal oyster reefs in 3 field sites in Bogue Sound, North Carolina during the spring of 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-14Final no updates expected

Project: Eutrophication Effects on Sediment Metabolism and Benthic Algal-bacterial Coupling: An Application of Novel Techniques in a LTER Estuary (16 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Sediment PLFA isotope values from Massachusetts collected from 2012-2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-02Final no updates expected
Raw sediment C isotope values collected in Massachusetts from 2012 to 2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-02Final no updates expected
Water and oxygen metabolism flux data from two tidal creeks on Plum Island, Massachusetts during 2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Water temperature data from stable isotope labeling experiments conducted from 2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Raw benthic chlorophyll and phaeophytin data from cores collected in Massachusetts from 2012-2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Deployment history of sensors recording dissolved oxygen from Massachusetts from 2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Raw concentrations of individual PLFA compounds from Massachusetts from 2012-2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
PAR data from stable isotope experiments conducted in Massachusetts from 2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Wind speed, temperature, and PAR observations from Massachusetts from 2012-2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Noble gas concentrations and saturations from Marsh Pond in Massachusetts, USA from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-19Final no updates expected
Data describing oxygen, temperature, and salinity in Marsh Pond in Massachusetts from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-12-19Final no updates expected
Isotopic composition of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Concentrations of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Bulk sediment organic matter composition of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Suspended particulate organic matter composition of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Organic matter composition of the dominant plants in and around three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-05Final no updates expected

Project: Basin-scale genetics of marine zooplankton (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Haloptilus longicornis population structure (Atlantic Ocean) - Microsatellite data.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-03-20Final no updates expected

Project: Does habitat specialization drive population genetic structure of oceanic zooplankton? (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Haloptilus longicornis population structure (Atlantic Ocean) - Microsatellite data.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-03-20Final no updates expected

Project: An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (11 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
UTM coordinates for waypoint locations used to generate Elori raw data in 2006.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-14Final no updates expected
Geolocation, abundance, and morphology data from Carrie Bow Caye in the Belizean Barrier Reef.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-14Final no updates expected
Goby distribution and morphology data from Curlew Caye in the Belizean Barrier Reef collected in 2011.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-02-23Final no updates expected
Microsatellite genotype data from Curlew Caye on the Belizean Barrier reef collected in 2011.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-08-16Final no updates expected
Outputs from four ocean models describing the waters of the Belizean Barrier Reef.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-03-08Final no updates expected
Trajectories of fifty-five biodegradable drifters in the Belizean Barrier Reef.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-03-08Final no updates expected
Aligned mtDNA haplotype data from the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-18Final no updates expected
Data from 120 parent-offspring matches identified in fish on the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2013.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-18Final no updates expected
Cytochrome b and radloci genotype identification data from fish sampled in the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-18Final no updates expected
Data from fish genotyped at 14 and 20 loci at different life stages in the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2013.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-18Final no updates expected
Microsatellite genotypes and geolocation data from the Belizean Barrier reef collected in 2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-08-16Final no updates expected

Project: Linking physiological and molecular aspects of diatom silicification in field populations (7 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Nutrients, pigments, silicate and experimental data collected aboard the OCEANUS during cruise OC1504A in the North Pacific Ocean from 2015-04-19 to 2015-05-06

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-07-12Final no updates expected
Event log from the R/V Oceanus OC1504A, a cruise along the Oregon/California Coastal Upwelling Zone, between 34-44N and 120-124W during 2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-07-13Final no updates expected
CTD data from collected from the R/V Oceanus OC1504A along the Oregon/California Coastal Upwelling Zone, between 34-44N and 120-124W during 2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-07-18Final no updates expected
Abundance of bacteria viruses and chlorophyll containing cells collected from the R/V Oceanus OC1504A in the Oregon/California Coastal Upwelling Zone, between 34-44N and 120-124W during 2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-07-20Final no updates expected
Bacteria and virus abundance data collected from the R/V Melville MV1405 along the California coastline during 2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-07-21Final no updates expected
FvFm and fluorescence lifetime data collected from the R/V Melville MV1405 along the California Coastline during 2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-07-21Final no updates expected
Photosynthetic data collected from the R/V Oceanus OC1504A in the Oregon/California Coastal Upwelling Zone, between 34-44N and 120-124W in 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-07-28Final no updates expected

