Parameter: Dissolved Organic Nitrogen

Short Description: Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
Short Name: DON
Official Name: Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
No Data Value: nd


Dissolved Organic Nitrogen is the concentration of total organic dissolved nitrogen per unit volume of the water column

DatasetPI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Measurements of nutrient flux and denitrification in clam aquaculture sediments.Concentration per hour dark_DON
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (27 00.00 N, -111 20.00 W) in November 2018Pore water concentrations of dissolved organic nitrogen; method detection limit = 1 DON_uM
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California on RV/Atlantis AT42-05 Alvin dives, Nov. 2018Water column dissolved organic nitrogen concentration; detection limit=1 DON
Nutrients, nitrate isotopes, and DON isotopes data from samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in May 2017 and May 2018Concentration of dissolved organic nitrogen DON
Core data from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715, KM0817, KM0704, KM0814 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, and from Suva Fiji to Honolulu to Port Hueneme CA from 2007-2008 (C-MORE project)dissolved organic nitrogen DON
Biogeochemical data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA, from 2018 - 2020Porewater Dissolved Organic Nitrogen DON
Discrete data on hydrography (from CTD casts) and chemical analyses of dissolved nutrients and organic carbon on the Louisiana-Texas shelf in the Gulf of Mexico from R/V Pelican cruise 28 September – 11 October 2017Calculated dissolved organic nitrogen concentration DON_calculated
Discrete data on hydrography (from CTD casts) and chemical analyses of dissolved nutrients and organic carbon on the Louisiana-Texas shelf in the Gulf of Mexico from R/V Acadiana cruise 18-21 September 2017Calculated dissolved organic nitrogen concentration DON_calculated
DOC and DON concentrations of waters collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North AtlanticDON Concentration or Recovery DON
DOC and DON concentrations of waters collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North AtlanticStandard deviation of DON DON_stdev
Measurements of dissolved organic nitrogen concentration and d15N from R/V Atlantis and R/V Melville cruises in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from 2010 to 2011.Dissolved organic nitrogen DON
Measurements of dissolved organic nitrogen concentration and d15N from R/V Atlantis and R/V Melville cruises in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from 2010 to 2011.Standard deviation of dissolved organic nitrogen DON_stdev
Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from R/V Point Sur cruises PS1009 and PS1103 in the Santa Barbara Channel from 2010-2011 (SBDOM project, SBC LTER project)Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentration by HTCO in micromolar units. Glass fiber filtrate type GF/F (Whatman). DON
Nutrient concentrations, microbiology (Vibrio abundance), trace metals, and environmental conditions from collection sites in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 2014-2016Dissolved organic nitrogen concentration; MDL is 5.38 micromol/L (determined using 9 samples on two different runs and correct student-T value).  bdl = below detection limit. DON
Field physiochemical parameters including nutrient concentrations and nitrogen specific uptake rates from samples collected between 2017 and 2019 from the Arctic Ocean, California Coastal Current, and a Chesapeake Bay estuaryDissolved organic nitrogen in micromoles nitrogen per liter Dissolved_Organic_N
Field physiochemical parameters including nutrient concentrations and nitrogen specific uptake rates from samples collected between 2017 and 2019 from the Arctic Ocean, California Coastal Current, and a Chesapeake Bay estuaryOne standard deviation of Dissolved_Organic_N. "SL" means "Sample lost". Dissolved_Organic_N_Std
Hydrologic data from field sampling sites in the Neuse River Estuary, Pamlico Sound, and Onslow Bay in the coastal North Atlantic, offshore from North Carolina, USA, in 2021 and 2022Calculated dissolved organic nitrogen concentration (micrograms of nitrogen per liter). DON
Geochemical measurements of porewater from sediment push core samples in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019Dissolved Organic Nitrogen. Method detection limit = 1 DON
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California during R/V Falkor cruise FK190211 in 2019Dissolved Organic Nitrogen. Method detection limit = 1 DON
Summary geochemistry and radiotracer rates for 30 marine sediment cores covering eight sites and four geochemical regimesdissolved organic nitrogen don_micro_m
Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series cruises from 1988-2021 (HOT project)Dissolved Organic Nitrogen DON
Sediment TN,TC and porewater DOC, DIC, DON concentrations from pushcore samples collected at Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vents via Alvin dives on RV/Atlantis cruise AT42-05, Nov. 2018dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentration DON_mg_L
Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River, North Carolina from 2008 through 2013Calculated dissolved organic nitrogen concentration DON
Time-series Niskin-bottle sample data from R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)dissolved organic nitrogen USF DON
