The aim of BIOS-SCOPE is to expand knowledge about the BATS ecosystem and achieve a better understanding of ocean food web sources, sinks and transformations of DOM. Advances in knowledge and technology now poise us to investigate the specific mechanisms of DOM incorporation, oxidation and transformation by zooplankton and the distinct microbial plankton communities that have been discovered at BATS.
The overarching goal of the BIOS-SCOPE is to form and foster collaborations of cross disciplinary science that utilize a broad suite of genomic, chemical, ecological, and biogeochemical approaches to evaluate microbial process, structure and function on various scales. These scales will range from organism-compound and organism-organism interactions to large biogeochemical patterns on the ecosystem scale. For this purpose we have assembled a cross-disciplinary team including microbial oceanographers (Carlson and Giovannoni), a chemical oceanographer (Kujawinski), biological oceanographer / zooplankton ecologists (Maas and Blanco-Bercial) and microbial bioinformatician (Temperton) with the expertise and technical acuity that are needed to study complex interactions between food web processes, microbes and DOM quantity and quality in the oligotrophic ocean. This scientific team has a vision of harnessing this potential to produce new discoveries that provide a mechanistic understanding of the carbon cycle and explain the many emergent phenomenon that have yet to be understood.
For additional details:
BIOSSCOPE I: November 1st, 2015 through October 31st, 2020
Current: November 1st, 2020 to October 31st, 2025
Lead Principal Investigator: Craig A. Carlson
University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Co-Principal Investigator: Stephen Giovannoni
Oregon State University (OSU)
Contact: Craig A. Carlson
University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB)
DMP_Carlson_Giovannoni_BIOS-SCOPE_Simons-Foundation-International.pdf (92.22 KB)