Nitrate plus nitrite isotopic compositions from Leg 1 of the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) research cruise onboard the R/V Akademik Treshnikov from December 2016 to January 2017 | Type of cast: UDW (underway) or CTD
| CastType |
Ambient ammonium and urea concentrations from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP-96-4A, NBP-97-1, NBP-97-3, NBP-97-8 cruises in the Southern Ocean in 1997 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD = CTD rosette
TM = Trace Metal rosette
| cast_type |
CTD profile data from the R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR16 in the Western North Atlantic Ocean from 2017-05-04 to 2017-05-20 | Cast Direction (up or down)
| cast_dir |
Specific daily growth of heterotrophic bacteria and grazing mortality on bacteria by microzooplankton from R/V Roger Revelle KIWI6, KIWI7, KIWI8, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD=CTD rosette; TM=Trace Metal rosette
| Cast_type |
HPLC and fluorometric derived phytoplankton pigment concentrations from seawater collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site from October 1988 through December 2023 | Cast type (CTD or Hydrocast)
| Cast_type |
Primary productivity estimates from the incubation of seawater collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site from December 1988 through December 2023 | Cast type (CTD or Hydrocast)
| Cast_type |
Benthic iron data on the Oregon Shelf from samples collected on R/V Oceanus cruise OC2107A during July to August 2021 | Type of cast: BBG = using a benthic boundary gradient sampler with 50 mL syringes on OC2107A. Note that instead of depth, this variable now refers to height above seafloor in centimeters; CTD = using a traditional 10 or 14 L bottle mounted on a rosette; TMC= using a trace metal clean 5 L bottle mounted on a trace metal clean rosette following Geotraces protocols; TMC dFe only = Trace metal cast and only dissolved Fe was measured (i.e. not Fe(II))); these are the stations where dFe was measured the first time but Fe(II) wasn't, so we resampled and got the Fe(II).
| Cast_type |
Benthic iron data on the Oregon Shelf from samples collected on R/V Oceanus cruise OC2107A during July to August 2021 | Indicates a trace metal cast where only dissolved Fe was measured (i.e. not Fe(II))
| Fe_only |
Experimental and biogeochemical surveys from R/V Kilo Moana, R/V Knorr, and R/V Ka`imikai-O-Kanaloa cruises in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Hawaiian Islands: stations Kahe, ALOHA, Kena and WHOTS Mooring from 2008 to 2009 | cast type (CTD or sediment trap)
| Cast_Type |
Survey biogeochemical data from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | Biology; Deep; Shallow (does not fit Biology or Deep cast scheme); Microlayer
| Cast_Type |
Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles from US Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) cruises in 2020 and 2022 (AR45 and AR69-03) | Down or up CTD cast ( d or u)
| Down_Up |
HPLC and fluorometric derived phytoplankton pigment concentrations from seawater collected on BATS Validation cruises from June 1996 to June 2023 | Cast type (CTD or Hydrocast)
| Cast_type |
Fluorometric chlorophyll-a from R/V Roger Revelle KIWI6, KIWI7, KIWI8, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD = CTD rosette
TM = trace metal rosette
| cast_type |
Discrete samples from CTD casts from R/V Melville cruises MV1209 and MV1217 from Coastal California San Diego Margin in 2012 (SeapHOx project) | Type
| Type |
CTD station and Niskin bottle event log from R/V Weatherbird II WB0409, WB0413, WB0506, WB0508 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | CTD=CTD rosette bottle cast
| cast_type |
CTD profiles from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise GF226_BATS in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) area, and Hydrostation "S" in 2007 (ON DEQUE project) | Cast Type
| Type |
CTD profiles from R/V Cape Hatteras cruise CH0508 in the Sargasso Sea, Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) area, and Hydrostation "S" in 2008 (ON DEQUE project) | Cast Type
| Type |
CTD station log of R/V Pelagia 64PE280 in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic from 2007-2008 (Basin-scale Protists project) | cast type; ROS=CTD mounted on rosette sampler
| cast_type |
Natural nitrogen and carbon stable isotopic composition from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD = Ctd rosette
TM = Trace Metal rosette
| cast_type |
Event Logs from R/V Kilo Moana KM0812, KM0919 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii from 2008-2009 (C-MORE project, Silica Cycling project) | Cast Type (CTD or sediment trap)
| Cast_Type |
Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from R/V Point Sur cruises PS1009 and PS1103 in the Santa Barbara Channel from 2010-2011 (SBDOM project, SBC LTER project) | Type of cast: CTD or experimental.