Nutrient concentrations and stable isotope values for groundwater in nearshore shelf waters off Charleston, SC from June 2018 to August 2019Total dissolved organic nitrogen for groundwater DON_well_water
Particulate and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen data from multiple cruises on R/V Wecoma, R/V Atlantis, and R/V New Horizon in the Northeast Pacific from 1997-2004 (GLOBEC NEP)Dissolved organic Nitrogen (micromolar). DON was determined by subtracting PON and DIN (NH4, NO3-, and NO2-) values from TN values. Individual data points were deleted if the coefficient of variation remained greater than 15% after removing data points greater than one sd from the mean. Various points were deleted if the sample value was determined to be below the detection limit. If PON data were missing, DON values were left in if they met the following criteria: sample depth was > 50m and surrounding values were less than or equal to 10% of the DON values. Other DON data were deleted if values were abnormally high or low according to the depth profile or expected ranges. DON
Other solutes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises, R/V Robert Gordon Sproul SP1215 and R/V New Horizon NH1319, in the Santa Barbara and Santa Monica Basins in 2012 and 2013Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) DON
Reef seawater biogeochemistry data from samples collected in the Jardines de la Reina reef-system, Cuba in November of 2017Dissolved organic nitrogen DON
Flow through sediment core incubations for nitrogen concentration and isotopic fluxes collected in 2013 on the Island of Sylt, Germany in the North Sea.Calculated DON Flux DON_Flux
Flow through sediment core incubations for nitrogen concentration and isotopic fluxes collected in 2013 on the Island of Sylt, Germany in the North Sea.Effluent dissolved organic nitrogen Effluent_DON
Nutrients, microbiology, trace metals, and environmental conditions from seeded microcosm experimentsDissolved organic nitrogen concentration: determined the same as DOC samples but the sample is converted to nitrogen monoxide and measured by a chemoluminescence gas analyzer. The analyte sampled is TDN and the inorganic values are subtracted to get DON. MDL is 5.38 micro mol/L. DON
Time series observations: hydrography, nutrients, and microbial, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities from the Skidaway River Estuary on the southeastern Atlantic coast of Georgia from 1986-2011 (SRiMP project)Dissolved Organic Nitrogen DON
Station data and nutrient profiles for analysis of microbial communities from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN268 in the North Pacific from August to September 2011 (Sulfur Oxidizers project)Dissolved Organic Nitrogen; here the difference between Total Dissolved Nitrogen (TDN) and Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) DON
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from R/V Oceanus OC469-01 in the NW Atlantic, Woods Hole to Barbados from October 2010 (Trichodesmium project)dissolved organic nitrogen concentration DON
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from R/V Oceanus OC471-01 in the NW Atlantic: Woods Hole to Barbados from April 2011 (Trichodesmium project)dissolved organic nitrogen concentration DON
Dissolved and sinking particulate organic nitrogen data from a large volume mesocosm experiment in the Noumea Lagoon, New Caledonia, measured from January to February 2013Dissolved organic nitrogen (replicate "M1") M1_DON
Dissolved and sinking particulate organic nitrogen data from a large volume mesocosm experiment in the Noumea Lagoon, New Caledonia, measured from January to February 2013Dissolved organic nitrogen (replicate "M2") M2_DON
Dissolved and sinking particulate organic nitrogen data from a large volume mesocosm experiment in the Noumea Lagoon, New Caledonia, measured from January to February 2013Dissolved organic nitrogen (replicate "M3") M3_DON
Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories from the Arctic Ocean from 2010-2012 (ArcticNITRO project)Water column total dissolved organic nitrogen Ambient_Dissolved_Organic_Nitrogen
Water column data from CTD casts along the East Siberian Arctic Shelf on R/V Oden during 2011 (ESAS Water Column Methane project)Dissolved organic nitrogen concentration DON
DOC, POC, d13C-POC, PN from a diffuse vent in West Mata sampled in May 2009 using ROV Jason II deployed from R/V Thomas Thompson. Dissolved organic nitrogen DON
Total organic carbon and total nitrogen content; and nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of precipitation collected at Qindao, Yantai and Changdao Island, China from May 17, 2019 to August 31, 2020.Total dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentration DONConcentration_umolperL
[DEPRECATED] Recovery parameters, isotopic composition, and elemental composition of HMW and LMW DOM collected in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre on R/V Kilo Moana (KM1506, KM1515) during 2015DON concentration or recovery DON
[DEPRECATED] Recovery parameters, isotopic composition, and elemental composition of HMW and LMW DOM collected in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre on R/V Kilo Moana (KM1506, KM1515) during 2015DON concentration or recovery standard deviation DON_stdev
[DEPRECATED] Recovery parameters, isotopic composition, and elemental composition of HMW and LMW DOM collected in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre on R/V Kilo Moana (KM1506, KM1515) during 2015Percent recovery of DON Percent_Recovery_N