32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | rosette bottle number
| Rosette_Bottle |
Results of measurements of the oxidation of 15N supplied as ammonia, urea, putrescine or nitrite in samples collected from continental shelf waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula on cruise LMG1801 from January to February 2018 | Number of the Niskin bottle on the rosette from which the sample was drawn
| Niskin_Bottle_Number |
234Th (dpm/L) from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume, NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project) | niskin #
| Bottle |
32Si data from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | rosette bottle number
| Rosette_Bottle |
Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin bottles and associated CTD data from R/V Hugh Sharp HRS1316, HRS1317 in mid-Chesapeake Bay, Aug-Sept. 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project) | Number ID of niskin bottle in sampling rosette/CTD rig from which the sample was taken
| Bottle_num |
Nutrient concentrations and microbial counts from Niskin bottle collections on R/V Atlantic Explorer A1620 in the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site from Sept 2016 | Niskin bottle number
| Niskin |
Nutrient concentrations and microbial counts from Niskin bottle collections on R/V Atlantic Explorer A1703 in the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site from Mar/April 2016 | Niskin bottle number
| Niskin |
Bottle data from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1910 during May 2019 | Bottle number
| Bottle |
CTD data from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE2207 to the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) station in April 2022 | Bottle position
| bpos |
All bottle data collected from cruises W0306A, W0308C, AT11-17, AT11-30, TUIM14MV, TN200 from the Coastal Waters off Washington State and Vancouver Island; 2004-2006 (ECOHAB-PNW project) | Niskin Bottle position of the CTD Rosette
| bottle |
Chlorophyll a concentrations from addition incubation experiments performed on AR16 from May 2017 in the Sargasso Sea | Incubation bottle that was sampled
| bottle_number |
Bottle profile data from the R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR16 in the Western North Atlantic Ocean from 2017-05-04 to 2017-05-20 | bottle number
| Bottle |
Hydrographic, nutrient, and carbonate system data from R/V Janan cruises in the Arabian Gulf in December 2018 and May 2019 | Bottle number
| Bottle_Number |
CTD log at the oxygen deficient zone of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) for RV/Atlantis cruise AT37-12, April-May 2017 | Niskin bottle number
| Niskin |
ATP and cell numbers in laboratory experiments with Thalassiosira weissflogii conducted in 2018 | Bottle number
| Flask |
ATP and cell numbers in laboratory experiments with Thalassiosira weissflogii conducted in 2019 | Bottle number
| Flask |
Bacteria Counts CTD Bottle Measurements from CTD samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2204 from Apr to May 2022 | ID of the CTD cast sample, formatted as (station#_CTDcast#_depth)
| ID |
Bacterial cell counts and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) measurements from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | ID for incubation bottle
| Bottle |
Barium concentration and isotopic data collected along the California Coastline during July 2014 from R/V Melville cruise MV1405 | Bottle number from rosette
| bottle_rosette |
Discrete bottle samples collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea from October 1988 through June 2024 | Bottle number of sample
| Bottle_num |
BCO-DMO-created "master" file of sampling events from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise, R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 in the Eastern Tropical Pacific in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | Bottle number; typically 1-24.
BCO-DMO-created "master" file of sampling events from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise, R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 in the Eastern Tropical Pacific in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | Sequential sample number within the cast (usually corresponds to bottle number).
