Instrument: pCO2 Sensor

Acronym: pCO2 Sensor
External Identifier:


A sensor that measures the partial pressure of CO2 in water (pCO2)

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Time series data from multiple instruments at 4 sites in Bermuda measured during September 2017ProOceanus ProCV
A pCO2 time series from a SAMI-CO2 instrument during an inter-comparison of autonomous in situ instruments for ocean CO2 measurements under laboratory-controlled conditions at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 2016 An in situ sensor for pCO2 (Sunburst Sensors, LLC; SAMI-CO2) (DeGrandpre et al., 1995) was deployed at a 15-min measurement frequency.  SAMI=Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument SAMI-CO2
A pCO2 time series from a SuperCO2 benchtop instrument during an inter-comparison of autonomous in situ instruments for ocean CO2 measurements under laboratory-controlled conditions at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 2016SuperCO2 benchtop instrumentation (Sunburst Sensors, LLC)  SuperCO2
SAMI-CO2, SAMI-pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen from multiple moorings near Media Luna Reef, Puerto Rico from 2007-2008 (DOGEE-II project, NH10_ShelfBreak_MLR project)SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and Temperature mooring time series data collected on the Buzzards Bay mooring SAMI-CO2 pCO2
Observed survival of coral fragments throughout a 93-day ocean acidification and warming experiment
pCO2, pH, salinity and temperature data collected off the coast of Oregon, USA by a SAMI-CO2 sensor on the Shelf Break Mooring located below the National Data Buoy Center?s meteorological Buoy 46050; 2007-2011 (NH10_ShelfBreak_MLR project)SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and Temperature mooring time series data collected on the Buzzards Bay mooring SAMI-CO2 pCO2
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 temperature and oxygen time series from Air-Sea Interaction Spar (ASIS) buoy in the Labrador Sea, (53.04N, 49.207W), June to August 2004 (CO2Flux_LabradorSea project)During the deployment 2 separate ASIS Buoys were deployed, ASIS-1 & ASIS-2, upon each of which 2 SAMIs were attached. Each buoy had 1 SAMI-CO2 attached at 1 meter and 1 SAMI-CO2 attached at 5 meters depth. The SAMI-CO2 sampled on a 30 minute interval and a non-absorbing blank measurement was taken every 3.5 days. PAR was measured by a Li-COR LI-192 underwater quantum sensor (not calibrated). Oxygen data was obtained using a calibrated Aanderaa O­­2 sensor (model 4175). Both the PAR and O2 sensors were attached to a SAMI-CO2 sensor. There is no pCO2 record at 1 meter on ASIS-2. SAMI-CO2 pCO2
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and temperature mooring time series data at LEO15 and MVCO moorings from Buzzards Bay and Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory Air-Sea Interaction Tower (41.325, -70.5667) 1999-2005 inclusive (LEO-15 project)SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and Temperature mooring time series data collected on the Buzzards Bay mooring SAMI-CO2 pCO2
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 temperature and oxygen time series dataset from multiple buoys in the NE Atlantic Ocean, west of Iberian Peninsula and Ireland from June to July 2007 (DOGEE-II project)During the deployment 2 separate ASIS Buoys were deployed, ASIS-1 & ASIS-2, upon each of which 2 SAMIs were attached. Each buoy had 1 SAMI-CO2 attached at 1 meter and 1 SAMI-CO2 attached at 5 meters depth. The SAMI-CO2 sampled on a 30 minute interval and a non-absorbing blank measurement was taken every 3.5 days. PAR was measured by a Li-COR LI-192 underwater quantum sensor (not calibrated). Oxygen data was obtained using a calibrated Aanderaa O­­2 sensor (model 4175). Both the PAR and O2 sensors were attached to a SAMI-CO2 sensor. There is no pCO2 record at 1 meter on ASIS-2. SAMI-CO2 pCO2
SAMI-pH, temperature and salinity data from MBARI M0 mooring at 36.893N, 121.90W in 2007 (MBARI project)SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and Temperature mooring time series data collected on the Buzzards Bay mooring SAMI-CO2 pCO2
SH70 SAMI pCO2 from SH70 mooring 2009-MI_LOCO-Lander, 2010-MI_LOCO-Lander in the SH70 mid-shelf time series station (Strawberry Hill): 44.25N, 124.50W from 2009-2010 (EAGER project)SAMI pCO2 Sensor SAMI pCO2 Sensor
Continuous culture studies of Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures plus DNA results Used to monitor CO2 concentration in the laboratory. Calibrated at 0 and 400 ppm CO2 with a standard gas mixture CO2METER model AZ-004
Continuous culture studies of possible climate change effects: Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 growth in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete culturesUsed to monitor CO2 concentration in the laboratory. Calibrated at 0 and 400 ppm CO2 with a standard gas mixture CO2METER model AZ-004
Experimental results of nitrate-limited or nitrate-replete continuous culture studies of Thalassiosira pseudonana at 5 temperatures with either high or low pCO2 and irradianceA nondispersive infrared absorption-based CO2 meter. Used to monitor CO2 concentration in the laboratory. Calibrated at 0 and 400 ppm CO2 with a standard gas mixture.  CO2METER model AZ-004
Underway pCO2 from the R/V Pelican cruise GOM_UW_1704 conducted in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in April 2017.Underway pCO2 was measured inline by an automated system (Apollo Scitech) with a Li-7000 (LICOR, Inc.) non-dispersive infrared detector .
Water column data collected during Dataflow cruises in the lower York River Estuary, VA during and following two successive harmful algal bloomsThe pCO2-DataFlow system is instrumented with a pCO2 analyzer, a multi-parameter datasonde (YSI 6600V2), Wet Labs CDOM sensor, Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S), and data acquisition system. pCO2 analyzer
Distance-weighted data flow averages interpolated over 24-hours for the York River estuary in 2018 and 2019The pCO₂-DataFlow system is instrumented with a pCO₂ analyzer, a multi-parameter datasonde (YSI 6600V2), Wet Labs CDOM sensor, Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S), and data acquisition system. pCO2 analyzer
Distance-weighted data flow averages for the York River estuary in 2018 and 2019The pCO₂-DataFlow system is instrumented with a pCO₂ analyzer, a multi-parameter datasonde (YSI 6600V2), Wet Labs CDOM sensor, Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S), and data acquisition system. pCO2 analyzer
[Deprecated] Laboratory growth, photosynthetic, and respiration rates of Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H in nitrate limited culture (Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton project)Used to monitor CO2 concentration in the laboratory. Calibrated at 0 and 400 ppm CO2 with a standard gas mixture CO2METER model AZ-004
[Deprecated] Laboratory growth, photosynthetic, and growth rates of Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H in nitrate replete culture (Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton project)Used to monitor CO2 concentration in the laboratory. Calibrated at 0 and 400 ppm CO2 with a standard gas mixture CO2METER model AZ-004