Project: LTREB Long-term coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 1987-2019

Acronym/Short Name:St. John LTREB
Project Duration:2009-05 - 2014-04
Geolocation:St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands; California State University Northridge


Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB) in US Virgin Islands:

From the NSF award abstract:
In an era of growing human pressures on natural resources, there is a critical need to understand how major ecosystems will respond, the extent to which resource management can lessen the implications of these responses, and the likely state of these ecosystems in the future. Time-series analyses of community structure provide a vital tool in meeting these needs and promise a profound understanding of community change. This study focuses on coral reef ecosystems; an existing time-series analysis of the coral community structure on the reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, will be expanded to 27 years of continuous data in annual increments. Expansion of the core time-series data will be used to address five questions: (1) To what extent is the ecology at a small spatial scale (1-2 km) representative of regional scale events (10's of km)? (2) What are the effects of declining coral cover in modifying the genetic population structure of the coral host and its algal symbionts? (3) What are the roles of pre- versus post-settlement events in determining the population dynamics of small corals? (4) What role do physical forcing agents (other than temperature) play in driving the population dynamics of juvenile corals? and (5) How are populations of other, non-coral invertebrates responding to decadal-scale declines in coral cover? Ecological methods identical to those used over the last two decades will be supplemented by molecular genetic tools to understand the extent to which declining coral cover is affecting the genetic diversity of the corals remaining. An information management program will be implemented to create broad access by the scientific community to the entire data set.

The importance of this study lies in the extreme longevity of the data describing coral reefs in a unique ecological context, and the immense potential that these data possess for understanding both the patterns of comprehensive community change (i.e., involving corals, other invertebrates, and genetic diversity), and the processes driving them. Importantly, as this project is closely integrated with resource management within the VI National Park, as well as larger efforts to study coral reefs in the US through the NSF Moorea Coral Reef LTER, it has a strong potential to have scientific and management implications that extend further than the location of the study.

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Coral photransect and settlement tile images from St. John, USVI 1987-20192023-06-30Preliminary and in progress
Coral cover at six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Coral density from six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Coral sizes from six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Coral calcification (G) from six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Coral cover at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1992-20192020-12-02Final no updates expected
In situ temperature measurements at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1989-20192020-12-02Final no updates expected
Coral recruitment data to support the core analyses from Mo'orea and St. John, VI from 2006-2019.2020-12-02Final no updates expected
Seawater temperature at 10 m and 20 m on the fore reef of Mo'orea, 2005-20182020-12-02Final no updates expected
Coral recruitment locations on tiles (top, bottom, sides) at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1985-2020, for Edmunds (L&O, 2020)2020-12-02Final no updates expected
Sea surface temperatures at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1985-20202020-12-02Final no updates expected
Coral taxonomic composition at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 2017-20192020-12-02Final no updates expected
Nearest neighboring octocoral data from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Rugosity of long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Mean density of coral and the percentage of encrusting coral on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Size frequency of octocorals along long-term transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Light intensity at various times along long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The frequency of distances to the nearest Milleopora for coral species found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Mean wave direction at long-term coral sampling sites in St. John, USVI from 2011 to 2015.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Distribution of octocoral colonies from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The number of coral colonies found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI during 2014 and 2015.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Sedimentation at long-term octocoral transects in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Location, abundance, and size of various octocoral species in St. John, USVI from 2014 to 2015.2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Growth measurements over time of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Symbiodinium algae in foraminifer and corals in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Long-term coral percent coverage data from photoquadrats recorded at random sites in the USVI starting in 1992.2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
OTU, sequences, and accessions from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth of individual coral species on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Environmental data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Long-term mean daily seawater temperature data from USVI starting in 2003.2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Coral cover data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Realized and potential growth of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth and mortality of corals on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Long-term percent coverage data of coral in photoquadrats in St. John USVI starting in 1987.2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Coral taxonomic data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Long-term juvenile coral density data from St. John USVI starting in 1994.2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Long-term coral recruit spat counts from USVI starting in 2009.2018-05-17Preliminary and in progress
Octocoral species list used during surveys in St. John, US Virgin Islands between 2014-2017 (St. John LTREB project, VI_Octocorals)2018-04-05Final no updates expected
Adult octocoral height measurements from transects conducted at St. John, US Virgin Islands between 2014-2016 (St. John LTREB project, VI_Octocorals)2018-04-05Final no updates expected
Storm record from St. John, USVI in 1987–2011 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Scleractinia, macroalgae and octocoral surveys describing species abundance and distribution, in St. John, USVI in 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Octocorals surveys 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Rainfall and seawater temperature in St. John, USVI in 1987–2013 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project).2016-11-08Final no updates expected
Data describing Gorgonia ventalina interactions on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2015.2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Data describing interactions between neighboring coral colonies on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2014.2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Data describing interactions between colonies on St. John, Virgin Islands in 2014.2016-10-25Final no updates expected
Data from surveys of Eunicea flexusa colonies on St. John, VI National Park from 2014.2016-10-24Final no updates expected
Octocorals, scleractinia, macroalgae surveys describing species abundance and distribution on St. John and St. Thomas, USVI in 2011 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project)2016-01-06Final no updates expected
Density of adult and juvenile octocorals on shallow reefs in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2010 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project)2015-08-31Final no updates expected
Soft coral counts from photoquadrats and in situ observations collected on St. John, Virgin Islands from 1992-2012 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project)2015-08-20Final no updates expected
Soft coral densities counted from photoquadrats collected on St. John, Virgin Islands from 1992-2012 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project)2015-08-20Final no updates expected
Soft coral literature review on species observed in St. John, US Virgin Island from 1992-2012 (St. John LTREB project, VI Octocorals project)2015-07-17Final no updates expected
Benthic invertebrates from Tektite site, USVI: 1988-2007 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-20Final no updates expected
Benthic invertebrates from 6 sites pooled, USVI: 1992-2007 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-20Final no updates expected
Benthic invertebrate taxonomy, species and codes - St. John USVI survey 1988-2007 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-20Final no updates expected
Storm record from St. John, USVI, 1992-2008 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-19Final no updates expected
Seawater temperature in St. John, USVI, 1992-2008 (MCR LTER project, St. John LTREB project)2014-08-19Final no updates expected
Millepora coral cover on shallow reefs in St. John, USVI, 1992-2008 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-19Final no updates expected
Millepora coral cover, seawater temperature and storm intensity in St. John, USVI, 1992-2008 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-19Final no updates expected
Millepora coral colony size on shallow reefs in St. John, USVI, 1992-2008 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-19Final no updates expected
Thethered Calcinus hermit crabs remaining on sand vs. Millepora coral from Virgin Islands National Park in the Great Lameshure Bay, St. John, US Virgin Island from 2010-2011 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-15Final no updates expected
Day vs. night Calcinus hermit crab abundance on Millepora coral from Virgin Islands National Park in the Great Lameshure Bay, St. John, US Virgin Island from 2010-2011 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-15Final no updates expected
Calcinus hermit crabs responses after displacement from Millepora coral from Virgin Islands National Park in the Great Lameshure Bay, St. John, US Virgin Island from 2010-2011 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-15Final no updates expected
Calcinus hermit crab abundance and Millepora coral size from Virgin Islands National Park in the Great Lameshure Bay, St. John, US Virgin Island from 2010-2011 (St. John LTREB project)2014-08-14Final no updates expected

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Principal Investigator: Peter J. Edmunds
California State University Northridge (CSUN)