Iris C. Anderson

Affiliation: Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0001-5879-6038

Project: Collaborative Research: Cryptic nitrogen cycling in the anoxic subterranean estuary (7 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Biogeochemical data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA, from 2018 - 2020

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2022-11-24Final no updates expected
Biogeochemical data from sediment cores collected from a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA from 2018 to 2019

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-01-03Final no updates expected
Groundwater well water level data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Gloucester Point, Virginia USA, from 2018 to 2020

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-01-04Final no updates expected
Water level data from a slug test within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE), Gloucester Point, Virginia USA in May 2021

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-05-09Final no updates expected
Sediment grain size data collected from a shallow subterranean estuary (STE) in Gloucester Point, Virginia USA, from 2018 to 2019

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-05-01Final no updates expected
Sediment Nitrification Incubation data of a subterrarnian estuary core take in July 2020 in Gloucester Point, Virginia

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-12-04Final no updates expected
In situ tracer injection experiment conducted with 15N-labeled ammonium in a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary in Gloucester Point, USA in August 2019.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2024-01-15Final no updates expected