Anne L. Cohen

Affiliation: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0002-5570-780X

Project: An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (7 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Results from OA/feeding experiment: carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content of samples collected from northwestern Bermuda patch reefs; 2010

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2013-09-10Final no updates expected
Seawater carbonate chemistry from 13 sites in Palau collected from small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2015-06-23Final no updates expected
Results from experiment examining effects of 4 different dyes on growth rates of scleractinian corals; from the Cohen lab at WHOI in Woods Hole, MA (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification project)

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2014-01-31Final no updates expected
Results from experiment examining effects of 2 different isotope spikes on growth rates of scleractinian corals; from the Cohen lab at WHOI in Woods Hole, MA (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2014-02-03Final no updates expected
Calcification and linear extension rates for Oculina arbuscula corals grown under different pCO2 levels; from the Cohen lab at WHOI in Woods Hole, MA (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification project)

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2014-02-06Final no updates expected
Experimental results: calcification by primary coral polyps under high bicarbonate and low pH from 2007-2008 (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification project)

Role: Principal Investigator

2014-01-31Final no updates expected
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2015-06-23Final no updates expected

Project: Toward Predicting the Impact of Ocean Acidification on Net Calcification by a Broad Range of Coral Reef Ecosystems: Identifying Patterns and Underlying Causes (11 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Seawater carbonate chemistry from 13 sites in Palau collected from small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2015-06-23Final no updates expected
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2015-06-23Final no updates expected
Reef locations, macrobioerosion rates, and nitrate concentrations in the tropical Pacific from 2011-2012 (Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact project, Thermal Thresholds and Projections project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2014-12-10Final with updates expected
Temperature on Dongsha Atoll measured from June 2013 to August 2015

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-04-18Final no updates expected
Coral extension, density, calcification, and bioerosion from corals collected at Palau from small boats from 2011-2013

Role: Principal Investigator

2015-06-25Final no updates expected
Seawater chemistry measurements for Porites macrobioerosion experiments collected from reefs from across the Pacific Basin (Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2017-04-20Final no updates expected
Porites macrobioerosion study: individual calcification rates, skeleton density, and the volume of borings in the tropical Pacific from 2011-2012 (Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2017-04-21Final no updates expected
Data from reciprocal transplant experiments conducted on Porites coral collected on Palau in December 2012

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-06-23Final no updates expected
Porites coral calcification responses to declining Ωar in a CO2 manipulation experiment in Palau versus the calcification responses observed in ten other studies of massive Porites corals

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-06-30Final no updates expected
Calcification rates of Porites corals collected from a naturally high-Ωar reef and a naturally low-Ωar reef in Palau incubated at three experimental Ωar conditions

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-06-26Final no updates expected
Weekly coral calcification rates in the CO2 manipulation experiment conducted on Porites corals from Palau

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-06-27Final no updates expected

Project: Constraining Thermal Thresholds and Projections of Temperature Stress on Pacific Coral Reefs Over the 21st Century: Method Refinement and Application (9 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Seawater carbonate chemistry from 13 sites in Palau collected from small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2015-06-23Final no updates expected
Coral and algae cover, coral richness, and coral diversity from coral reef sites sampled by small boats in the Palauan archipelago from 2011-2013

Role: Lead Principal Investigator

2015-06-23Final no updates expected
Reef locations, macrobioerosion rates, and nitrate concentrations in the tropical Pacific from 2011-2012 (Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact project, Thermal Thresholds and Projections project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2014-12-10Final with updates expected
Coral extension, density, calcification, and bioerosion from corals collected at Palau from small boats from 2011-2013

Role: Principal Investigator

2015-06-25Final no updates expected
Seawater chemistry measurements for Porites macrobioerosion experiments collected from reefs from across the Pacific Basin (Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2017-04-20Final no updates expected
Porites macrobioerosion study: individual calcification rates, skeleton density, and the volume of borings in the tropical Pacific from 2011-2012 (Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact project)

Roles: Principal Investigator, Contact

2017-04-21Final no updates expected
Annual calcification histories for corals from ten Palau reef sites representing lagoon and barrier reef environments

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-06-29Final no updates expected
Stress bands in coral cores for corals from Palau reefs

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-07-10Final no updates expected
Comparison of bleaching data to stress bands in Porites corals on Palau reefs

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-07-21Final no updates expected

Project: Can Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Survive Ocean Warming? A 2015 El Nino Test (5 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Temperature on Dongsha Atoll measured from June 2013 to August 2015

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-04-18Final no updates expected
Annual calcification rate time series of Porites corals on Dongsha Atoll

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-04-19Final no updates expected
Ecological survey data from benthic photo-quadrat surveys done on Dongsha Atoll pre- and post- bleaching event in 2015

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-04-19Final no updates expected
Dissepiment spacing in Porites corals from Palmyra Atoll and Airai Bay, Palau

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-04-21Final no updates expected
Dissepiment counts obtained from staining experiment of Porites coral from Palau

Role: Principal Investigator

2017-04-21Final no updates expected

Project: Skeletal Records of Coral Reef Bleaching in the Central Equatorial Pacific (11 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Stress band counts from coral cores taken in the central equatorial Pacific between 1982 and 2015

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-07-31Final no updates expected
Tissue thickness from coral cores taken in the central equatorial Pacific

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-07-31Final no updates expected
Stress bands in coral cores collected at Jarvis Island between 2008 and 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-08-22Final no updates expected
Percent coral cover from photographic surveys conducted along Jarvis Island in 2015-2017

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-09-30Final no updates expected
In situ temperature measurements collected at the height of El Niño at Jarvis Island in 2015 and 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-10-01Final no updates expected
pH measurements collected at the height of El Niño at Jarvis Island in 2015 and 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-10-01Final no updates expected
Dissolved oxygen measurements collected at the height of El Niño at Jarvis Island in 2015 and 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-09-30Final no updates expected
Tissue thickness measurements from coral cores collected at Jarvis Island from 2010-2015

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-09-30Final no updates expected
Water chemistry from discrete seawater samples collected from 2012-2016 at Jarvis Island

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-09-30Final no updates expected
Percent cover of benthic functional groups in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) from 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2022-01-11Final no updates expected
Hourly temperature data from deployments between 2012 and 2018 from three of the Phoenix Islands

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2022-01-11Final no updates expected