| cast_type |
Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd from RRS James Cook JC-57 in the southwest Atlantic, Punta Arenas (Chile) to Las Palmas (Spain), March 2011 (GEOTRACES-SWAT project) | Cast type
| cast_type |
Original scanned cast sheets (jpg format) of ODF rosette casts on the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15) from September to November 2018 | Cast type or description; obtained from the file name
| type |
Cast events summary table associated with the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | cast type
GTC CTD cast sheets associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| type |
GTC CTD profiles along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| TYPE |
GTC CTD sample logs associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type.
| type |
ODF CTD cast sheets associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| type |
ODF CTD profiles along with US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| TYPE |
ODF CTD sample logs associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010(U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| type |
Pump sample logs associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04-01 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| type |
Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration from R/V Knorr KN199-04 & KN204-01 (GA03) in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean from 2010-2011 | 1 is a shallow cast; 2 is a deep cast
| cast_type |
Bottle sampling comments associated with the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN204-01 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Rosette type (GT-C or ODF/SIOR)
| type |
GTC one meter-averaged downcast CTD profiles along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN204-01 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| TYPE |
ODF one meter-averaged downcast CTD profiles along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic from 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project) | Cast Type
| TYPE |
Phytoplankton growth, microzooplankton herbivory from R/V Roger Revelle KIWI6, KIWI7, KIWI8, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD=CTD rosette; TM=Trace Metal rosette
| cast_type |
Pigments, HPLC method, standard casts from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | TM = Trace Metal free rosette
CTD = CTD rosette
| cast_type |
Experimental biogeochemical data from R/V Melville MV1405 collected along the California coastline in 2014 | Cast type (CTD or experiment).
| cast_type |
Krill raw counts and species abundances collected from the R/V Thuwal cruise in the Red Sea during January 2014 (Red Sea Krill project) | type of gear: MOC.25 is a quarter-meter MOCNESS
| inst |
Tow krill raw counts and species abundance collected from the R/V Thuwal cruise in the Red Sea during January 2014 | type of gear: MOC.25 is a quarter-meter MOCNESS
| inst |
Microplankton abundance and biomass from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP-97-3, NBP-97-8 cruises in the Southern Ocean in 1997 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD = CTD rosette
TM = Trace Metal rosette
| cast_type |
Biogeochemical and microbial field surveys from the BATS site, Bermuda from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises from 2009-2013 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project) | cast type; B for bottle
| cast_type |
Sugar concentrations from the BATS site in the Sargasso Sea, 2001-2004 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project) | B for bottle type of cast
| cast_type |
Nutrients, pigments, silicate and experimental data collected aboard the OCEANUS during cruise OC1504A in the North Pacific Ocean from 2015-04-19 to 2015-05-06 | cast type (CTD)
| cast |
N15 Uptake Rates from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, R/V Roger Revelle NBP-96-4A, NBP-97-1, NBP-97-3, NBP-97-8, KIWI7, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD = CTD rosette
TM = Trace Metal rosette
| cast_type |
Nanoplankton abundance and biomass from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP-97-3, NBP-97-8 cruises in the Southern Ocean in 1997 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD = CTD rosette
TM = Trace Metal rosette
| cast_type |
Nano and Microplankton Abundances from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, R/V Roger Revelle NBP-96-4A, NBP-97-1, KIWI6, KIWI7, KIWI8, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | CTD = CTD rosette
TM = trace metal rosette
| cast_type |
CTD profile casts collected on the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from December 2011 to February 2012 | Indicates if the data are from an upcast or downcast of the CTD. (During stations 2 and 100, the downcasts failed, and thus the upcast data are included instead.)
| down_or_up |
Nutrient concentrations and chlorophyll from bottle samples from R/V Melville cruise COOK19MV from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project) | CRM=CTD ??, TM=Trace Metal Free
| cast_type |
Gross and net oxygen production rates from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, R/V Roger Revelle NBP-96-4A, NBP-97-1, NBP-97-3, KIWI7, KIWI9 cruises in the Southern Ocean, 1997-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | TM=trace metal rosette
CTD=ctd rosette
| cast_type |