Jacqueline Webb

Affiliation: University of Rhode Island (URI)
Address: []

Project: Collaborative Research: The Role of Larval Orientation Behavior in Determining Population Connectivity (12 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Goby histological inventory from an anatomical analysis of the development of the olfactory and gustatory system in the gobies, E. lori and E. colini conducted betwen 2011 and 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-10-29Data not available
Gustatory system data from an anatomical analysis of the development of the olfactory and gustatory system in the gobies, E. lori and E. colini conducted betwen 2011 and 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-10-29Data not available
Olfactory system data from an anatomical analysis of the development of the olfactory and gustatory system in the gobies, E. lori and E. colini conducted betwen 2011 and 2016

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-10-29Data not available
Lateral Line Development: Fluorescence Data Elacatinus

Role: Principal Investigator

2019-11-07Data not available
Lateral Line Development: Goby Fluorescence Inventory

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress
Lateral Line Development: Goby SEM Inventory

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress
Lateral Line Development: Histological Analysis Elacatinus

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress
Lateral Line Development: SEM Data Analysis Goby

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress
Goby Eye Data

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress
Goby Ear Macula Angle

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress
Goby Ear Macula Size Summary

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress
Goby Ear Macula Size

Role: Principal Investigator

Preliminary and in progress