Mathew Biddle

Affiliation: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0003-4897-1669

Project: CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program (10 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Biogeochemistry and microbiology from the R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 to 2015 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-06-03Final no updates expected
Time series composite CTD profiles from R/V Hermano Ginés cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-06-04Final no updates expected
Time-series Niskin-bottle sample data from R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-06-06Final no updates expected
CARIACO time series individual CTD profiles from B/O Hermano Gines HG93_CARIACO in the CARIACO basin from 1995-2017 (CARIACO project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-07-17Final with updates expected
Time-Series of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Density collected by the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Project from November 1995 to January 2017

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-08-14Final no updates expected
Zooplankton biomass and species composition and abundance in the southeastern Caribbean Sea (Cariaco Basin) from October 2001 – January 2017 collected by the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-08-14Final no updates expected
Time series HPLC pigment data as measured by Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) from B/O Hermano Gines cruises CAR-124 to CAR-175 in the CARIACO basin from 2006-07-04 to 2010-12-08 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-24Final no updates expected
Time series HPLC pigment data as measured by the Bermuda Biological Research Station (BBRS) from B/O Hermano Gines cruises CAR-002 to CAR-030 in the CARIACO basin from 1995-12-13 through 1998-04-21 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-24Final no updates expected
Time series HPLC pigment data as measured by MOTE Marine Laboratory & Aquarium from B/O Hermano Gines cruises CAR-031 to CAR-068 in the CARIACO basin from 1998-06-09 to 2001-07-10 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-23Final no updates expected
Time series HPLC pigment data as measured by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center from B/O Hermano Gines cruises CAR-176 to CAR-232 in the CARIACO basin from 2011-01-11 through 2017-01-12 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-24Final no updates expected

Project: Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (2 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Surface water total dissolvable lead concentrations near Station ALOHA from 1997 to 2013

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2020-02-11Final no updates expected
Surface and profile concentrations of trace metals and radionuclides near Station ALOHA

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2020-02-11Final no updates expected

Project: Killer Seaweeds: Allelopathy against Fijian Corals (6 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Percent growth of corals in experimental plots for month 4 and month 16

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-02-21Data not available
Frequency of coral species richness in 36 cm × 36 cm quadrats from field surveys on a fringing reef in Fiji

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-02-21Data not available
Densities of corallivorous gastropods in 36 cm × 36 cm plots on a fringing reef in Fiji

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-02-22Data not available
Macroalgal biomass at month 16 in experimental plots on a fringing reef in Fiji.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-02-25Preliminary and in progress
Macroalgal cover at month 4 in experimental plots on a fringing reef in Fiji.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-02-25Data not available
Percent tissue mortality of corals in experimental plots at month 4 and 16 on a fringing reef in Fiji.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-02-25Data not available

Project: Microbial Regulation of Greenhouse Gas N2O Emission from Intertidal Oyster Reefs (3 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Open Mesocosm Oyster 15N2 and N2O

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-31Final no updates expected
Closed Oyster Mesocosm 15N Tracer (Oyster Reef N2O Emission project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-31Final no updates expected
N2O, 15N2, 15N tissue tracer in oyster aquariums (Oyster Reef N2O Emission project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-12-31Final no updates expected

Project: Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences (37 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Examing the abundance of alive and recently consumed vermetids in the presence and absence of muricid, Mancinella armigera from September to October 2013 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Effects of vermetids on Pocillopora growth and survival

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Concentration of Fluorescein dye after release over corals in the Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

Retention of Fluorescein dye over corals in the presence and absence of vermetids in Moorea, French Polynesia from June to July 2017 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Oxygen concentrations measured at increasing distances over coral-algal interactions at Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Light sensor measurements in the presence and absence of vermetid mucus nets at Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Oxygen concentrations measured at increasing distances over coral-algal interactions at Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Mass mortality of the vermetid gastropod Ceraesignum maximum

