NSF Award Abstract:
This research project investigates the close relationship between methane production and consumption in sediments by microbes in the oxygen-free zone of a coastal wetland in Southern California. The direct exchange of methane between those two closely related microbial groups, which has been named "cryptic methane cycling", has only recently been identified and little is known about its importance in reducing methane emissions from coastal wetlands. This research will reveal how carbon moves between the two types of microbes, and will identify the microbes involved. It will also reveal the important metabolic reactions responsible and the balance between methane production and consumption under different environmental conditions. Towards broader impacts, this project will provide training for two undergraduate and one graduate student in interdisciplinary wetland science and state of the art laboratory methods. A new freshmen course on global methane emissions will bring undergraduate students into the field to provide education on local coastal wetland environments. Results of the project will be disseminated to public and academic groups and will provide a better understanding of methane production and consumption in coastal wetlands.
Concentrations of atmospheric methane have more than doubled since the pre-industrial era, hence we urgently need to understand the mechanisms that control the emission of this potent greenhouse gas. Recent studies have provided the first evidence for the simultaneous microbial production and consumption of methane in the sulfate reduction zone of organic-rich sediments, a process named the "cryptic methane cycle." In this process, methane is proposed to be passed directly from methylotrophic methanogenesis to anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). However, little is known about the identity of the organisms involved, the trail of carbon from one metabolism to the other, or the environmental net result of the two processes. Without the details of this metabolic relationship, methane budgets of sediments remain incomplete. Coastal wetlands are of particular interest for the study of cryptic methane cycling, because their organic and sulfate rich sediments promote the production of methylated substrates for methylotrophic methanogenesis and provide electron acceptors for AOM. Yet, anaerobic microbial removal of methane from this ecosystem, particularly along the sulfate gradient between ocean and land, is still not well understood. Towards intellectual merit, this study elucidates the identity of methanogenic and methanotrophic archaea involved in cryptic methane cycling in a coastal wetland as well as the selection of electron acceptors that fuel methane removal in this metabolic relationship. The research provides new metabolic clues to unravel the versatility of the enzymatic machinery that drives methanogenesis and AOM. By capturing environmental factors that control the balance between the two processes working in close proximity, the results of this work further provide an enhanced understanding of methane dynamics in coastal wetland sediments. This information can be applied to biogeochemical models to improve the prediction of methane emissions from this ecosystem, which is found throughout the global coastal zone. Towards broader impacts, the research provides training in innovative analytical and experimental techniques to two undergraduate and one graduate student. The project further engages 20 undergraduates per year in a newly developed freshman seminar, "Methane - the Other Greenhouse Problem" including a field trip to the local wetland. The goal of the seminar will be to educate students, including those not entering STEM fields, about global sources and sinks of methane and its involvement in global warming now and in the future. Results of this study will be broadly disseminated to educational and public outreach platforms, such as high schools, community colleges, and environmental non-profits to teach scientific methodologies, concepts of biogeochemical cycling, and enhance the appreciation of this vital coastal environment.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Biogeochemical data on cryptic methane cycling in hypersaline sediments of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve, California | 2021-02-04 | Final no updates expected |
Principal Investigator: Tina Treude
University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)
Contact: Tina Treude
University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)
DMP_EAR_1852912_Treude.pdf (16.23 KB)