Parameter: reference_paper

Short Description: reference_paper
Short Name: reference_paper
Official Name: reference_paper


A list of papers referred to as a data column, or a publication referenced in a dataset or study. 

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Oxygen consumption and metabolic enzyme activity in the Antarctic coral, Flabellum impensum from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1002 in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Mar.- May 2010 (CARIACO-micronek project, Antarctic_micronek project)Studies cited in the paper that represents these data. Source_Year
Siderophore concentrations found in supernatants of Azotobacter vinelandii str. OP, Azotobacter chroococcum str. B3, and Azotobacter chroococcum str. NCIMB 8003 from laboratory experiments in 2015Citation and figure where data are published (see Related Publications for full citation) FigRef
Porites coral calcification responses to declining Ωar in a CO2 manipulation experiment in Palau versus the calcification responses observed in ten other studies of massive Porites coralsReference for publication where data first appear reference
Reactive oxygen species are linked to the toxicity of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium spp. to protistsFigure number in Flores et al. (2012) Figure
Influence of predator-prey evolutionary history, chemical alarm-cues and feeding selection on induction of toxin production in a marine dinoflagellateFigure number in Senft-Batoh et al. (2015) Figure
Results of cluster analysis and gene ontology: carbonate Organic Matrix (COM) proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin; analyzed in the Falkowski lab at Rutgers from 2010-2014 (CROA project)Reference paper. Refer to Supplemental Files for full citations. reference
Results of cluster analysis and gene ontology: cross-phyla clustering of non-redundant carbonate organic matrix proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin grouped by hierarchical clustering; analyzed in the Falkowski lab at Rutgers from 2010-2014Reference paper for the coral species/coral accession number. See the Supplemental File "SI_Table_1_references.csv" for full citations. coral_reference
Results of cluster analysis and gene ontology: cross-phyla clustering of non-redundant carbonate organic matrix proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin grouped by hierarchical clustering; analyzed in the Falkowski lab at Rutgers from 2010-2014Reference paper for the mollusk species/mollusk accession number. See the Supplemental File "SI_Table_1_references.csv" for full citations. mollusk_reference
Results of cluster analysis and gene ontology: cross-phyla clustering of non-redundant carbonate organic matrix proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin grouped by hierarchical clustering; analyzed in the Falkowski lab at Rutgers from 2010-2014Reference paper for the sea urchin species/sea urchin accession number. See the Supplemental File "SI_Table_1_references.csv" for full citations. sea_urchin_reference
Compilation of MULVFS size-fractionated POC, PIC, and bSi data from 17 cruises conducted between 1973 and 2005Numbers to full references with more information about the samples. See Supplemental File "884057_References.pdf" for a list of the full citations. References
Depth ranges of occurrence for major functional groups of invertebrates, fish, and algae on global shallow and mesophotic reefs, 1973–2017abbreviated citation Publication_Short_title
DOP concentration observations from the global ocean between 1990 and 2021 (DOP N2 fixation and export production project)data source reference
Log response ratios to seagrass edge and fragmentation effects from peer-reviewed literatureShort formatted reference (i.e., Able 2005); for complete citations refer the Supplemental File "864783_Complete_References.pdf". reference
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for external protection. If no data were available and the external protection assignment is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the external protection assignment was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. EXTERNAL_PROTECTION_CITATION
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for feeding method. If no data were available and the feeding method assignment is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the feeding method assignment was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. FEEDING_METHOD_CITATION
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for habitat complexity. If no data were available and the habitat complexity assignment is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the habitat complexity assignment was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. HABITAT_COMPLEXITY_CITATION
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for larval development. If no data were available and the larval development assignment is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the larval development assignment was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. LARVAL_DEVELOPMENT_CITATION
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for maximum adult body size. If no data were available and the maximum adult body size value is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the maximum adult body size value was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. MAXIMUM_ADULT_BODY_SIZE_CITATION
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for relative adult mobility. If no data were available and the mobility assignment is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the mobility assignment was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. RELATIVE_ADULT_MOBILITY_CITATION
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for reproductive type. If no data were available and the reproductive type assignment is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the reproductive type assignment was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. REPRODUCTIVE_TYPE_CITATION
