Deployment: Griffen_lab

2012-01-01 - 2016-12-31 B. Griffen Lab, University of South Carolina: North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC Platform:Univ_S_Carolina (laboratory)


DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Experimental results from the 1st of 2 studies on prey choice for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.) in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-15Final no updates expected
Experimental results from the 2nd of 2 studies on prey choice for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.) in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2018-06-27Final no updates expected
Long-term consuption for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.) in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-03-30Final no updates expected
Prey size selection ranking for 2-clawed and 1-clawed Stone Crabs (Menippe spp.) in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-15Final no updates expected
Time taken for food to pass through gut of flat-backed mud crabs infected by a parasite in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-16Final no updates expected
Respiration rate of infected and uninfected flat-backed mud crabs collected from North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-22Final no updates expected
Time taken for infected and uninfected flat-backed mud crabs to react to the presence of prey in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-16Final no updates expected
Mud crabs refuge use and activity level - initial measurements collected from North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-03-30Final no updates expected
Effect of predation threat on repeatability of individual crab behavior revealed by mark-recapture in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-17Final no updates expected
Panopeus herbstii activity level and feeding with and without predator cues North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-18Final no updates expected
Eurypanopeus depressus feeding with and without parasitic barnacle infection in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-19Final no updates expected
Eurypanopeus depressus food handling with and without parasitic barnacle infection in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-02-19Final no updates expected
Eurypanopeus depressus parasitised field survey in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-03-30Final no updates expected
Counts of circulating hemocyte density in Carcinus maenas infected by trematode (Microphallus similis)2016-04-08Final no updates expected
Behavior and physiology of Carcinus maenas infected with trematode parasite from North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC in 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-04-11Final no updates expected
Experimental results describing the proportion of time that Panopeus herbstii spent using refuge habitats in the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-05-10Final no updates expected
Influence of refuge use by the mud crab Panopeus herbstii on the consumption of bivalves found in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC in 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-05-10Final no updates expected
Field distribution of personality types in the mud crab Panopeus herbstii relative to tidal height in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-05-10Final no updates expected
Lab experiment linking dietary consumption and reproduction in crabs in the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-05-10Final no updates expected
Percent herbivory and gut fullness for Hemigrapsus sanguineus at different times of year in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-05-10Final no updates expected
Dietary intake by the crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus and its energy storage in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-06-03Final no updates expected
Dietary intake by the crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus and its energy storage: GSI, HIS in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-06-03Final no updates expected
Location and food items found at 30 intertidal oyster reefs that were sampled for P. herbstii diet study in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-06-03Final no updates expected
Biological and physical characteristics of 30 intertidal oyster reefs that were sampled for P. herbstii diet study in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-06-02Final no updates expected
Body and body part weights for adult female P. herbstii crabs sampled from 30 intertidal oyster reefs in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-06-06Final no updates expected
Food concsumption and body measurements in Panopeus herbstii collected near North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)2016-06-06Final no updates expected

Deployment Report


Principal Investigator: Dr Blaine D. Griffen
University of South Carolina