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Counts of vermetids at reefs before, during and after the die off in Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Size comparisons of vermetids between 2008 and 2015 at Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Lab experiment to test effects of live coral from Porites lobata, Pocillopora sp., Porites rus, and Millepora on Caerasignum maximum larvae after 24 hours.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Lab experiment to test settlement of Caerasignum maximum larvae to live coral from Porites lobata, Pocillopora sp., Porites rus, and Millepora after 2-6 hours (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Lab experiment to test effects of short-term exposure to live coral from corals, Porites lobata, Pocillopora sp., Porites rus, on Caerasignum maximum larvae (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Settlement of Ceraesignum (previoulsy Dendropoma) maximum to plots where the amount of live coral is manipulated in Moorea, French Polynesia from 2008-2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Settlement of Ceraesignum (previoulsy Dendropoma) maximum to rubble within plots where the amount of live coral is manipulated in Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Location, size, and brooding status of female Dendropoma (now Ceraesignum) maximum in Moorea, French Polynesia from April to September 2008 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Length of egg capsules and classification of developmental stage of larvae in capsules of female Dendropoma (now Ceraesignum) maximum in Moorea, French Polynesia from April to September 2008 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Wet weight of females and the number of egg capsules from the same individual at Moorea, French Polynesia from April to September 2008 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Measurements of female Dendropoma maximum (now Ceraesignum maximum) snails, their weight, egg capsule length and number of larvae in capsules in Moorea, French Polynesia from April to September 2008 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Location of collections, the month of collections, the sex, shell opening diameter, length of snail, and blotted wet weight of snail in Moorea, French Polynesia from April to September 2008 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Lab experiment to determine survival and mortality of Ceraesignum (formerly Dendropoma) maximum after 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days depending on food in Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Sizes of Ceraesignum maximum larvae in lab experiment after 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days depending on food in Moorea, French Polynesia from September to October 2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Settlement challenge experiment after 10 days post hatch in Moorea, French Polynesia from September to October 2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Settlement challenge experiment after 18 days post hatch in Moorea, French Polynesia from September to October 2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Lab experiment to determine survival and mortality of Ceraesignum (formerly Dendropoma) maximum after 3, 6, and 9, days depending on amount fed in Moorea, French Polynesia from October 2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Protoconch size at days 0 and 11 of Ceraesignum maximum larvae after 3, 6, and 9 days depending food level in Moorea, French Polynesia (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Velum sizes of Ceraesignum maximum larvae in lab experiment after 3, 6, 9 days depending on food level in Moorea, French Polynesia from October 2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Experiment 2: Settlement challenge experiment after 6 days post hatch in Moorea, French Polynesia from October 2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Experiment 2: Settlement challenge experiment after 8 days post hatch in Moorea, French Polynesia from October, 2009 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Experiments to quantify the effects of vermetids on skeletal growth and survival in Moorea, French Polynesia from (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Field surveys that compare the relationship between dead coral and the number of Ceraesignum (Dendropoma) maximum in Moorea, French Polynesia from (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
The effects of vermetids and sediments on coral growth in Moorea, French Polynesia from June to August 2012 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Sediment removal rates during experiment in which sedimentation was applied to treatment corals in Moorea, French Polynesia from June to August 2012 (Vermetids_Corals project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Preliminary and in progress
Effect of distance between coral lesions on tissue regeneration and skeletal growth at two sites on the backreef on either side of Cook’s Bay in Moorea, French Polynesia from May, 2012 through July, 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-19Final no updates expected
Effect of distance between coral lesions on coral linear extension from experiments in Moorea, French Polynesia from May, 2013 through May, 2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-20Final no updates expected
Photoquadrat surveys of coral lesions at two sites on the backreef of Cook’s Bay in Moorea, French Polynesia from May through July 2012

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-20Final no updates expected
Coral growth and morphology based on snail presence from experiments in Moorea, French Polynesia from May, 2013 through May, 2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-09-23Final no updates expected

