Dataset: Vulnerability of coral reefs to bioerosion from land-based sources of pollution using parameters quantified by computerized tomography.

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.739309.1Version 1 (2018-06-27)Dataset Type:Other Field Results

Principal Investigator, Contact: Anne L. Cohen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Co-Principal Investigator: Nancy Prouty (United States Geological Survey)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Hannah Ake (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Collaborative Research: Identifying the Role of Basin-scale Climate Variability in the Decline of Atlantic Corals (Coral climate effects)


Coral Growth Parameters Quantified by Computerized Tomography (CT) for Growth Rate (cm/yr), Density (g/cm3), and Calcification Rates (g/cm2/yr), Percent Volume Erosion (%), Measured Bioerosion Rate (mg/ cm2/ yr), Predicted Bioerosion Rate (mg/cm2/ yr) Based on DeCarlo et al (2015).

Coral Growth Parameters Quantified by Computerized Tomography (CT) for Growth Rate (cm/yr), Density (g/cm3), and Calcification Rates (g/cm2/yr), Percent Volume Erosion (%), Measured Bioerosion Rate (mg/ cm2/ yr), Predicted Bioerosion Rate (mg/cm2/ yr) Based on DeCarlo et al (2015).

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DeCarlo, T. M., & Cohen, A. L. (2016, July 14). Coralct: Software Tool To Analyze Computerized Tomography (Ct) Scans Of Coral Skeletal Cores For Calcification And Bioerosion Rates (Version 1.1). Zenodo.