Survey biogeochemical data from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | Niskin Number
| Niskin |
Biogeochemistry Data from R/V Atlantic Explorer X0606, X0705, AE0810 in the Western Sargasso Sea roughly 38-20N and 66-43W from 2006-2008 (ATP3 project) | Niskin bottle number
| Niskin |
Biogeochemistry Data from R/V Oceanus cruises OC399-03, OC408-01, OC408-02 from the Northwestern Sargasso Sea roughly 35-28N and 58-68W, water depths always exceeded 4200m; 2004-2005 (NP project) | Niskin bottle number
| Niskin |
Biology from R/V Oceanus cruises OC399-03, OC408-01, OC408-02 from the Northwestern Sargasso Sea roughly 35-28N and 58-68W, water depths always exceeded 4200m; 2004-2005 (NP project) | Niskin bottle number
| Niskin |
Net primary productivity (14C) measurements made during quasi‐Lagrangian experiments on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo basin in the Eastern Indian Ocean/Indonesian throughflow during February and March 2022 | Indicates the different replicate bottles (A, B, C, or Dark)
| Cycle_Bottle |
Net primary productivity (14C) measurements made during quasi‐Lagrangian experiments on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo basin in the Eastern Indian Ocean/Indonesian throughflow during February and March 2022 | Inidicates the numbeer of the Niskin bottle the sample was taken from
| Niskin_bottle |
Water column inorganic nutrient concentration and nitrate+nitrite d15N and d18O measurements from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo Basin in the Indian Ocean from February to March of 2022 | Niskin bottle number
| CTD_bottle |
Niskin bottle data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN524 along the continental shelf of New England in 2013 (OA, Hypoxia and Warming project) | Niskin bottle position.
| bottle |
Bottle data from CTD casts conducted on R/V Sally Ride cruise SR1805 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean from March to April 2018 | Niskin bottle number
| Bottle |
Niskin bottle data from R/V Pelagia 64PE325 in the subtropical Atlantic from October 2010 (Basin-scale Protists project) | bottle number
| bottle |
Niskin bottle data, including salinity, O2, temperature, conductivity, etc, from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project) | Niskin bottle number. Originally named 'Bottle Position'.
| bottle |
Bottle sample data and water processing samples from CTD casts from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | CTD bottle number for Alkalinity analyses
| bottle_alk |
Bottle sample data and water processing samples from CTD casts from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | CTD bottle number for Chlorophyll analyses
| bottle_chl |
Bottle sample data and water processing samples from CTD casts from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | CTD bottle number for nutrient analyses
| bottle_nuts |
Bottle sample data and water processing samples from CTD casts from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | CTD bottle number for Triple Oxygen Isotope (TOI) analyses
| bottle_toi |
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project) | CTD bottle number
| bottle |
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project) | CTD bottle number for nutrient analyses
| bottle_nuts |
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project) | Trace Metal-CTD bottle number
| bottle_tmctd |
Salinity, nutrients, and and extracted pigments from R/V New Horizon cruise NH0007 in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project) | Rosette bottle position. Actual Rosette Bottle Number (1-12) is obtained by dividing shown Bottle Position by 2 (e.g., 12 shown = 6).
| bottle_posn |
Oxygen sampled from Niskin bottles from R/V Oceanus OC404-01 in the Sargasso Sea in 2004 (EDDIES project) | Niskin bottle order number on the Rosette
| Nis |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the second cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904, to the New England Shelfbreak in May of 2019. | CTD bottle number for Alkalinity analyses
| bottle_alk |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the second cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904, to the New England Shelfbreak in May of 2019. | CTD bottle number for Chlorophyll analyses
| bottle_chl |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the second cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904, to the New England Shelfbreak in May of 2019. | CTD bottle number for nutrient analyses
| bottle_nuts |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the second cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904, to the New England Shelfbreak in May of 2019. | CTD bottle number for Triple Oxygen Isotope (TOI) analyses
| bottle_toi |
Niskin bottle salinity measurements from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-02, OC415-04 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | Niskin bottle order number
| Nis |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the third cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368, to the New England Shelfbreak in July of 2019 | CTD bottle number for Alkalinity analyses
| bottle_alk |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the third cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368, to the New England Shelfbreak in July of 2019 | CTD bottle number for Chlorophyll analyses
| bottle_chl |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the third cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368, to the New England Shelfbreak in July of 2019 | CTD bottle number for Ammonium High resolution analyses
| bottle_nh4HR |