Project: Cryptic density dependence: the effects of spatial, ontogenetic, and individual variation in reef fish (21 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
The influence of structural refuge, competition and their interaction on the early post-settlement survival of transplanted Thalassoma hardwicke (the sixbar wrasse) in Moorea, French Polynesia from 2005-2007 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Field assay experiment data to determine if the presence of larger individuals of T. hardwicke adversely affects the survival of focal individuals in Moorea, French Polynesia from 2005-2007 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Survey to quantify habitat association for juvenile T. hardwicke in Moorea, French Polynesia from 2005-2007 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Survey to quantify habitat availability for juvenile T. hardwicke in Moorea, French Polynesia from 2005-2007 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Data generated from the manipulative experiments in Moorea, French Polynesia from February-August 2007 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Description of the background community of reefs used in an experiment at Moorea, French Polynesia from February-August 2007 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Size of individuals used within each experiment at Moorea, French Poynesia from February-August 2007 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Attack rates and handling time of prey based on prey density at Moorea, French Polynesia on May 2008 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Size of sea hares effect on predation risk in Moorea, French Polynesia from May 2008 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Cyanobaterica production alteration from nudibranchs and sea hares through a trophic cascade in Moorea, French Polynesia from (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Survival and behavioral results from the experiment conducted at Moorea, French Polynesia from April to May 2008 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Size distribution of Pocillopora colonies used in the experiment at Moorea, French Polynesia from April to June 2008 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Background fish community at the start of the experimental run in the experiment at Moorea, French Polynesia from April to May 2008 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Size distribution of Thalassoma quinquevittatum standard length in the experiment at Moorea, French Polynesia from April to May 2008 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Survival of focal individuals from the experiment on relative competitive abilities of juveniles of three closely related species of reef fish in Moorea, French Polynesia from May to June 2012 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Standard length of individuals from an experiment in Moorea, French Polynesia from May to June 2012 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Background fish community at the start of each experimental run for an experiment in Moorea, French Polynesia from May to June 2008 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Spatial covariance on the background fish community at the start of experimental runs in Moorea, French Polynesia from 2003-2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Part 1 of a 2 part manipulative experiment to investigate the existence of cooperative synergy in defensive behaviors of ‘guard’ crustaceans at Gump Research Station, Moorea, French Polynesia from July 2006 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Part 2 of a 2 part manipulative experiment to investigate the existence of cooperative synergy in defensive behaviors of ‘guard’ crustaceans at Gump Research Station, Moorea, French Polynesia from July 2006 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected
Settlement events and survivorship of six bar wrasse cohorts in the lagoons surrounding the island of Moorea, French Polynesia from 1996-1997 (CDD_in_Reef_Fish project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-10-05Final no updates expected

Project: Microbial ecosystems in silico, in the lab and in the field: understanding interactions between abundant marine bacterial taxa (2 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
CTD profiles from six cruises to the Eastern Mediterranean from 2014-2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2022-02-03Final no updates expected
Results of computer simulations of inter-microbial metabolic exchange.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2022-02-03Final no updates expected

Project: Experimental constraints on marine Fe isotope effects - Biology, ligands, and particles (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Experimental determination of Fe isotope effect for reduction from Fe(III) to Fe(II)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-05-09Data not available

Project: Food web dynamics in an intact ecosystem: the role of top predators in McMurdo Sound (2 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Acoustic backscatter from krill and silverfish in McMurdo Sound from 2014-2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-31Final no updates expected
Acoustic backscatter from sites in McMurdo Sound from 2014-2015 (McMurdo Predator Prey project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-02-21Final no updates expected

Project: Trophic consequences of ocean acidification: Intertidal sea star predators and their grazer prey (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Effects of ocean acidification on anti-predator behavior of snails from Bodega Bay, CA.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2017-08-19Final no updates expected

Project: RUI-LTREB Renewal: Three decades of coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 2014-2019 (14 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Coral community structure at Yawazi Point and Tektite in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-28Final no updates expected
Coral community structure at pooled random sites between Cabritte Horn and White Point in St. John before and after five hurricanes from 1988–2017

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-28Final no updates expected
Summed coral cover along the four accessory transects in St. John from 1989 to 2017

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-28Final no updates expected
Peyssonnelia abundance along the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands from surveys during 2015

