Amended Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) event log (ELOG) taken on the R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1913 in the Sargasso Sea in June of 2019 | | PITS Sediment Traps |
Net primary productivity (14C) measurements made during quasi‐Lagrangian experiments on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2201 in the Argo basin in the Eastern Indian Ocean/Indonesian throughflow during February and March 2022 | | sediment trap array |
Event log from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP1801 in the Southern Ocean for the CICLOPS project | | Sediment Trap |
Compound specific isotope data of amino acids for abyssal macrofauna, megafauna, sediments, sediment traps, and in situ filtered particles at Station ALOHA off Hawaii and Station M off California from 2019 to 2020 | | McLane Parflux traps |
d15N of size-fractionated particulate organic nitrogen (PON) from sediment traps in the Sargasso Sea | Bulk sinking PON was collected by sediment traps moored at 500 m, 1500 m, and 3200 m water depth.
| sediment traps |
Export fluxes of Th, POC, PON and bSi calcuated using sediment traps and thorium budget from samples collected on R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) in 2013 and 2014 | During 13 of the 22 cruises, one string of surface-tethered drifting sediment traps containing two Particle-Interceptor-Traps (PITs) was deployed at 100 m and 200 m.
| surface-tethered drifting sediment traps |
Images of particles collected in sediment traps for quantitative analysis from multiple platforms from 2016-2017 | Sediment trap collector tubes were deployed on various platform designs, including a neutrally-buoyant sediment trap (NBST), a surface tethered sediment trap (STST), and a Wire Walker (WW) trap.
| |
Global sediment trap synthesis; source data from 1987-1999 (U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Phase project results) | | Sediment Trap |
Sediment trap carbon, nitrogen, and isotope, pigment, and 234Th flux from deployments during R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Maine in May of 2017 and 2018. | VERTEX-style, surface-tethered, drifting sediment trap deployments.
| |
Sediment trap flux measurements for the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) project from December 1988 to December 2023 at Station ALOHA | sediment trap array (spar buoy, radiotransmitter, strobe light, floats, trap supports, collector tubes)
| sediment trap array |
Indian Ocean Sediment Trap Data collected from R/V Roger Revelle Cruise RR2201 in the Eastern Indian Ocean (Argo Basin) during February 2022 (BLOOFINZ-IO project) | Data comes from VERTEX-style, surface-tethered, drifting sediment trap deployments. Particle interceptor tubes were deployed on cross-pieces with 8 tubes attached. Tubes were deployed with a dense formaldehyde brine created by adding NaCl and formaldehyde to filtered seawater.
| VERTEX-style Drifting Sediment Traps |
Organic carbon, carbonate, and opal data from Multitracers sediment trap samples | | sediment traps |
Major (Al), minor (Mn, Ba), and trace metal (Cd, Ag, Mo) data from Multitracers sediment trap samples | | bottom-moored sediment traps |
Data on how nutrient and sediment loading affect coral functionality in a tropical branching coral | Traps were constructed with six individual 6 cm diameter (D) x 30 cm height (H) PVC pipes (Storlazzi et al., 2011) that each had a 2 cm D x 4 cm H PVC pipe glued to its side. The smaller PVC pipe slid over an 8-inch long screw that was installed into a cement base.
| sediment traps |
Primary particle flux data (500, 1500, and 3200m depths) of the OFP sediment trap time-series in the northern Sargasso Sea from 1978-2020 | The SCIFF mooring consisted of a single 1.54m2 conical sediment trap located at 3200m water depth (total water depth 4200m). The 1.54m2 trap had only a single collection cup under the trap funnel, and the mooring was recovered every two months to change the sample.
| |
Particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and Thorium-234 measurements collected during the 2012-2013 Palmer Field Season (WAP Carbon export project) | Particle interceptor tubes were deployed on cross-pieces with 4 tubes attached at a depth of 50 m. Tubes were deployed with a dense formaldehyde brine created by adding NaCl and formaldehyde to filtered seawater.
