Parameter: O2_respir

Short Description: oxygen respiration rates from in situ incubation
Short Name: O2_respir
Official Name: O2_respir
Units: various
No Data Value: nd


oxygen respiration rates; in situ incubation.

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Acropora cervicornis photosynthesis and respiration rates under different pH and temperature treatments from experiments at Summerland Key, Florida in September of 2016Rate of change (slope) in oxygen levels as coral sat in the dark for 60 minutes O2_rate_dark
Acropora cervicornis photosynthesis and respiration rates under different pH and temperature treatments from experiments at Summerland Key, Florida in September of 2016Rate of change (slope) in oxygen levels as coral sat in light conditions for 60 minutes O2_rate_light
Brooded coral larval respiration (Cumbo, 2012) from Taiwan 2010 (MCR LTER project, Climate_Coral_Larvae project)respiration rate (6 larvae/chamber) respiration
Respiration rates, photosynthetic efficiency, and mortality of brooded coral larval experiments, March 2011 and 2012, Taiwan (Cumbo, 2013) (MCR LTER project, Climate_Coral_Larvae project)respiration rate respiration
Respiration and protein content of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects)respiration rate per larva resp_larv
Respiration and protein content of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects)respiration rate per milligram of protein resp_prot
Respiration of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects)respiration rate (6 larvae/chamber) resp_chamber
Respiration of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects)average respiration rate of the 4 control vials resp_control
Respiration of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, Taiwan, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) (MCR LTER & Climate Coral Larvae projects)respiration rate per larva resp_larv
Respiration rates and protein content of larvae from experiments investigating heat priming in Nematostella vectensisRespiration rate determined by taking the slope of raw data from respirometer Respiration_nmol_O2_per_minute
Respiration rates and protein content of larvae from experiments investigating heat priming in Nematostella vectensisRespiration (nmol O2 per minute)/number of larvae Respiration_nmol_O2_per_minute_per_larva
Respiration rates and protein content of larvae from experiments investigating heat priming in Nematostella vectensisRespiration (nmol O2 per minute)/protein (ug) Respiration_nmol_O2_per_minute_per_protein
Respiration rates and protein content of larvae from experiments investigating heat priming in Nematostella vectensisRespiration (nmol O2 per minute per protein)*1000 Respiration_pmol_O2_per_minute_per_protein
Pteropod respiration rates from NW Atlantic and NE Pacific; OC473 (2011) and NH1208 (2012)change in O2 concentration in the water attributable to organismal respiration (Control minus Measurement) O2_respiration
Biomass-normalized dark respiration and net photosynthesis rates in coral and algae as a function of pCO2 where LEDR (light-enhanced dark respiration) was measured (OA coral adaptation project)light respiration light_respi
Biomass-normalized dark respiration and net photosynthesis rates in coral and algae as a function of pCO2 where LEDR (light-enhanced dark respiration) was measured (OA coral adaptation project)light respiration - normalized for biomass light_respi_biomass