Project: RUI-LTREB Renewal: Three decades of coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 2014-2019

Acronym/Short Name:RUI-LTREB
Project Duration:2014-05 - 2019-04


Describing how ecosystems like coral reefs are changing is at the forefront of efforts to evaluate the biological consequences of global climate change and ocean acidification. Coral reefs have become the poster child of these efforts. Amid concern that they could become ecologically extinct within a century, describing what has been lost, what is left, and what is at risk, is of paramount importance. This project exploits an unrivalled legacy of information beginning in 1987 to evaluate the form in which reefs will persist, and the extent to which they will be able to resist further onslaughts of environmental challenges. This long-term project continues a 27-year study of Caribbean coral reefs. The diverse data collected will allow the investigators to determine the roles of local and global disturbances in reef degradation. The data will also reveal the structure and function of reefs in a future with more human disturbances, when corals may no longer dominate tropical reefs.

The broad societal impacts of this project include advancing understanding of an ecosystem that has long been held emblematic of the beauty, diversity, and delicacy of the biological world. Proposed research will expose new generations of undergraduate and graduate students to natural history and the quantitative assessment of the ways in which our planet is changing. This training will lead to a more profound understanding of contemporary ecology at the same time that it promotes excellence in STEM careers and supports technology infrastructure in the United States. Partnerships will be established between universities and high schools to bring university faculty and students in contact with k-12 educators and their students, allow teachers to carry out research in inspiring coral reef locations, and motivate children to pursue STEM careers. Open access to decades of legacy data will stimulate further research and teaching.

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
2023-06-30Preliminary and in progress
Coral density from six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Coral sizes from six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Coral cover at six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Coral calcification (G) from six sites on the south coast of St. John, USVI from 1992 to 20192023-06-14Final no updates expected
Densities of small corals in Diadema halos and temporal stability of D. antillarum clusters from surveys in St. John, US Virgin Islands in 2019 and 20202021-04-27Final no updates expected
Size of Porites astreoides colonies in annual photo-quadrats at St. John, VI from 1992 to 20192021-03-03Final no updates expected
The size (cm) of Porites astreoides in the first 18 quadrats of the transect at St. John, VI from 2000 to 20192021-03-03Final no updates expected
Mean percentage cover of corals and Porites astreoides at each site by year at St. John, VI from 1992 to 20192021-03-03Final no updates expected
Juveniles and recruits of Porites astreoides at each site by year at St. John, VI from 1994 to 20192021-03-03Final no updates expected
Density of Porites astreoides in quadrats at St. John, VI from 1992 to 20192021-03-03Final no updates expected
The density of Porites astreoides in the first 18 quadrats of the transect at St. John, VI from 2000 to 20192021-03-03Final no updates expected
Growth rate of Peyssonnelid Algal Crusts on terracotta settlement tiles at five sites across Lameshur Bay, St. John, USVI from 2009 onward2021-01-13Final no updates expected
Interactions of scleractinian corals with Peyssonnelid Algal Crusts at two sites and depths in Great Lameshur Bay, St. John, USVI as recorded in August 2019 and January 20202021-01-13Final no updates expected
Percent cover of Peyssonnelid Algal Crusts at two sites and depths in Great Lameshur Bay, St. John, USVI from July and August 20192021-01-12Final no updates expected
Growth rate of Peyssonnelid Algal Crusts at two sites and depths in Great Lameshur Bay, St. John, USVI as recorded in August 2019 and January 20202021-01-12Final no updates expected
Seawater temperature at 10 m and 20 m on the fore reef of Mo'orea, 2005-20182020-12-02Final no updates expected
Coral recruitment locations on tiles (top, bottom, sides) at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1985-2020, for Edmunds (L&O, 2020)2020-12-02Final no updates expected
Sea surface temperatures at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1985-20202020-12-02Final no updates expected
Coral taxonomic composition at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 2017-20192020-12-02Final no updates expected
Coral cover at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1992-20192020-12-02Final no updates expected
In situ temperature measurements at St. John, VI, and Mo'orea LTER sites, 1989-20192020-12-02Final no updates expected
Coral recruitment data to support the core analyses from Mo'orea and St. John, VI from 2006-2019.2020-12-02Final no updates expected
Growth of Gorgonia ventalina from 2013-2019, St. John, US Virgin Islands2020-10-29Final no updates expected
Size and density of Gorgonia ventalina from 2013-2019, St. John, US Virgin Islands2020-10-28Final no updates expected
Growth and mortality rates of small corals in St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1996-20182020-10-28Final no updates expected
Annual rainfall between Cabritte Horn and White Point on the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1996-20182020-10-28Final no updates expected
Seawater temperature between Cabritte Horn and White Point on the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1996-20182020-10-28Final no updates expected
Summary abundance of soft corals, stony corals, and algae on the reefs of St. John USVI from photoquadrats taken between 1992 and 20172020-07-29Final no updates expected
Summary sponge abundance by species and site on the coral reefs of St. John USVI from photoquadrats taken between 1992 and 20172020-07-24Final with updates expected
Summary sponge abundance on the coral reefs of St. John USVI from photoquadrats taken between 1992 and 20172020-07-24Final no updates expected
Sponge abundance by species on the coral reefs of St. John USVI from photoquadrats taken between 1992 and 20172020-07-24Final no updates expected
Coral cover in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-20162018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral mortality and growth in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2006-2016 (RUI-LTREB project)2018-12-06Final no updates expected
Long-term variation in growth of Orbicella in association with variation in Symbiodinium genotypes from 1994-20092018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral cover, density, and recruits averages per site in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-20162018-12-06Final no updates expected
Symbiodinium sequence abundance in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1994-2010 (RUI-LTREB project)2018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral cover, density, and recruits averages per year in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-20162018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral community structure at pooled random sites between Cabritte Horn and White Point in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–20172018-11-28Final no updates expected
Summed coral cover along the four accessory transects in St. John from 1989 to 20172018-11-28Final no updates expected
Coral community structure at Yawazi Point and Tektite in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–20172018-11-28Final no updates expected
Physical conditions during coral reef surveys of St. John, US Virgin Islands, from 1989-20142018-11-26Final no updates expected
Peyssonnelia abundance along the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands from surveys during 20152018-11-26Final no updates expected
Mean monthly seawater temperatures in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1989-20162018-11-26Final no updates expected
Coral reef community structure on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-20142018-11-26Final no updates expected
Coral reef abundance on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-20142018-11-26Final no updates expected
Nearest neighboring octocoral data from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The number of coral colonies found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI during 2014 and 2015.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Distribution of octocoral colonies from long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
The frequency of distances to the nearest Milleopora for coral species found on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Mean density of coral and the percentage of encrusting coral on long-term sampling sites in St. John, USVI.2018-09-06Final no updates expected
Measurements of light intensity (PAR) underwater (19 m depth) in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Measurements of rainfall and surface light intensity (PAR) in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Kd averages calculated by month from studies conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.2018-07-13Final no updates expected
Growth of individual coral species on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Coral cover data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Realized and potential growth of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Symbiodinium algae in foraminifer and corals in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth measurements over time of corals sampled on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Coral taxonomic data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
OTU, sequences, and accessions from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Growth and mortality of corals on long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected
Environmental data from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.2018-05-17Final no updates expected

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Principal Investigator: Peter J. Edmunds
California State University Northridge (CSUN)

Contact: Peter J. Edmunds
California State University Northridge (CSUN)