| VERTEX-style bottom-tethered (moored) sediment trap |
Particle bulk d15N values from EXPORTS cruises SR1812 on R/V Sally Ride and RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in August to September 2018 | | surface tethered sediment traps (STT) |
Particle d15N values of amino acids from EXPORTS cruises SR1812 on R/V Sally Ride and RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in August to September 2018 | | surface tethered sediment traps (STT) |
Particle fluxes calculated from gel trap images taken on R/V Endeavor and R/V Falkor cruises off the New England shelf break and in the North Pacific during 2016-2017 | Sediment trap collector tubes were deployed on various platform designs, including a neutrally-buoyant sediment trap (NBST), a surface tethered sediment trap (STST), and a Wire Walker (WW) trap.
| |
Particulate Th-234 collected with surface-tethered sediment traps at Station ALOHA as part of the EAGER chief scientist training cruise (KM1910) in the subtropical North Pacific gyre in June 2019 | Sediment trap array (spar buoy, radiotransmitter, strobe light, floats, trap supports, collector tubes)
| |
BATS phytoplankton and cyanobacteria DGGE DNA data from R/V Atlantic Explorer, R/V Oceanus cruises in the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Station (BATS) from 2008-2010 (Plankton particle flux project) | | Sediment Trap |
Phytoplankton clone library matches collected from the R/V Atlantic Explorer and R/V Oceanus cruises along the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Station (BATS) from 2008-2010 (Plankton particle flux project) | | Sediment Trap |
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) images from eukaryotic and cyanobacterial samples from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Station (BATS), 2008-2010 (Plankton particle flux project) | Standard BATS program trap: the regular 72 hr, fixed tubes deployment as well as a 24 hr, unfixed deployment.
| Sediment Trap |
Particulate carbon, nitrogen and chlorophyll pigments from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Sediment Trap |
Radionuclides, moored sediment trap samples collected from the U.S. JGOFS EqPac Sediment Trap Array in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Sediment Trap |
Formaminiferal Flux acquired by the Santa Barbara Basin Sediment Trap Mooring between 2014 and 2021 | | McLane Parflux 78H sediment trap |
Sediment trap data including biogenic particle fluxes from U.S. JGOFS sediment trap deployments in the North Atlantic in 1989 (U.S. JGOFS NABE project) | | Sediment Trap |
Sediment trap flux data from R/V Weatherbird II WB0409, WB0413, WB0506, WB0508 cruises in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | | Sediment Trap |
Sediment trap carbon, nitrogen, and isotope flux from the "SalpPOOP" cruise on R/V Tangaroa during October and November 2018 | | VERTEX-style, surface-tethered, drifting sediment trap |
Sediment trap chlorophyll a and phaeopigment flux from the "SalpPOOP" cruise on R/V Tangaroa during October and November 2018 | | VERTEX-style, surface-tethered, drifting sediment trap |
Mass flux, organic carbon, organic nitrogen, and biogenic silica flux data from sediment traps in the Ross Sea, 2001-2006 (IVARS project) | bottom-mounted, taut line moorings; trap at 200 m
| McLane Mark 78-H PARFLUX time-series sediment traps |
Time series sediment trap flux data from B/O Hermano Gines in the CARIACO basin ongoing from 1995(CARIACO project) | | Sediment Trap |
Carbon, Nitrogen, biogenic silica, thorium-234, and mass fluxes from upper ocean sediment traps at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) site in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during RRS Discovery cruise DY077 in April of 2017 | PELAGRA, Particle Export LAGRAngian sediment traps, NOC: The PELAGRA trap was designed at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK (Lampitt et al. 2008) and consists of an arrangement of four conical traps (collection area 0.5 m2) around an APEX float (Teledyne-Webb Research, Inc.) with mechanically opening and closing collection cups.