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-26Final no updates expected
Mean monthly seawater temperatures in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1989-2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-26Final no updates expected
Coral reef community structure on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-26Final no updates expected
Coral reef abundance on shallow reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands, 1992-2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-26Final no updates expected
Physical conditions during coral reef surveys of St. John, US Virgin Islands, from 1989-2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-11-26Final no updates expected
Long-term variation in growth of Orbicella in association with variation in Symbiodinium genotypes from 1994-2009

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-12-06Final no updates expected
Symbiodinium sequence abundance in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1994-2010 (RUI-LTREB project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral cover in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral mortality and growth in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2006-2016 (RUI-LTREB project)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral cover, density, and recruits averages per site in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-12-06Final no updates expected
Coral cover, density, and recruits averages per year in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-2016

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-12-06Final no updates expected

Project: Biopolymers as carrier phases for selected natural radionuclides (of Th, Pa, Pb, Po, Be) in diatoms and coccolithophores (13 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Po, Pb and Be partition coefficients on nanoparticles from laboratory experiments

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-14Final no updates expected
Coccolithophore-associated organic biopolymers for fractionating particle-reactive radionuclides (234Th, 233Pa, 210Pb, 210Po, and 7Be)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-05-15Final no updates expected
Experimental observations of radionuclide uptake by colloidal and particulate humic acids obtained from 14 soils collected worldwide

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-01Final no updates expected
Partitioning of iron and plutonium in exopolymeric substances and intracellular biopolymers: a comparison study between the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and the diatom Skeletonema costatum

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-08Final no updates expected
Absorbance from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy sample characterization experiments.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-10Final no updates expected
Activity percent and composition percent of radionuclides, protein, carbohydrates, and iron at various pH levels using isoelectric focusing of radionuclide-labeled EPS

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-10Final no updates expected
Partition coefficient of 234Th, 233Pa, 210Pb, 210Po, and 7Be

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-10Final no updates expected
Experiments evaluating protein size distribution pattern in EPS Si+ and EPS Si2 using sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-10Final no updates expected
Sampling locations and ancillary data for bulk chemical and molecular characterization of organic carriers and their partition coefficients with radionuclide marine tracers.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-11Final no updates expected
Partition coefficients of the radionuclide into colloidal organic matter from seawater of the west Pacific Ocean and the northern Gulf of Mexico

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-11Final no updates expected
Isoelectric focussing electrophoresis of percent activity of radioisotopes and major constituents incubated in natural colloidal organic matter collected from stations E1, E3, C9, C11

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-11Final no updates expected
Percent amount of organic fractions from diatoms that bind with radionuclides

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-11Final no updates expected
Percent activity of organic fractions from diatoms that bind with radionuclide

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-04-11Final no updates expected

Project: REU Site: Ocean Observing for Emerging Ocean Scientists (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Hydrographic, nutrient and oxygen data from CTD bottles during R/V Pelican cruises from 2016-06-29 to 2018-06-24

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-01-28Final no updates expected

Project: Edginess in the subsurface: Microbial diversity of deep subseafloor ecotones (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
16S gene sequencing of microbial communities in South China Sea sediments from January to March 2014

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2018-09-05Final no updates expected

Project: Collaborative Research: Inferring Marine Particle Properties from Polarized Volume Scattering Functions (2 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Hydrosol optical properties refractive index physical quantities

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-05-07Data not available
Hydrosol optical properties refractive index scattering angle

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-05-07Data not available

Project: Develop a 1D biogeochemical-evolutionary model for deep sediments (3 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Modeling bio-energetics for South Pacific Gyre marine sediment at site U1370

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-12-20Final no updates expected
Calculated power from the oxidation of necromass that is produced in marine sediment on a global scale.

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-12-20Final no updates expected
Calculated power from the oxidation of biomolecules with oxygen at South Pacific Gyre (hole U1370, IODP Expedition 329)

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-12-20Final no updates expected

Project: A power law model of dynamic marine phytoplankton stoichiometry (1 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
MESMO global model output for glacial simulations with dynamic C:N:P ratios

Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager

2019-12-18Final no updates expected