Parameter: O2_ml_L Deprecated

Use Instead: dissolved Oxygen

Short Description: dissolved Oxygen
Short Name: O2_ml_L
Official Name: O2_ml_L
Units: milliliters/liter
No Data Value: nd


Oxygen; dissolved; reported in units of milliliters/liter

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Hydrographic Data: temperature, salinity, nutrients from Niskin bottle samples from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project)oxygen (Winkler) O2_ml_L
Niskin bottle basic CTD hydrographic data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-01, OC415-02, OC415-03, OC415-04 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project)oxygen, dissolved from SBE 43 O2_ml_L
Niskin bottle basic CTD hydrographic data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-01, OC415-02, OC415-03, OC415-04 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project)oxygen, dissolved (secondary) O2_ml_L_S
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project)dissolved oxygen from CTD sensor O2_ml_L1
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project)dissolved oxygen from CTD secondary sensor O2_ml_L2
Merged bottle and nutrient data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT008, TT011, TT012 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) projectdissolved oxygen (Winkler) O2_bot
SIO-CTD rosette bottle basic CTD hydrographic and nutrient data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises COOK19MV, DRFT08RR from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)oxygen, dissolved O2_ml_L
CTD profiles collected in support of molecular samples from B/O Hermano Gines cruises for the CARIACO Basin Time Series Station from May to November 2014 (CariacoMetaOmics project)dissolved oxygen O2_ml_L
Niskin bottle chlorophyll, phaeopigments and oxygen from R/V Oceanus OC415-01 in the Sargasso Sea in 2005 (EDDIES project)oxygen, dissolved O2_ml_L
Processed CTD data from all sensors mounted on the rosette from R/V Knorr cruise KN210-04 in the Western Atlantic Ocean between Uruguay and Barbados in 2013 (Deep Atlantic DOM project)Oxygen from SBE43. O2_mL_L
SOFeX project CTD profile data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle, USCGC Polar Star cruises COOK19MV, DRFT08RR, PS02_2002 from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)oxygen, dissolved O2_ml_L
CTD profile basic hydrographic data from R/V Seward Johnson cruise SJ0516 in the North Atlantic, largely between Ireland and Iceland in 2005 (NASB 2005 project)oxygen; dissolved; from CTD Oxygen
Time series composite CTD profiles from R/V Hermano Ginés cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)oxygen dissolved from SBE 43 CTD O2_ml_L
CTD data from R/V Seward Johnson and R/V Knorr cruises collected in the Tropical Eastern Pacific from 2007-2009 (ETP project)Oxygen. Originally named sbeox0ML/L O2_ml_L
CTD data from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG1110 in the Southern Ocean from November to December 2011 (Salp_Antarctic project)dissolved oxygen from primary CTD sensor O2_ml_L
CTD data from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG1110 in the Southern Ocean from November to December 2011 (Salp_Antarctic project)dissolved oxygen from secondary CTD sensor O2_ml_L_2
Full resolution CTD profiles from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE-X1103/AE1104 from the Sargasso Sea in 2011 (SargassoSeaLipids project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
One decibar-averaged CTD profile data from the R/V Clifford A. Barnes cruise CB934 from the western shore of Vancouver Island in 2009 (Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from R/V Oceanus and R/V Weatherbird II cruises in the Sargasso Sea (EDDIES project)oxygen, dissolved from SBE CTD O2_ml_L
CTD cast profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN402 from the Mediterranean Sea (MedFlux project)oxygen; dissolved from SBE CTD O2_ml_L
CTD cast profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN416 from the Mediterranean Sea (MedFlux project)oxygen; dissolved from SBE CTD O2_ml_L
Two decibar-averaged CTD profile data from the R/V Ka`imikai-O-Kanaloa KOK1108 (Fukushima Radionuclide Levels project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
CTD profiles from GEOTRACES cruise KN193-06 for Intercalibration of sensors aboard R/V Knorr in the Sargasso Sea (GEOTRACES IC project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1013 from the Central Pacific Ocean in 2010 (Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
CTD cast temperature, salinity, oxygen, and other measurements from R/V Oceanus cruise OC454-02 in the Mediterranean Sea (Pickled Protists project)dissolved Oxygen from SBE 43 O2_ml_L
CTD data collected during Alvin dives from R/V Atlantis AT15-59 in the Pacific Ocean off Costa Rica from January 2010 (Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II project)bottom dissolved oxygen O2_bottom
CTD data collected during Alvin dives from R/V Atlantis AT15-59 in the Pacific Ocean off Costa Rica from January 2010 (Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II project)surface dissolved oxygen O2_surface
Foram community specimen length and width measurements from multi-stressor experiment (OA, Hypoxia and Warming project)dissolved oxygen concentration set point for controller (if present) or saturated value O2_ml_l
Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater from the GEOTRACES-Arctic program, aboard RV/HLY-1502, 2015.Oxygen concentration from bottle O2_ml_l
CTD profiles from the Lake Superior collected during various R/V Blue Heron cruises between 2000-2002 (IRONMAN project)dissolved oxygen O2_mg_L
Mortality of L. pertusa specimens exposed to different DO levels collected on R/V Ronald Brown in Florida from October to November 2010 (Lophelia OA project)Average dissolved oxygen concentration DO_mean
CTD data from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica from 2012 to 2015 (McMurdo Predator Prey project)Dissolved oxygen. Originally named "sbeox0ML/L." O2_mL_L
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, initial sample O2_initial_S
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, replicate 1 O2_repl_1
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, replicate 2 O2_repl_2
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, replicate 3 O2_repl_3
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, replicate 4 O2_repl_4
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, replicate 5 O2_repl_5
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, replicate 6 O2_repl_6
Oxygen evolution experiment data from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project)oxygen, replicate 7 O2_repl_7
CTD profiles from the Lake Superior collected during various R/V Blue Heron cruises between 2004-2006 (NILS project)dissolved oxygen O2_ml_L
Hydrographic measurements from Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruises in the Ross Sea Southern Ocean (CORSACS project)oxygen; from bottle by Winkler method O2_bot
Calibrated CTD salinity and oxygen and Niskin bottle water samples from the R/V Ka'imikai-o-Kanaloa KOK1108 cruise in June 2011 in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (Fukushima Radionuclide Levels project)oxygen from CTD sensor calibrated to water samples O2_cal
Time-series Niskin-bottle sample data from R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)dissolved oxygen (average in ml/L) O2_ml_L
Calibrated CTD salinity and oxygen and Niskin bottle water samples from the R/V Ka'imikai-o-Kanaloa KOK1108 cruise in June 2011 in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (Fukushima Radionuclide Levels project)Dissolved oxygen from Niskin bottle sample o2_nis
One decibar-averaged CTD values at bottle sample depths collected from the R/V Kilo Moana KM1013 from the Central Pacific Ocean in 2010 (Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1104 in the Sargasso Sea from 2011-2011 (SargassoSeaLipids project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
Seawater and filter sample nitrogen and carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites from multiple cruises in the coastal Washington, 2009-2012 (Regenerated Nitrogen project)dissolved oxygen concentration O2_ml_L
Southern Ocean nutrients from CTD bottles from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG0104, LMG0106, LMG0203, LMG0205 in the Southern Ocean from 2001-2002 (SOGLOBEC project)oxygen, dissolved O2_ml_L