Dataset: C:N ratios of two heat‐tolerant populations of Chaetoceros simplex and control and ancestral populations, at different temperatures

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.778926.1Version 1 (2019-10-07)Dataset Type:experimental

Principal Investigator: Elena Litchman (Michigan State University)

Co-Principal Investigator: Christopher Klausmeier (Michigan State University)

Scientist: Colin T. Kremer (Michigan State University)

Contact: Maria Aranguren-Gassis (Universidad de Vigo)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Program: Dimensions of Biodiversity (Dimensions of Biodiversity)

Project: Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Genetic, functional and phylogenetic diversity determines marine phytoplankton community responses to changing temperature and nutrients (Phytoplankton Community Responses)


C:N ratios of the two 34C‐tolerant populations of Chaetoceros simplex and control and ancestral populations, at different temperatures.

C:N ratios of the two 34C‐tolerant populations of Chaetoceros simplex and control and ancestral populations, at different temperatures.

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