Project: Mechanisms and Consequences of Fish Biodiversity Loss on Atlantic Coral Reefs Caused by Invasive Pacific Lionfish (28 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Experimental results describing Stegastes planiforms attack behavior towards Pterois volitans and native predators in the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas during 2011

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-01Final no updates expected
Experimental results describing Stegastes planiforms attack rates towards Pterois volitans and native predators in the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas during 2011

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-02Final no updates expected
Experimental results describing the maximum distances at which Stegastes planiforms attacked Pterois volitans and native predators in the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas during 2011

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-02Final no updates expected
Experimental results indicating which predators were attacked by Stegastes planiforms in the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas during 2011

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-02Final no updates expected
Experimental results on density dependent loss and growth in invasive red lionfish sampled at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas in 2011

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-05Final no updates expected
Experimental results on density dependent recruitment and immigration in invasive red lionfish sampled at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas in 2011

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-05Final no updates expected
Initial lionfish behaviors at different densities of local lionfish and prey fish on reefs in Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-09Final no updates expected
Focal lionfish behaviors at different densities of local lionfish and prey fish in Eleuthera, Bahamas from July to August in 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-10Final no updates expected
The number of lionfish that moved between reefs and seagrass in Eleuthera, Bahamas from July to August in 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-10Final no updates expected
General information about lionfish density and envrionmental conditions in Eleuthera, Bahamas from July to August in 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-10Final no updates expected
Censuses of the native prey fish populations during lionfish surveys in Eleuthera, Bahamas from July to August in 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-11Final no updates expected
Species key for individuals surveyed in studies conducted by M. Hixon, C. Benkwitt, and T. Kindinger in the Bahamas (Eleuthera), Bonaire, and the Cayman Islands between 2009 and 2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-07Final no updates expected
Effect of lionfish densities on native coral-reef fishes from Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas during 2009-2012 (Biodiversity Loss Effects Lionfish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-22Final no updates expected
Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in main reefs where lionfish resided on Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2013 (Biodiversity Loss Effects Lionfish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-23Final no updates expected
Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance on satellite coral heads in seagrass habitats on Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2013 (Biodiversity Loss Effects Lionfish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-23Final no updates expected
Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in open areas of seagrass habitat in Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2013 (Biodiversity Loss Effects Lionfish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-23Final no updates expected
Effect of lionfish presence on native fish abundance in standardized habitat units in seagrass in Eleuthera, Bahamas during 2013 (Biodiversity Loss Effects Lionfish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-08-23Final no updates expected
Species code key for Tye Kindinger datasets on native and invasive predators in the Cayman Islands.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-05-16Final no updates expected
Grazing preferences by herbivorous fishes in The Bahamas in 2011

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-05-16Final no updates expected
Fish species survey from the Bahamas from 2009-2012.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-05-16Final no updates expected
Initial hunting preferences by predator species in the Bahamas in 2013

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-05-16Final no updates expected
Fish species preferences by predators in the Bahamas in 2013

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-05-16Final no updates expected
Behavioral response of invasive lionfish that overlapped with basslets from observations conducted in 2014 in the Bahamas.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-07Final no updates expected
Basslet counts of two species from experiments conducted in 2014 in the Bahamas.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-07Final no updates expected
Data describing basslet aggression from experiments conducted in 2014 in the Bahamas.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-07Final no updates expected
Growth rates of two basslet species from an experiment conducted in 2014 in the Bahamas.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-07Final no updates expected
Feeding rates of two basslet species from an experiment conducted in 2014 in the Bahamas.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-07Final no updates expected
Feeding positions of two basslet species from an experiment conducted in 2014 in the Bahamas.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-07Final no updates expected

Project: Collaborative research: Ecology and functional biology of octocoral communities (22 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Data from surveys of Eunicea flexusa colonies on St. John, VI National Park from 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-24Final no updates expected
Data describing Gorgonia ventalina interactions on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Data describing interactions between colonies on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Data describing interactions between neighboring coral colonies on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2014.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Scleractinia, macroalgae and octocoral surveys describing species abundance and distribution, in St. John, USVI in 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Octocorals surveys 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Rainfall and seawater temperature in St. John, USVI in 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Storm record from St. John, USVI in 1987–2011 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Measurements of rainfall and surface light intensity (PAR) in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Kd averages calculated by month from studies conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Measurements of light intensity (PAR) underwater (19 m depth) in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Location, abundance, and size of various octocoral species in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Mean density of coral and the percentage of encrusting coral on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The frequency of distances to the nearest Milleopora for coral species found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The number of coral colonies found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI during 2014 and 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Nearest neighboring octocoral data from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Size frequency of octocorals along long-term transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Mean wave direction at long-term coral sampling sites in St. John, USVI from 2011 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Sedimentation at long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Rugosity of long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Light intensity at various times along long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Distribution of octocoral colonies from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected

