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David T. Drapeau

Affiliation: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0002-5822-8433

Project: Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (8 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Metabolic potential for heterotrophic utilization of a large array of organics by coccolithophores determined through experiments at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences using BioLog Eco-plates

Role: Analyst

2021-10-05Final no updates expected
Results from 14C-labeled uptake experiments determining uptake of specific dissolved organic compounds which showed high potential for osmotrophy

Role: Analyst

2021-10-05Final no updates expected
Results for radiolabeled acetate, mannitol, and glycerol kinetic uptake and pulse-chase experiments for the species Cruciplacolithus neohelis and Chrysotila carterae (Cocco-Mix project)

Role: Analyst

2022-03-09Final no updates expected
DOC uptake rates by coccolithophores and scintillation counts from field experiments in the North Atlantic during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-03-22Final no updates expected
FlowCAM enumeration of phytoplankton classes from samples taken during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-01-27Final no updates expected
Hydrography and environmental conditions measured with CTD at nine stations during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-02-24Final no updates expected
Ambient concentrations of acetate, glycerol, and mannitol measured from samples collected during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in the northwest Atlantic in July 2018

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-02-26Final no updates expected
Coccolithophore counts from polarized microscopy birefringence measurements of samples collected in the Northwest Atlantic during R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2023-02-05Final no updates expected