| Particle Export LAGRAngian sediment traps (PELAGRA) |
Carbon, Nitrogen, biogenic silica, thorium-234, and mass fluxes from upper ocean sediment traps at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) site in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during RRS Discovery cruise DY077 in April of 2017 | STT, surface tethered trap, WHOI
| surface tethered trap (STT) |
Sediment trap-derived flux of salp fecal pellets (carbon mass flux) from the "SalpPOOP" cruise on R/V Tangaroa during October and November 2018 | | VERTEX-style, surface-tethered, drifting sediment trap |
Sinking PIC, PC in shallow sediment traps collected along a North Pacific transect between Hawaii and Alaska on R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1712 in August 2017 | Sinking particles were collected using sediment traps at 100 m and 200 m, at 5 different stations along a North Pacific transect between Hawaii and Alaska
| Sediment trap |
Bulk nitrogen and organic carbon isotopes and sinking flux from a Santa Barbara Basin sediment trap time-series (1994-2017) | | |
13C Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) values from Sediment Traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Stable C Isotopes(12C and 13C) from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
234-Thorium Flux from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Bulk pumped particles from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Sediment trap deployment summary from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Dissolved Thorium isotopes from sediment trap slurper particles from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Particle size summary of >10 um fraction from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Summary of Chlorophyll sinking rates (PhytoSRsTA) from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Summary of Chlorophyll sinking rates (PhytoSRsTS) from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Phytopigment flux from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Phytoplankton counts in trap samples from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Water column Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) and Particulate Organic Nitrogen (PON) results from Sediment Traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Water column biogenic silica (Psi) values from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Silica dissolution estimates from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Size-fractionated Th, POC/PON, and 13Corg isotope results from Sediment Traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Total mass flux from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Total Particulate Nitrogen (PN) flux from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Total Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) flux from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Total biogenic silica (Psi) flux from sediment traps from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project) | MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted;
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
| Sediment Trap |
Deep sea sediment trap particle flux data from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and R/V Roger Revelle cruises and Sediment Traps in the Southern Ocean, 1996-1998 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | | Sediment Trap |
Deep sea sediment trap particle flux from U.S. JGOFS Sediment Traps from the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | | Sediment Trap |
Marine sediment trap metagenomes from R/V Kilo Moana KM1215, KM1219 in the Station ALOHA, an oligotrophic station 100 miles north of Oahu, Hawaii, July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) | A HOE-DYLAN 5 sediment trap filled with brine/preservative solution and screened with 335 micron mesh was deployed at station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre from July 14, 2012 to July 26, 2012.
filled with brine/preservative solution and screened with 335 micron mesh was deployed at station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre from July 14, 2012 to July 26, 2012.
| HOE-DYLAN 5 sediment trap |
Deep sea sediment trap biomarker data from U.S. JGOFS Sediment Traps from the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project) | | Sediment Trap |
Radionuclides from moored sediment trap samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruises and JGOFS AESOPS Sediment Traps in the Southern Ocean in 1997 (U.S. JGOFS AESOPS project) | | Sediment Trap |
Annual summaries for EqPac sediment trap particulates collected from the U.S. JGOFS EqPac Sediment Trap Array in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Sediment Trap |
Particulate Carbon, Nitrogen and carbohydrates from U.S. JGOFS Eqpac Moored Sediment Trap Array in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Sediment Trap |
EqPac sediment trap particulates collected from the U.S. JGOFS Eqpac Moored Sediment Trap Array in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Sediment Trap |
Preliminary sediment trap particulates collected from the U.S. JGOFS Eqpac Moored Sediment Trap Array in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Sediment Trap |
Sinking Particles from R/V Kaiyo-Maru cruise KY0103-02 in the Northwestern Sub-Arctic Pacific in 2001 (SEEDS I project) | | Sediment Trap |
Sinking particle from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1910 in June 2019 | Spar buoy, radiotransmitter, strobe light, floats, trap supports, collector tubes.
| Sediment trap array |
Particulate isotope flux rates from surface tethered trap samples from cruises TT007, TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Sediment Trap |
Sediment trap flux data with Thorium-234 from R/V Weatherbird II WB0409, WB0413, WB0506, WB0508 cruises in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project) | VERTEX style sediment traps (Knauer et al. 1979; Martin et al. 1987)
| Sediment Trap |