Project: Iron and Light Limitation in Ecologically Important Polar Diatoms: Comparative Transcriptomics and Development of Molecular Indicators (8 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Reference sequences, genes, and K0 numbers for sampled diatoms on the Laurence Gould (LMG1411) in the Western Antarctica Peninsula during 2014. (Polar Transcriptomes project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-10-12Final no updates expected
Isolate information on genes found in samples collected on the Gould (LMG1411) cruise in the Western Antarctica Peninsula in 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-18Final no updates expected
Transcriptome statistics from samples obtained on LMG1411 collected on the Gould (LMG1411) in the Western Antarctica Peninsula in 2014. (Polar Transcriptomes project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-18Final no updates expected
Presence and absence of iron and light-related functional genes collected on the Gould (LMG1411) cruise in the Western Antarctica Peninsula during 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-21Final no updates expected
Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP) location information on samples obtained on Gould (LMG1411) in the Western Antarctica Peninsula during 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-21Final no updates expected
BLASTp homology data from genes obtained in samples collected on the Gould (LMG1411) cruise in the Western Antarctica Peninsula during 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-21Final no updates expected
Diatom growth rates from samples collected on the Gould cruise LMG1411 in the Western Antarctica Peninsula from 2014 (Polar Transcriptomes project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-28Final no updates expected
Biovolume data from samples obtained on Gould cruise LMG1411 in the Western Antarctica Peninsula during 2014 (Polar Transcriptome project).

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2016-11-28Final no updates expected

Project: The Microbial Carbon Pump and Bacterial Carbon Sequestration in the Ocean (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Dissolved organic carbon and amino acid data from the NBP1207 cruise in Chile during 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-06-02Final no updates expected

Project: The ProteOMZ Expedition: Investigating Life Without Oxygen in the Pacific Ocean (10 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Event log from R/V Falkor cruise 160115 on the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific during 2016 (ProteOMZ project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-12-07Final no updates expected
R/V Falkor 160115 CTD log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacfic during 2016 (ProteOMZ project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-09-07Final no updates expected
R/V Falkor 160115 McLane pump log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific during 2016 (ProteOMZ project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2024-10-21Final no updates expected
R/V Falkor 160115 TMR log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific during 2016 (ProteOMZ project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-20Under revision
Macronutrient analysis and selected hydrographic data from the R/V Falkor ProteOMZ expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-19Final no updates expected
SeaBird SBE19 underway CTD information for the R/V Falkor 160115 cruise in the Central Pacific for the ProteOMZ expedition in 2016.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-06-15Final no updates expected
Hydrographic data from the CTD mounted on the trace metal rosette (TMR) aboard R/V Falkor cruise (160115) during the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific in 2016.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-01Final no updates expected
Total spectral counts of peptides from the R/V Falkor cruise 160115 in the Central Pacific for the ProteOMZ expedition in 2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2022-06-03Final no updates expected
FASTA file of identified protein sequences from the R/V Falkor cruise 160115 for the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific during 2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-02-15Final no updates expected
Total spectral count of proteins from R/V Falkor cruise 160115 for the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific in 2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2022-06-06Final no updates expected

Project: RUI-LTREB Renewal: Three decades of coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 2014-2019 (17 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Symbiodinium algae in foraminifer and corals in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Environmental data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth and mortality of corals on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
OTU, sequences, and accessions from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Coral cover data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Coral taxonomic data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth measurements over time of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth of individual coral species on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Realized and potential growth of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Measurements of rainfall and surface light intensity (PAR) in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Kd averages calculated by month from studies conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Measurements of light intensity (PAR) underwater (19 m depth) in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Mean density of coral and the percentage of encrusting coral on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The frequency of distances to the nearest Milleopora for coral species found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The number of coral colonies found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI during 2014 and 2015.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Nearest neighboring octocoral data from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Distribution of octocoral colonies from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-06Final no updates expected