Functional traits of colonists collected from colonization surfaces at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) deep-sea vents from 1998-2017If applicable, a citation for trophic mode. If no data were available and the trophic mode assignment is a null value (no value), “No reference” is used instead of a citation. If the trophic mode assignment was based on the direct observation of one of the co-authors, “Expert opinion” is used instead of a citation. TROPHIC_MODE_CITATION
Genetic sequence identifiers for Etelis samples collected in the Indo-Pacific Ocean between 1997 and 2012Reference: specimen citation Reference
GenBank accession numbers and links for microbial isolates from sediment samples collected in Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece during 2012 (Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation project)reference reference_paper
Compiled dataset consisting of published and unpublished global nitrate d15N measurements from from 1975-2018Reference(s) reference
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed at LDEOPublication reference; see Description for details Reference
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by UHawaiiPublication reference; see Description for details Reference
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by USCPublication reference; see Description for details Reference
Reef Fish genetic accessions at NCBI Genbank from samples collected in the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Red Sea from 2005 to 2015; related to 2016 publicationsJournal publications these accessions were published in Journal_Publications
Reef Fish genetic accessions at NCBI Genbank from samples collected in the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Red Sea from 2005 to 2015; related to 2016 publicationsDigital object identifier (DOI) for the journal publications these accessions were published in Journal_Publication_DOI
Records and metadata for deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species reported in published literature. A full citation for the publication that describes the sample. CITATION
Marine and Freshwater Energy Density Data Integrated and Organized by Taxonomy from Previous Research Sources (1961 through June 2024) Discovered by a Literature ReviewThe publishing location of the original source of record, either a peer-reviewed journal or agency Publication_Journal
Marine and Freshwater Energy Density Data Integrated and Organized by Taxonomy from Previous Research Sources (1961 through June 2024) Discovered by a Literature ReviewClassifying the type of source where data comes from as either one where data were measured by the authors (original) or collected from previous work (review) Publication_Type
Marine and Freshwater Energy Density Data Integrated and Organized by Taxonomy from Previous Research Sources (1961 through June 2024) Discovered by a Literature ReviewThe year when the original source on record was last updated/published. Does not equate to sample collection year(s). Publication_Year
List of Odontasteridae (Asteroidea) species used in study along with description reference, distribution, depth, and catalog numbers, Table 1 from Janosik & Halanych (2013) (Antarctic Inverts project)published taxonomic description of the species reference
Outgroup species, description reference, and GenBank accession numbers from Table 2, from Janosik & Halanych (2013) (Antarctic Inverts project)published taxonomic description of the species reference
Metadata for studies from meta-analysis investigating covariance between genetic and environmental (CovGE) effects in phenotypic results where did data originate from paper Data_source
Metadata for studies from meta-analysis investigating covariance between genetic and environmental (CovGE) effects in phenotypic results figure from which data was collected figure_Number
Metadata for studies from meta-analysis investigating covariance between genetic and environmental (CovGE) effects in phenotypic results table from which data was collected table_Number
Microbial isolates from sediment samples collected in Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece during 2012 (Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation project)reference reference_paper
Abundances of mixotrophic, phototrophic, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and associated environmental data, synthesized from the scientific literature.publication data are compiled from - full reference can be found in "publications" section of the BCO-DMO dataset landing page Study
Estimated thermal traits for phytoplanktonsource publication; refer to supplemental file "data_sources.pdf" for complete citations study
Cell volume measurements for phytoplankton collected from the Kellogg Biological Station, MSU, Michigan in 2014 (Phytoplankton Traits project)Citation for volume measurement volume_citation
Phytoplankton nutrient traits and data sources collected from the Kellogg Biological Station, MSU, Michigan in 2014 (Phytoplankton Traits project)Publication code citation_code
Phytoplankton nutrient traits and data sources collected from the Kellogg Biological Station, MSU, Michigan in 2014 (Phytoplankton Traits project)C per cell citation c_citation
Phytoplankton nutrient traits and data sources collected from the Kellogg Biological Station, MSU, Michigan in 2014 (Phytoplankton Traits project)Citation for the original publication full_citation
Literature review of Ocean Acidification (OA) effects on phytoplankton (P-ExpEv project)Source for the row's data. reference
Synthesis of publicly-available sequence datasets of the 16S rRNA gene in environmental DNA extracted from seafloor and subseafloor samples from the Dorado outcrop, Lō'ihi Seamount, North Pond, and Juan de Fuca Ridge flankDigital Object Identitfyer information for publications that describe the original study for the data used here DOI
Synthesis of publicly-available sequence datasets of the 16S rRNA gene in environmental DNA extracted from seafloor and subseafloor samples from the Dorado outcrop, Lō'ihi Seamount, North Pond, and Juan de Fuca Ridge flankShort hand code referencing the first author and location of a given study Study_Nickname
OTU, sequences, and accessions from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.Reference Reference
Parasite taxonomic and life cycle information from literatureA citation for the dataset in which the parasite species or morphogroup was reported. DATA_SOURCE