Individual oyster results from an oyster reciprocal transplant experiment conducted at two sites in an estuary in NE Florida between August 2019 and May 2020 | total width of the whole oyster
| oyster_width |
Individual oyster results from an oyster reciprocal transplant experiment conducted at two sites in an estuary in NE Florida between August 2019 and May 2020 | width of the top valve of the oyster shell
| shell_width |
Proportion of time the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii spent in different behaviors related to diet and energy storage (Cannizzo et al, (2018) Ecol & Evol.) | Size of crab; measured as carapace-width
| CW |
Clutch size of the mangrove tree crab A. pisonii from three habitats: mangrove, saltmarsh and mangrove | Size of crab; measured as carapace-width
| CW |
Clutch size of the mangrove tree crab A. pisonii from three habitats: mangrove, saltmarsh and mangrove | Gut width measured as the width of cardiac stomach.
| GW |
Physiological parameters derived from dissection of mangrove crabs, A. pisonii, from three habitats along Florida's east coast in 2015 and 2016 | Size of crab; measured as carapace-width
| CW |
Physiological parameters derived from dissection of mangrove crabs, A. pisonii, from three habitats along Florida's east coast in 2015 and 2016 | Gut width measured as the width of cardiac stomach.
| GW |
Energy content of mangrove crab, A. pisonii, eggs from three habitats along the Florida eastern coast, 2016 | Size of crab; measured as carapace-width
| CW |
Energy content of mangrove crab, A. pisonii, eggs from three habitats along the Florida eastern coast, 2016 | Gut width measured as the width of cardiac stomach.
| GW |
Fatty acid concentration extracted from A. pisonii eggs from three habitats along the Florida eastern coast, 2016 | Size of crab; measured as carapace-width
| CW |
Lipid and glycogen content of A. pisonii eggs from three habitats along the Florida eastern coast, 2016 | Size of crab; measured as carapace-width
| CW |
Lipid and glycogen content of A. pisonii eggs from three habitats along the Florida eastern coast, 2016 | Gut width measured as the width of cardiac stomach.
| GW |
Comparing egg size in Aratus pisonii populations from mangrove and salt marsh habitats in South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Carapace width
| carap_width |
Experimental results determining fecundity of Aratus pisonii populations in mangrove and salt marsh habitats in South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Carapace width
| carap_width |
Impact of diet variation on physiological and reproductive condition of A. pisonii in South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Carapace width at day=0
| carap_width_0 |
Impact of diet variation on physiological and reproductive condition of A. pisonii in South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Carapace width at day=42
| carap_width_42 |
Impact of diet variation on physiological and reproductive condition of A. pisonii in South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Gut width at day=42
| gut_width_42 |
Relationship between leaf herbivory, tree characteristics, and refuge availability in a Belize mangrove forest during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Tree width
| tree_wid |
Comparing larval quality in Aratus pisonii populations from mangrove and salt marsh habitats in South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Maternal carapace width
| carap_width_maternal |
Survey examining latitudinal body size patterns in Aratus pisonii collected from South Eastern US mangrove forests in 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Carapace width
| carap_width |
Mangrove tree distribution and characteristics in a dwarf mangrove systems in the South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Tree width
| tree_wid |
Survey comparing Aratus pisonii reproductive effort in native and novel habitats in South Eastern US mangrove forests during 2013 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Carapace width
| carap_width |
Thermal condition of A. pisonii in three habitats: under dock, mangroves, saltmarsh | Size of crab; measured as carapace-width
| CW |
Colony sizes and morphometric assessments of Acropora cervicornis genotypes sampled July 2020 for fecundity analysis at Mote Marine Laboratory | Colony Width
| Width |
Fecundity and oocyte sizes of Acropora cervicornis genotypes measured July 2020 at Mote Marine Lab | Width perpendicular to the oocyte's longest axis
| Oocyte_Width_d2 |
Algal consumption data from Tegula in the presence of the predator Cancer productus, displaying anti-predatory responses or not within mesocosms at Bodega Marine Lab in 2018 | Carapace width of the crab used in mm if applicable
| Size |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 11 from the shoot in mm
| Blade11_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 1 from the shoot in mm
| Blade1_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 2 from the shoot in mm
| Blade2_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 3 from the shoot in mm
| Blade3_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 4 from the shoot in mm
| Blade4_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 5 from the shoot in mm
| Blade5_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 7 from the shoot in mm
| Blade7_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 8 from the shoot in mm
| Blade8_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 9 from the shoot in mm
| Blade9_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 10 from the shoot in mm
| Blade_10_width |
Blade morphometrics of selected shoots sampled in the Corpus Christi Bay and Mission-Aransas Bays, Texas, USA between November 2017 and February 2018. | Width of blade 6 from the shoot in mm
| Blade_6_width |
Cell counts of symbionts in Muricea atlantica, M. elongata, and Plexaurella dichotoma across the 2015 Bleaching event (May 2015 to August 2017) at Long Key in the Florida Keys | Diameter of the tissue sample that was used for cell counts
| diameter |
Relative crab mortality (binomial) data from a tethering experiment in summer 2017 in Back Sound, North Carolina | Carapace width (measured from spine to spine of crab)
| CW_mm |
Lab experiment linking dietary consumption and reproduction in crabs in the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | carapace width of crab
| carap_width |
Lab experiment linking dietary consumption and reproduction in crabs in the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC during 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | width of gut in millimeters
| gut_width |
Behavior and physiology of Carcinus maenas infected with trematode parasite from North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC in 2012 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project) | Carapace Width
| carap_width |
Clam outplant experiments conducted in Seadrift and Bolinas Lagoon for 2015 | Carapace width of tethered crab in millimeters
| size |
Coral surveys from the nearshore reefs in Guam during 2014 (Reef Resilience in Guam project) | maximum colony diameter
| colony_diam |
Coral stereolithography files and sampling information for Acropora palmata, A. cervicornis, and A. prolifera from St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands and Belize, 2015 | size of collected colony
| Width_cm |
Height, width, and mass of the coral Pocillopora damicornis in Pacific Panama, 2018-2019 | the largest width of the colony in 2019
| Final_Max_Width |
Height, width, and mass of the coral Pocillopora damicornis in Pacific Panama, 2018-2019 | the largest width of the colony in 2018
| Initial_Max_Width |
Tethering experiments on introduced crab conducted in several bays along the Central California coast in 2015 | Carapace width in millimeters
| size |
Recorded critical swimming speed of larval Amphiprion percula, Elacatinus lori, and Elacatinus colini measured throughout development from hatching through settlement. | Body depth
| BD |
Demographic data for introduced crab from multiple bays along the Central California coast in 2009-2016 | Carapace width in millimeters
| size |